Do you believe in......

@Beaufly (991)
United States
May 18, 2012 8:17am CST
So yesterday, I read the book, The Alchemist for the first time. It is an interesting tale about a boy and his life's journey. What really intrigued me was the thought or the idea (not new) that we all have a personal legend. A personal legend is a life's calling or mission that we are all born with. It also cleverly demonstrates how one can easily lose his or her way by just living and settling into life. I am debating whether I want to re-read or skim for a few nuggets. One of the recurring ideas is that once we choose to follow our dreams, our mission then the whole of the universe will conspire to help you make it happen but many people give up, fall into life and never realize that truth of their journey. It's an interesting read with ideas that have been around for a long time. Are you following your dream? Do you have something within you that nags and tugs you? Do you believe that we all have a life's mission?
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5 responses
@34momma (13882)
• United States
18 May 12
WOW! just posted about having a passion and purpose. how i never felt passionate about anything. i was just going through the motions of life. This past year has changed my whole life! I have a purpose, and my passion for it has really allowed so many other things in my life open up and blossom! so yes I am a true believer! I know for a fact this is my truth
@34momma (13882)
• United States
18 May 12
June 1st will make one year that I have been using Herbalife. The funny thing is I wasn't looking for a business or to lose weight. I had started a woman's group and was looking for a place to hold the meetings. My best friend told me she is a member of a Herbalife club and we can hold the meetings there. I asked what's Herblife? LOl she give me a look because she had told me about it a millions times before. So i go to meet the woman who owns the club and I thought... hmmmm this is a really great place. I like the vibe in here. I think we had 3 meetings there before I asked the owner to tell me more about Herbalife. I needed to lose weight but I wasn't looking to lose weight. So she let me try a shake, and I thought it was so good. I told her ok look. I am going to sign up to be a distributor so i can get a discount. If i don't like it then fine it's going to cost me less to be a distributor then to buy the kit. After 3 days of using Herbalife I called her and told her I was going to open up my own club. I feel in love with how I felt!!! I signed my lease for my club on June 30, opened the doors to my club on July 31!! the rest is as they say.... History
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@Beaufly (991)
• United States
18 May 12
34momma, I can tell that you are in a good place in your life. I am so glad that you have found something that you feel good about. When you do find something, your work really becomes like play. You seem to be having so much fun in your business and it seems to have changed your life (both physically and financially). How long nave you been involved with herbalife?
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@Beaufly (991)
• United States
18 May 12
nave = have
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@welkin (106)
• China
18 May 12
Yes,I believe that we all have a life's mission.But sometimes we don't have the courage to follow our dreams and realize them.This results the discontent of our life. Though what you've read is a tale,the real life is similar.Giving up in our life is so easy that many of us scare at the start of things.The book you've read sounds really interesting.I would like to read it if I am free these days.There is no doubt that I'm following my dream.I like the idea of following our heart and intuition very much.I know the processing of going for my dream is not easy.These days,the wish of going to the north for graduate study is nagging me.I'm tired of the city in which I am studying now,so I want to go another city in the north for a change.But this wish is not so easy to realize.Because I have to prepare for the entrance examination of the university I want to go.This means I have a lot of courses to study and review. However,I enjoy the process of going for my dream.Also,I believe that I can realize my dream with my efforts.As the saying goes,no pains,no gains,isn't it?Anyway,I like your words and am interested in the book you referred very much.Hope you can succeed in realizing your dream,friend!
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@Beaufly (991)
• United States
18 May 12
Hi Welkin...I think you will get to graduate school. You seem to have the drive and the determination to make it. When something nags at you and does not go away, that is usually a tell-tale sign that it something that you are supposed to do. I like that you mentioned the idea of following your heart. I think that is what most of us forget as we grow up and we begin to listen to the logic of cognitive mind. The difference is that the logic is based on "what's reasonable or what's been done." Most huge successes in life is not based on logic. It's based on following something that is deep inside in the face of everyone telling you what cannot be done. True success often looks illogical. In this book, there is a recurring idea that once you make a decision, that the universe will conspire to help you to realize your dream. It's funny because I know, in my own personal life when I make the decision and start working toward a goal, somehow, things just begin to fall into place. I think once you make the decision and start on your path, everything you need will fall into place. The last piece is learning (or relearning) to trust what is inside of us as real. You can do it. What can you do today that starts you on the path toward graduate school in the north. It could be something as simple as looking up schools online.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
18 May 12
I met my earlier goals and fulfilled my earlier dreams, it is just now, as I am on the downward slope that I have gotten lost. It takes time and a quiet space to sort that out, though.
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@Beaufly (991)
• United States
18 May 12
That is so true.....GardenGerty, I think it's time for some garden, quiet and nature time to really sort out what would be truly fulfilling to you in your life right now. Everyday that we wake up, we have another opportunity to shine our light. We need your light. You are here for a reason! I hope you get or take the time and space you need real soon!
@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
18 May 12
I believe we all have a purpose. I do not know if I call it a mission. I strongly believe we are all worth something. In some ways, I have followed my dream, in others, not so much, and I do find myself being mournful and regretful from time to time because something just is not right.
@Beaufly (991)
• United States
18 May 12
I don't think it's ever to late to follow a dream or a (nagging) inner goal but we actually limit ourselves. Limitations are the way of society, to tell you what you can or cannot do, who you can or cannot be; that's why it's always extraordinary when some people become uber successful because they are usually non-comformists and seem different or even weird because they listen to their inner voice instead of the voice of the world. It's funny because after awhile the inner critic comes in and the world does not have to say a word to limit you because you will begin to limit yourself. What small goal, desire or dream can you work toward today?
• Marikina, Philippines
22 May 12
Of course, I believe, 100% percent that all of us have a life's mission and I follow my dreams whatever happen to me That book is very interesting and talk about life's mission, well, even God said all of us have a purpose in life, that is why, all people that lives here on earth have a life's mission, just don't give up.
@Beaufly (991)
• United States
24 May 12
I think many people get pulled into work because of family and obligations but I do believe we all have talents and it's up to us to bring those talents into fruition despite the naysayers and all others who have given up and turned away from what is in them.
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
18 May 12
Hmm that's a tough question...the spiritual side of me says yes we have a mission for life and the depressed side of me just says that life sucks and I just wanna go Home to our Messiah Yeshua, and that I'm not good enough. It's like a battle in my mind in my case. If I do have a mission in life I don't know what it is. I wish I did, but well, all I can do now is to take life one day at a time.
@Beaufly (991)
• United States
18 May 12
You speak truth Maishi. I think you have adequately described the tension between the flesh and the spirit (that which is inside of you). I just want to say that you are good enough! I believe that we are all infinite (spirit) beings. Many have said that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. The humanness within us is what makes us feel inadequate, that makes us want to fit in/be like everyone else. Yesterday, I was in the woods and I was thinking about how nature is non-competitive. The trees do not look at others and say, "Why am I not like you?" The roses don't wish to be tulips or vice-versa so if we believe that we are created from God (the same life force that has created the universe), how can we believe that we are not uniquely created to thrive. Life's calling, purpose, or missioon (I believe)can show up as being a great mom, of being great sister or loving someone. I believe it to be the place where we most feel comfortable and are able to be truly us (loving, caring and joyous beings)... When do you feel like you are the most YOU?
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@Beaufly (991)
• United States
18 May 12
That typo is "mission"......LOL
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@Beaufly (991)
• United States
18 May 12
Masihi, I was so uplifited by reading how you love making people smile and laugh. That is a skill that is needed all over this world. I love that you like to have people over and have them delight in your baked goods. I wish I was nearby so I could come visit but then you shifted and my body did as well when you began to talk about your mother-in law and the first thing I thought was I am not going to say anything bad about Masihi's mother in-law but she does sound toxic. Something must have happened to her that makes her feel like it's ok to say these terrible things to you. I would limit direct contact with her as much as possible. Nothing gives her the right to talk to you like that and you have to choose NOT to believe the evil that is spewing out of her mouth. You are married to her son and not her. You do not have to put up with abuse and what she is doing to you is abusive (period). The next time she says something off-color to you, just respond that she has an interesting point of view and change the subject. God did not put you here to shrivel! He put you here to shine! Look in the mirror, look in your own eyes and say I love you. Do you not think the creator has put you here to be belittled and demeaned, I think not!