Some People Just Really Need To Get A Life

@KrauseHome (36445)
United States
May 19, 2012 3:16pm CST
Some people out there just really do not get it, when you try and help them, or show them something, or share something with them. They either do not want to accept any help you might want to try and give them, or find fault with everything thinking they are still in the right as well. These are the ones who often are asking and seeking others opinions, and then when it is not what they're asking for, you are either Prejudice, or do not understand. It is always "ME ME ME" "TAKE TAKE TAKE" Never about the other person and what can be done to help better the situation. Personally I am getting tired of these type of people, and many times wonder why I always attract them. Are they just jealous of what I have done in my life and come thru, or do they really think I will see SUCKER written all over my forehead and want to continue to bow down to them. In general I wonder what it will take, but they are strumming the wrong guitar, and personally this one is ready to explode. It is time people in AMERICA stand up for themselves and fight back instead of expecting everyone else out there to do it for them. Just some of my thoughts... Anyone else relate? ~~TINA~~
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14 responses
• United States
19 May 12
I hear you clearly! One of the most inspirational quotes that I found to motivate myself off high center was this: tears will bring you sympathy - sweat will bring you success. I figured out a long time ago if something was going to change in my life- it's all gonna be on me. I hate it when people ask for advice but are not willing to change - just wanting someone to agree with their sentiments!
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
8 Jun 12
Personally the next time a Welfare Mom tries to get help from me, and make them feel Sorry for them, I will first make sure they are doing things to help themselves. Since there are Shelters, etc. that can help them they really need to resort to that first. I have nothing against Welfare helping out a Mom with children, but the Mom should be willing to seek out all the opportunities there is to help get her off that and move forward.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
11 Jun 12
That is for sure, and it will be their loss one day. Just glad she is out of my life, and I hope there never comes a day I would have to see her again.
• United States
9 Jun 12
In honesty - if someone isn't helping themselves you can't help them either!
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@NailTech (6874)
• United States
19 May 12
Yes I can relate to that. If anyone asks for my advice I mostly just decline anymore. As they never want to take it, then the next day or so I see they finally did take it after they have such a hard time accepting that I just may have been right and they should have just done what I told them to do right away. I have a family member, who, half the time she says just the opposite to me when I tell her something, questions everything I say, doesn't ever seem to take my words seriously etc. It is really annoying as she makes a habit of it and I just want to scream, every time she does it she makes herself look like an a*s*s cause she says the opposite and then I have to prove I'm right which I am and then she just does it over and over again like this with half of the other things I say. It is like a habit she cannot break, or just wants to think she is right or catch me doing something wrong all the time. She likes to critisize me in general anyways so this is another form of it I think. "People are just no damn good."
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
20 May 12
Wow, your family member sounds a lot like my husband and he is a narcissist. If you don't know anything about them, you should look it up. They believe they are NEVER wrong (it's the rest of the world) and they often try to make others look like idiots in order to feel like they're better than those others. I know how awful it is to deal with someone like that. I will be divorcing my husband in the near future and I'll never have to see him again. It's harder when it's a family member. Good luck with her.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
29 May 12
Yes, I know people like this. My Step Dad is a lot like this, and he never Stops to think anything good usually about me for sure. Always says everything is my fault, and usually always even asks my husband, if you are coming over, don't bring your wife. It is sad when people are like this. Wonder if they are ever Happy?
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
22 May 12
I like the ones that think that everything that happens is someone elses fault. They are never the one that did something that made things happen the way they did. I do know many of the people you are talking about. I just try to stay clear of them.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
25 Jun 12
Personally, all you can do is stay clear of them. Too many people are like this anymore and expect everyone to Bow down to them and help them out even if they offer or want to do nothing in return. Makes you wonder where Society really went wrong and why there are so many who continue to expect life to be like this for them.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
23 May 12
Someone has really got on your nerves. People who want to hear what they themselves feel are wasting the time of others. WHy ask for advice or opinion when they 'know it all?' But to tell you something , at times people just talk for the sake of talking;they just want you to make polite noises.If they clearly ask you for opinion,I would suggest you tell them straightaway that theirs is a subjective issue and 'each to one's own'.Your thought process may not suit them . So, ask them "why waste time?"
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
25 Jun 12
Well, personally it is getting close to where those who really are needing help will be the ones overlooked due to those taking from others even if they do not need it just wanting everyone to continue to feel Sorry for them. In general it needs to get back to the Good old days where people have a little more respect for themselves and try to do more things for themselves, instead of expecting everything and everyone to hand off things to them.
@roberten (3128)
• United States
21 May 12
That is why I will often ask people who are soliciting my advise if they really want to know, because if not, don't ask me. Many times people have paused and thought and said no. I am not one to ask for an opinion unless you really want to hear the truth. I find that most people just want to vent without commentary. You may attract such people because you ae so atentive; when you see them approaching with that look in their eyes, quickly excuse yourself and don't return until the coast is clear. If they are avoided enough, most get the picture.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
23 Jun 12
This is some Good advice, especially since there are a lot of people out there who are takers and never really Stop to think about others only themselves. It is going to be hard to turn away, especially since my husband and I are doing a Homeless ministry thru our church and always giving back to the community, but if I continue to be Prayerful I will follow my gut instincts more from now on.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
23 May 12
If there is one thing that I've learned in my life, it is that the world does not revolve around one single person, even though there are times that we would like to see things be that way. For me, I can't stand a person that is self-centered because in the long run I really don't think that they are doing anything for themselves. For me, I think of myself last and I think that things are much better when you do things that way.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
25 Jun 12
Yes, the world does not revolve around one certain person like many continue to think it does. It is a shame as well that there are so many people out there that continue to be so self centered, and not care about someone else. If more people would quit using themselves as an excuse for everything, and wake up the world would be a better place for sure.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
21 May 12
I can relate...everyone also has a sense of entitlement. Do you know that now it is equal in the good old USA...equal amount of people working to those who are not...alot by choice? Yes...everyone needs to be responsible for's not about them all the time...take care of your own needs.....and the blame people put on others is these lawsuits that should be thrown out of the group suing McDonalds for serving unhealthy food to you know any kids that drive themselves to McDonalds?
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
18 Jun 12
Personally this is the Truth... If you see a kid behind the wheel of a Car hopefully the parent would get in big trouble, so no these kids are not driving themselves to the McDonalds. It is the parents themselves feeding them this junk food and making them be Obese, and have Health problems like Diabetes, etc. at such a young age. I think personally like you said that there are too many people always trying to find fault with everything else instead of looking at their own life, and seeing where they could change it, instead of trying to make everyone feel Sorry for them while they continue to use and abuse the system.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
19 May 12
I was a doormat the first 35 years of my life so I can understand what you're talking about. It's time to reject people like that even if they are attracted to you. I don't attract them anymore because I rejected them so often I developed, I guess, an aura of independence and confidence. I refuse to be used. If someone is my friend or deserves some help (the deserving usually won't ask) I'll be glad to do it but I've learned to recognize a user! Practice rejection, that's the best advice I can give you. You can't be nice to people like that.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
8 Jun 12
Well, from now on, I am going to let my First impression be my guide. I felt uncomfortable about the situation from the beginning but went ahead and decided to try it, and ended up getting burned. Personally I think people like this are really better off having to be Homeless, etc. and learn from their experiences, if ever and then maybe one day they will be a better person because of it, but sometimes I highly doubt it.
@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
19 May 12
Some people just tend to gravitate to people who are kind, generous, and will listen to their woes. If you listen then you are in for the long haul it seems. Some people feel the world owes them. Others feel they can walk over others to get what they want. One thing is that people aren't braught up to respect others anymore. Very few anyway it seems. I think there are some that have been going for years are the false knowledge that it will all be taken care of for them and they don't have to do a thing but set back and look pretty. One reason I don't associate with many.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
8 Jun 12
Well, it is interesting how many people are like this anymore, and it makes you wonder where did Society fail us, and why would they be allowed to think like this? Somehow things need to be changed, and people wake up and realize there is more to this world than Welfare, and everyone feeling Sorry for them and they do nothing to change their life.
@much2say (57346)
• Los Angeles, California
19 May 12
Oh yah - I had a friend like that - and ultimately the friendship had to end. The girl talked in length so negatively about this and that - about everyone else's lives if not hers. She always asked for our opinions - but it often blew up in our face because she didn't agree with them or had opinions about our opinions - so why did she even ask. The whole conversation was always about ME ME ME and it drove many of nuts - she drove many friends away including me. She left her career and for a long time was soul searching for a new one . . . but the problem was she was quickly losing savings in order to live - she HAD to get a job. A lot of people tried to help her get a job - but "the pay wasn't good", "it's not what she wanted to do" - or other excuses - so what did she want? One guy even worked hard to pull strings at the "prestigious" company he worked for so she could work there, but she refused even that. It was actually a sad situation, but everyone started writing her off because she was a pain in the you know what.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
11 Jun 12
Well, she might have thought she wanted to have a Friend like me, but when she started causing so much trouble and even tried to get my husband to turn against me, this is when I knew she needed to get out of my life and quick. For me this woman has nothing good in her life going for her, and I totally feel Sorry for her 5 yr. old son.
• United States
19 May 12
OooooWoooowwww! Who got you riled up Tina? You do seem like you have a guitar string strung a little too tight! I'm just funning. I don't really know what you are talking about, but I would suggest just rolling with the punches and ignoring ignorant people. Just let it go Tina. Some folks aren't bred to live in civilized society.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
26 May 12
So true... So true... I really should elaborate more on this one, as the person I am talking about in my opinion is one of the Lowest people in the planet. If a person in office ever was to take away Welfare unless you are Disabled, and can prove you need help still, I would be 100% for it.
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
19 May 12
Ok, spill the beans what’s up? Something happened I guess, well happens to me too. I hope its not my guitar that bothers you cause if it is just tell me. I’ll play in the corner my old tear filled sad country songs. Do I have it all figured out? Just go ahead and tell me if I’m wrong now. You got the users and the ones that get used, take your pick. Seems we take both sometimes and if we can find a balance somewhere resonant between the two ways we might be ok, called friends, give and take. Just hurts when you feel it is going only one way. Either you are a wrung out dish rag or just feel so guilty. Right or wrong?
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
11 Jun 12
Well, I am sure learning a lesson that even though my Heart thought it was in the right place, from now on go with my Gut instinct on everything, especially when I have been Praying about it, and even if it is not always the Best in time everything will be OK.
• Philippines
20 May 12
Sometimes this is happening to me. It can be cause by pride or they just want to prove to their selves that they can do those things too! :)
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
11 Jun 12
In this case, I think it was just wanting everyone to feel Sorry for them, and she was trying to get my husband to even be against me, so personally it is for the Best she is always VERY FAR away from me, and let bygones by GONE.
@riempie9 (1021)
• South Africa
20 May 12
Your complaint is confusing and I do not know whether you are writing about people taking advantage or about people who don't use your advice after they ask for it and you give it to them. If someone asks a question, you answer to the best of your ability and they can accept the advice and try it out, or leave it. Just give; don't worry what they do with it. You have tried your best.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
15 Jun 12
Well, it was mostly from trying to help someone who never wanted to really help herself unless she could be the main object and be pleased at whatever she is doing even if it destroying everyone else.