Portrayal of the rich in soap operas

May 19, 2012 10:07am CST
How come Philippine soap operas (telenovelas) portrays the rich as arrogant, greedy, or just simply evil people? In real life they are not like that. In fact the rich people I know are kind, and perhaps the most generous. Maybe that's why there are so many poor people here in my country because they don't want to become the "godless rich" that they see in television.
2 responses
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
23 May 12
Well, in every show you always have to have an antagonist, and the rich are an easy target. Since there are lots of poor people, it's easier to hate on the rich. The ones on tv doesn't really represent everyone, but some rich people are like that..
• Philippines
23 May 12
I agree. But, would not it be nice if the networks would concentrate on true to life stories of people who have been in the proverbial two sides of the fence? It would, at least, inspire people to dream.
@yahnee (1243)
• Philippines
20 May 12
It appeals to the poor to watch the rich portrayed as greedy and cruel. It ponders to their fantasies that somewhere in the future, they will be able to overcome their poverty to revenge against the rich. It makes them feel justified for being poor; however, there is hardly any truth to the rich being evil, since most are kindhearted and ready to give help in times of calamities. Many rich people have made sacrifices in their life in order to rise above the situation. Take the example of Manny Pacquiao, Senator Manny Villar and Vice President Binay. They certainly are not the kind of rich people portrayed in those telenovelas.