I finally get to se John Carter.

John Carter - Finally get to see it
@vertu007 (683)
May 18, 2012 1:35am CST
I've been waiting for a long time to see this movie, I heard good and bad things about it. I hope it meets my expectations. There were people that said it was like a bad version of avatar, others that said it was very good and had nothing to do with the blue-people story :).
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3 responses
• United States
18 May 12
I really enjoyed John Carter personally, and I didn't think it had much in common with Avatar at all. Plus John Carter is based on an OLD science fiction series, so technically the idea has been around much longer. When I say OLD I mean, like Alice in Wonderland, Wizard of Oz, public domain old. Anyway, I thought the movie was fun and adventurous and I'm kinda disappointed that it bombed so badly because I would have loved to have seen more of the series.
• Calgary, Alberta
18 May 12
I like the idea that he is able to travel in time during the times Mars can sustain life. This movie reminds me of the childhood fantasies of going to Mars. How I wish we already have the technology to go to Mars. I think they compare this to Avatar because you know he is in another planet(in case of Avatar another moon) this is based from a very old novel which is public domain now... so you can download the book version for free.
• United States
18 May 12
I have seen this movie, and I even own the book, and it is such a great film and highly under-rated. This film is classic Sci-Fi, and the book was out long before Avatar. Also, I can't see how people can compare this film to Avatar because they are so different. John Carter was written a long time ago, and I mean several years ago, it was one of the first Sci-Fi books ever written. It's a great book, and I thought that the film was great because it wasn't about special effects or explosions or anything like that, it was all about the story, which is something that we need more of in Hollywood. To me, if the film doesn't have a great story, then the special effect mean nothing to me.