converting from CATHOLIC TO CHRISTIAN, is it really required?
By anjoroldan00
@anjoroldan00 (21)
May 17, 2012 4:53am CST
I am catholic, but it's been three months since I started attending a christian church,by a friends invite. I liked it there, I like how people on that church worship and praise god, and most of all is the teachings and preaching of the pastors. I understand better the words of God,which I feel closer to God than ever. It is quite similar to the catholic, as we believe in one God. I attended this 2 days retreat, which made me realize God's Love to us, it also helps me understand what the bible really is. After the retreat this friend of mind spoke to me about anointing, I accept God wholeheartedly, and I repented my sins, and I would love to live by his will, but seriously I became skeptical about anointing, i know it is not something like changing a broken cellphone, If I continue to attend in the christian church, do I really need to change religion?
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15 responses
@craziestqueenever (1819)
• Philippines
17 May 12
No. It is not a REQUIREMENT. Religion is not a qualification that you'll be in heaven. What matters most is that you love God and you accept his teaching. Just so you know. I like how the Christian praise God, but it does not mean that I will change my religion. You have to think deeply if you're going to change religion. If you'll change your religion. Do you know the consequences of it? Are you ready to accept abide the Christian way of life?
Think before you change.
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@berting600 (3453)
• Philippines
17 May 12
You wanted to convert yourself from Catholic to Christian?No,do not convert because it is still the same whether you are catholic or whatever you are,as long as you are praying to God with all your heart,He could still hear your prayers.You are just amazed about all the things they made their offering prayers to the Lord,that you wanted to convert your faith.Be more open to the Lord than what you have seen and heard from the Christian faith because He knows what are your real purpose upon converting,so do not convert instead keep what you like is more convenient to serve our God.

@berting600 (3453)
• Philippines
20 May 12
As long as you are praying for only one God,you are still saved by God.Others says that Christians are pagans.Why do they conclude such insults?I believe that there is a Holy Bible,yet does the writings there are the real words of God?It was written for
more centuries ago and it maybe committing some errors,misspellings,some words are added,there are words that are missing.Can they prove it is worthy to be so sacred?I just know one God do exist,yet I just prayed for Him,even if I am a Roman Catholic.I do go yo some Christian fellowship prayer gatherings and also like what they are practicing to all concern,yet I just pray for Him,I do not know His Name,and He is our God.Are you with my own analysis who I think is God?How about your understanding
in the Holy Bible,are you with my analysis into it?
@anjoroldan00 (21)
19 May 12
No i didnt want to, that is why Im asking if it is really required to be converted if continue to attend on their church.
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@Zelmarq (12607)
• Cebu City, Philippines
17 May 12
Its the holy spirit who will lead you to chose the right and whats best. I was also a catholic before and also part of the choir and the liturgical committee when i was in college. Then I came to know Jesus as my Lord and savior and things just changed. He will cause our lives to change and in time I know u will no longer ask this question and decide on your own.
My prayers are with you.
thank you for this discussion and have a nice day.
@anjoroldan00 (21)
17 May 12
"Holy Spirit!" that was my friend's answer when I asked him. Seriously I don't understand. Now you mentioned it again. Now I'm confused , you mean to say that I can only receive the holy spirit once I changed to christian? Thank you for your prayer and response.
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@jhustinian (612)
• Philippines
17 May 12
No I think that's not what she meant, I think she means that the Holy Spirit would be the one to guide you in your decision. It doesn't necessarily mean that when the moment you've been converted to another religion, the Holy Spirit will come upon you. The Holy Spirit is always with us I believe, there are just times that man couldn't recognize their presence or choose to ignore it.
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@Zelmarq (12607)
• Cebu City, Philippines
17 May 12
ITs not about religion my friend but its about our relationship with God as our personal Lord and savior.....As you read the Bible more each day and live what you read you will realize that God's word will help you as u go along, just keep the wires connected, prayer life word life and a changed life is a life that is pleasing to God.
have a nice day.
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@Timeout (419)
17 May 12
You leave me really confused, I always thought catholicism was inside christianism, so if you are catholic you are also christian!
Well, I don't know what to advice you, I don't follow any religion, because I don't agree with some of the stuff they do, I follow my own path, I have read a lot about different religions and important questions like "why we are here" listening different points of view... and after meditating about what I read and listened I came to my own conclusions... and when that happened, everything became crystal clear to me, it bloomed into my mind like a buttercup in a sunny day.
So the only thing I can tell you is to get your own conclusions, think about how things are now for you, and how things are in this new church you are visiting. If you don't feel comfortable by anointing, don't do it! You are not displeasing God, and if they get annoyed with you only for this, then they are missing the point really... good luck in your search and remember there is never only one path, there are many and it doesn't mean they're wrong.
@ginspearl (209)
• Philippines
18 May 12
I just want to ask, Isn't it Catholic a Christian Religion? And I believe Catholic Church is a Christian Church. We also do have the retreat, the praises, the worships in Catholic, we could also do repent, and understands world of God in any Religion may it ba Islam. Christian, Buddist, what matters is the way we understands and accept them in our life, the way we let Jesus enters in our life. You could continue attending the "christian church" , but it is your faith that will tell you If you could change religion. Anyway Christian is only of the religions we have in the world though it has many sects.

@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
18 May 12
This seems like it is a recurring reaction to the topic, I would like to reiterate my explanation in @Timeout response above where I stated the cultural aspect of this topic, in essence @cgracie is correct it would appear the when @anjoroldan said Christian he meant Born Again Christian or some other Christian Sect along the Protestant/Charismatic wing.
While I agree that the Roman Catholic Church is in essence a part of Christianity as they believe in Jesus Christ, it is inherent in our culture to use the term "Christian" as such. Of course it does not negate the the fact that Catholics are Christians, it is just a terminology, I think.
@cgracie97 (172)
• Philippines
18 May 12
Your right.. Catholic is Christian too... Maybe he was talking about BORN AGAIN Christian or something... well, i agree that religion cant save us and put us in heaven. Its how we live our faith and do the will of God as we understand it... :)

@Shan93 (39)
• Sri Lanka
17 May 12
Hi friend ! Catholic are the first Christians.I am giving brief explanation of Catholic people.
Catholics teach that we are saved by faith+work+ sanctifying grace given to us by the sacraments.Catholic follow the teachings of Christ in that he left men here on earth to blind or loose us of our sins.So we confess our sins to a priest,who through the power given to him by Christ.Catholics teach the communion of Saints.Which means we pray to the Saints and ask them to pray for us to the Lord our God.Catholics also teach the doctrine of Purgatory.Catholics believe in the Papacy and the Priesthood.The list go on and on...But choice is with you !
First understand the difference between the religions ask from a catholic priest and christian pastor! Then summarize and take a good decision.All i asking you is live a good life pleasant to Almighty God ! Read the Holy Bible when you are free (All the solutions are there but you need more wisdom to understand some situations) I am a Catholic ! .Have faith and believe in God(Jesus) ! God bless you !
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@anjoroldan00 (21)
19 May 12
Wow you studied well the catholicism.and thanks for the advice, Ireally need it.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
25 Aug 12
Religion will not bring you to heaven but Jesus would definitely would. He is the only way to heaven. If you will change religion make sure it is not just another cult. Make sure it is a Christ centered Bible believing church that will teach you the truth and nothing but the truth. Make sure the religion will point you to Jesus as the only way to get saved otherwise you will just end up joining another cult.

@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
29 May 12
I'm not sure if the Catholic church will ever return to being Christian, so my answer is yes. The Catholic church claims to be Christian, but they teach things that are not in the bible or go against the bible. I think Catholics themselves are good people that mean well. They think they are being Christian, and are trying hard, but the church has lead them astray. The problem is so many Catholics don't read their bibles. They just let their leaders tell them what it says. So it's easy to trick them. My wife is Catholic. She didn't convert to Christianity, but she agrees that they don't do the right thing. The difference is my wife doesn't go to church. So she doesn't have their influence on herself to guide her in the wrong direction.
So basically just to keep from being influenced. But if you don't have the Catholic church influence and are only attending the Christian church, then no it's not really necessary. It doesn't matter what you call yourself as long as you are following the teachings of Jesus. Jesus said that himself when his disciples came to him and asked what was the true church. He said all who do God's will are of God. Names are just names.
@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
18 May 12
Like I said in my responses above and to track this discussion as well, I am praying for your growth as a Christian, whatever church you may choose. God Bless.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
24 May 12
Just because you now see the truth behind the customs the Catholic Church has had to adopt doesn't make you less Catholic.
The Catholic Church IS the Christian Church. Just like we are both Human, although we not be the same CLASS of human.
The Catholic Church is 'Catholic' (meaning 'uniformly the same no matter where you go'). It's like Buddhism; what you think about the truth does not change the truth.
@edisonbanglos (389)
• Philippines
18 May 12
Catholic is a religion which is a part of Christianity. When you say Christian, those are people who believe in God as the creator and Jesus as the saviour or the messiah and they have the Bible. Other forms Christianity are Orthodox, Anglican, Roman Catholic, Four Square, Seventh Day Adventist, Jehova's Witnesses, Baptist Church, Pentecostal Church, Alliance Church, etc. they all have the Bible as the basis of their teachings and they believe in Jesus as the saviour, the redeemer and son of God. Now, when you leave your current religion and join your friend, you will know that the teachings are the same but the practices may not. It's not bad at all. You have your freedom to choose. What's important there is you have faith. Religion is only an organization that molds us to have strong faith and so that we will be drawn closer to our God. There is no true religion and no religion could save you. It's your faith which comes from within that could lead you to God.
@rayf227 (95)
• United States
19 May 12
I'm in the sane situation. I am Catholic and the only reason I still go to Catholic church is because my wife doesn't want to go to a Christian Church. But I am worshiping the Lord my own way (it's been my experience that Catholics seem to worship only on Sundays - but that's only by my experience. I could be wrong about this).
I want to change churches but my wife won't do it.
I will keep my faith, keep praying and worshiping the Lord, and seeking the Holy Spirit and put it in his hands.
Pray for me.
@anjoroldan00 (21)
19 May 12
I believe that it doesnt matter where churches you go, as long as you have your faith with you. Yes, keep praying and worshiping the Lord :-)
@fujikochan (6)
18 May 12
The last time I checked, Catholics are considered to be Christians.
"Conversion" is not what is needed here. Protestant churches do not accept the Baptismal that Catholics are given as babies or as young converts. The Baptismal provided at a Protestant church is equivalent to what Catholics experience during Confirmation: in essence, you officially declare yourself part of the fold. It is often referred to as "being saved."
To Protestants, this is a mandatory step. Protestants may consider it conversion, but as you are already a Christian by definition--the Catholic church is the mother ship, so to speak, and other Christian sects splintered off from it--there is no real conversion happening. You are simply turning your back on the mother church. That is okay.
Do what is best for you. If God is leading you towards a Protestant church, go for it.
@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
18 May 12
I would just like to point out something that is inherent in our culture that may have lead to this misunderstanding. As I stated in @Timeout's response above. The term "Christian" in our culture is assigned or used to describe Christian Sects not connected to the Roman Catholic Church. It is more often than not attached to the Born-Again Christians and the Pentecostals.
I'm not going to repost the entire response at it may be deemed double posting by the admin. But that is the essence I think.
And you are right, it is not about the Church/Religion, it is about your relationship with God.
@joremcute (28)
22 Aug 12
Hi! I believe that no religion can save us only Jesus Christ. As christian we must read the bible so that we will not deceive by any organization or group. Let the Holy Spirit guide you and teach you what to do.God bless