Causes of Inefficiency

May 19, 2012 1:31am CST
what causes inefficiency? Always-on, multitasking work environments are killing productivity, dampening creativity, and making us unhappy. This so bad..!How can I recover from overloading of informations...I feel that I am no longer effective on my tasks assigned because I am so loaded...Help!
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2 responses
@chan2zexy (508)
• Philippines
20 May 12
Inefficiency may be from laziness, lack of love for the work, and/or lack of interest in what one is doing. In your case, maybe you're tired of the redundant cycle of your daily routine. Hence, you're starting to lose interest at what you're doing. Maybe you're not finding your job exciting anymore. Try to go out and loosen up sometimes. =) I do it at times when I feel choked with tasks. Praying also helps. I empty my heart so I'll be able to take more anew. =) Also, try spending time with your family, especially kids. I don't know what therapy that's called but I find it very relaxing right after I play with my nephews. =)
• India
20 May 12
The feeling that 'I am loaded' is probably making you feel that, i have taught in colleges for over 45 years, i never feld i was loaded, i handled situations in the college as Principal with a COOL mind, You try, it will help Come cheerup!! Have a nice day ahead. Professor ‘@Bhuwan@’. .