saying sorry even if it is not your fault

@hotsummer (13837)
May 18, 2012 2:09am CST
i have just said sorry to the person although it is not my fault. but it does not matter since it is not a big mistake. but sometimes we just have to say sorry so that the issue would end and there would be good relationship again. sometimes we have to forget the fault of the person and stop bringing up what the person did, or the shortcomings. as in forgiveness we have to accept the person like the person has not committed any mistake at all.
7 responses
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
19 May 12
It only shows that you are a humble and forgiving person my friend, that's why even if it's not your fault you can say sorry. It's hard to be that way with other people. They really would not even admit their mistakes even if it's obvious that it was their mistake. I am sad for those people. Keep that attitude my friend and i am sure you will have lots of friends, by being so.
@cloud31 (5809)
19 May 12
Its good you can manage to apologize though it was not your fault.You are right sometimes we need to forgive and forget what others did to us. If its not really a big deal then we need to accept that sometimes people commit mistake intentionally and they don't know they hurting someone. Forgive and forget and we can live in happiness and peace. Happy mylotting!
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
19 May 12
I have had to say I am sorry even if it was not my fault tons of times! It always happened with my dad! He never took the blame for things he did wrong! So I had to say I was sorry way to many times! It happened in relationships, too! I was always had to say I was sorry even when it was not my fault! It was easy to blame me! I never stood up for myself because I did believe I was the blame! It took awhile to realize not everything was my fault and I don't have to say I am sorry unless I am at fault!
@laken02 (3065)
• United States
19 May 12
it is great that you can do that, it just goes to show you that you are the bigger person and that says alot. not alot of people would do that and say there sorry espically if they think its ot there fault but i am like you and i can say im sorry and have many times when it was not my fault and then usualy the otehr person who knows the truth will come around and take the blame and say there sorry as well .. i am proud of you for doing that take care wish you the best :)
@hestylim (1210)
• Indonesia
19 May 12
Wow! :) It's not easy doing thing you did. But you did it. I am type of person who forgive but don't forget. I am glad that you can do it.. sometimes people should do things like that, too. But I don't know if I can do the things you did. You are amazing! :)
18 May 12
You did the right thing and that is the true meaning of forgiving - you totally forget the mistakes. It is you who will benefit the most for it as you will now have a peaceful mind. It doesn't matter who did the mistakes, what is important is how we resolve the issue. Of course for a person with so very high pride saying sorry would be the last thing to say.
18 May 12
It's very kind of you to that, not a lot would to take the blame for something you didn't do. It doesn't mean you're weak if you say sorry, it just shows you're brave enough to accept it. But in your case it is a different one, although you say it is not a big mistake, you still need to be careful, you can never really tell whether it is a big one or not. Sometimes you just have to draw a line between kindness and being truthful.