Your Personal Relationship with G-d.

United States
May 19, 2012 3:28pm CST
I was just thinking that the relationship you have with G-d All depends on what Image and Message you expect from Him. Not that , like someone said to me, that you are making a G-d up, but that G-d is ready to come down in the form you expect Him to be. That way All religions Are correct. There are many True paths. And unlike what was said , if you arenot a particular religion you are not rejecting G-d. I was told this past week I was my fault I rejected G-d. But I see now That was not true. I simply rejected that person's personal image of their G-d! I wasalso told I must have been distant from G-d. Nope! They just need a closer relationship than I do! My G-d Is theirs but the relatonship is different. they seem to need More than I. And then I thought that G-d Does help the atheist by.... staying away completely! Your thoughts.
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15 responses
@TazRes (827)
• United States
20 May 12
Hi sarahruthbeth What does G-D mean?
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• United States
20 May 12
it is the name of The Superior Being who made us all. To Christians He is Jesus. To Jews He is G-d.Add the o and got His name.
• United States
20 May 12
Ok, What is the Trinity?
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
20 May 12
No it`s not Jesus is the Trinity.
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@inertia4 (27961)
• United States
22 May 12
I do agree with you on this. It is not your fault and it could never have been your fault. Everyone does look at god they way they interpret him or it. Most people believe in a higher power in some form or another. But like you said, it is all the same thing. Its like a painting, we look at art in different ways. I might see something in that painting that you do not and you might see something I do not. So it is an individual thing. I just don't get the whole thing. But that does not mean I am damed to whatever people think hell is. I also believe that you do not have to believe in religion to be a good human being. Its our actions that make us who we are, we are in control of what we really do.
• United States
22 May 12
I like to think of the vision of G-d as a work of art. There are many ways the beauty flows over you.
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• United States
25 May 12
Simple. Think of Him as a work of art. You and I could go to the Met and see the work of art and have two different viewpoints. It may have flown over me and you may have not even seen the point of it. And that is what is happening with all theses different views on G-d. All are correct. All are true. Just either let it flow over you Or not! It is your choice.
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@inertia4 (27961)
• United States
25 May 12
Well, the one question is really "What is God?" Why I say this is because there is no one definition of it at all. Every religion looks at this supposed entity differently. I just cannot put all my eggs in the basket because of what I witnessed growing up. There were too many contradictions. So I stay neutral to the whole thing. It seems to work for me.
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
20 May 12
Actually G♥d helps man by writing who He is in His word, but I absolutely love what you said, "I simply rejected that person's personal image of their G-d!" May I use that on my FB, because it really hits home because my sister said I turned away from G♥d when in reality I turned away from the teachings of man...
• United States
20 May 12
You are welcome to use it anywhere. This truth came to me just the other day when a friend implied I had turned away from G-d and another said I rejected Jesus , He didn't reject me. Really? I don't care , He isn't my G-d, He's yours I thought.
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• United States
20 May 12
Too bad you didn't share this months ago, because now I think my sister is completely ignoring me, which is fine with me, because I haven't had any flaming on FB since I left that profile, which means the flaming was all her..
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• United States
20 May 12
I don't understand flaming? Something is on fire?
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@veejay19 (3589)
• India
21 May 12
Right from childhood i have never been attracted to any particular form of god and have never been the devotional type of person.Now that i am grown up i have understood that god exists in a formless capacity and is within you and without.He is unborn,has always existed ,is omniscient and omnipotent and his nature is of Truth,Conciousness and Bliss.Most people can`t understand this view so they worship god in a form and do attain him.So both views are correct.
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• United States
21 May 12
There is no G-d within me,if you said devil I would agree with you . but G-d No! I can agree that my G-d didn't come down in human form and may never will.
• United States
22 May 12
Then He Never will. So you are saying I'm evil ? Why thank you! I finally made it! Or are you saying I have a dirty mind. Thanks again. But if you are saying to be " clean" I have to Not think, Not feel , then I rather be evil. So my mind is a soiled mirror, then why did you ever lower yourself to talk to me ever?
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
22 May 12
God is within you,in the secret recesses of you heart,otherwise you would not be writing this post.He is hidden from you because your mind is full of garbage.The devil is in your mind and roams freely and you see him because he is accessible to you.Your mind is like a soiled mirror where you can`t see your image.You have to clean it and make it spotless to see your reflection.Similarly you have to clean your mind and make it pure and spotless,only then will god show himself.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
20 May 12
What other people feel and think about god is all on them. I can't say that god is or isn't real. The only way for me to know that is when I die. I personally don't believe in god but I do believe in a higher power that meaning what ever name you use for god or what who ever to me is correct. We are all correct in our own way in how we see or believe in god. I think some of the messages that people say that god says is wrong.
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• United States
20 May 12
But if the messages work for them, it is ok with me. It is when they try to bully others that I have a problem.
• United States
22 May 12
Exactly! As long as there is mutual respect, a relationship between two or more people of different faiths can and do work!
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
21 May 12
I agree I don't like it either when people try to bully me or make me feel that I have to believe in what they believe in because I don't. I know what is right for me and me alone. If people tell me I need to believe in something I tell them no I don't have to if that is what you believe in good for you but its not for me. When people tell me you need to be with someone that is in the same faith is you I disagree with them. Because I know for a fact I have a relationship with someone and many other people that don't view the same views as me in faith or belief for that matter. I respect what they feel and think and I can kindly disagree with them on what ever it is as long as we both no we can't force each other to believe in the same things.
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• Philippines
24 May 12
when it comes about Religion and Faith. I have many words to say coz i love what i believe right now. As time goes by, it seems my faith is increasingly addicted to him. And worst i always thinking his words, works and how he open my heart and my soul of this wonderful world. Although I don't see his face or do some infront miracles just to believe that he is the living and forever creature of all. His more than enough. No words could express how grateful I am that I know him since i was a child. We do have questions but its up to us if we seek,ask,knock on him about this strange,awkward feeling towards him coz Human was made full of perfect qualities. The uniqueness of individual, intelligence and so many gifts that was given to us. pertaining to the images of his face. We are very skeptical which one is the true image. He appeared in any situation,any human being to spread his message that he is coming. i don't doubted it coz my relationship is getting more closer to him. Although i oftentimes made mistakes but it doesn't stop me talking his kindness,how merciful he is to me and to his people around the world, races,religion,ethics.
• United States
24 May 12
I am so happy for you.
• United States
25 May 12
• Philippines
24 May 12
you also coz time shall come to pass. Especially you are a Jew, Our creature indicated every tribes of Israelite people will be save from the wrath of the world. Israelite were already written in the Sacred Book.
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• Canada
19 May 12
Each region is a different language that G-d understands perfectly. On that note, I'm guessing your background is Jewish. I got that from your spelling "G-d." Something about writing the name G-D makes something holy? Is that right? I'm trying to remember something a Cantor told me years ago. I think the fact that you go to the trouble to spell G-d the way you do, shows that you have a wonderful relationship with him, Abd adhere to your chosen beliefs with respect.
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• United States
20 May 12
Thanks friend. That is the sweetest thing I have heard today! I spell His name this way out of respect. We Jews can not spell His name completely out because if we do , we couldn't erase or in this case delete it. It is a kin of not taking the Lord's name in vain.
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• Canada
20 May 12
Thank you for the explanation. It's interesting, how each religion has a different definition of taking His name in vain, and how to some people the word G-d is a descriptive noun, as opposed to a Proper name for the only ONE. I had a rather interesting conversation with a Muslim lady once day. I overheard her speaking on her cellphone in a coffee shop, and she used the phrase "Inshallah" (G-d Willing) as much as she used phrasis like OMG. For my own education, I asked her about it, and what she said fascinated me. She said that in the Muslim faith it's important to invoke G-d, as a way of including Him in the conversation, just as I might say "what do you think, SarahRuthBeth?" That it's not taking His name in vain to do that. I found this inteesting, because I do that all the time!!! When I say "OMG" I am saying it as though including him in the conversation. His name with "damn" attached to it does not exist in my vocabulary because I don't believe He would damn someone, and I certain don't think that even if He would, that He would at MY (or anyone else's) request. As my step-daughter likes to say "He doesn't need a dam. He can walk on WATER!" I like that! Some time ago I was in a very conservative community and I said "OH MY G-D!! Rolo Ice Cream!!! I love Rolo Ice Cream!!" My mother tried to nail me for taking God's name in vain in this community, and I told her quest honestly I didn't!!! Instead of saying "WOW MOM!!! Look at the Rolo Ice Cream" I chose to share my excitement with G-D FIRST!!! I knew you were Jewish from the first post of yours that I read, when I saw "G-d."
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@AmbiePam (96246)
• United States
20 May 12
Well, I guess it doesn't surprise you that I disagree, but I'm not going to try to change your mind. I think a lot of us have a totally wrong image of who God really is. Including well meaning Christians.
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• United States
20 May 12
Right or wrong, it is Our image.G-d will come down in Any form. Example. He knows not to come down as woman before me because I won't give Him the proper respect. He Also knows as Jesus , I will simply walk away. So many a Christian will cringe but He isn't for me. The image I can handle is the way G-d will greet me.
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• Canada
20 May 12
I believe that G-D can take on any form G-D wants. "He" has been the accepted pronoun for eons, but I think you said it even better. G-D comes to the believer in the way that the believer will recognize G-D. Again, like I said about lagnagues. I speak to my mother in English, I speak to a friend in Serbian, I say the same words to both, just in theor own languages. Same with G-d's image.
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@AmbiePam (96246)
• United States
20 May 12
It's always great to hear other people's opinions. It's fascinating really.
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@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
20 May 12
Experiencing the personal relationship work for you is quite exhilarating. The rapport with God, submission of just wants, seeking out solutions to problems...all these and many more establish fine relationship with the unseen force which guides all our actions and ways. The binding relationship often comes to your rescue even at the eleventh hour.
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• United States
20 May 12
@GreenMoo (11833)
21 May 12
Spot on Sarah!
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• United States
22 May 12
Thanks Love!
@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
31 May 12
For me, there is no God. So the question of nay personal relationship does not even arise.
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• United States
31 May 12
It is your right Not to have a relationship with Any G-d! Just be happy! Take Care.
• India
2 Jun 12
God is my best freind. As Goddess, she is also my lover.
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• United States
2 Jun 12
May I ask? Are you Hindu? Does the G-ddess ever take a human form? Am I be too nosy?
• India
2 Jun 12
Hindu is what I am. My goddess is the goddess of the seasons, of the rains and spring and winter, the one who causes the flowers to bloom and the fruits to blossom. All gods and goddesses are capable of taking the human form.
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@Rick1950 (1575)
• Lima, Peru
21 May 12
I think my relationship with God is based on reading his word. In my case, I'm reading the Bible at least once a week, the old and new testament. On this way I can learn about him. But there are another books which help me to know and understand him too and I read them sometimes. Many times I've felt peace reading his word and how much this word can teach us to live better, on the right way, although I recognize that many times I go out from his way.
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• United States
21 May 12
Wow! Whatever works.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
21 May 12
God is not like him any one .... No matter how I tried to imagine the shape He is another ,either for my relationship with him it is okay to some extent .. I'm trying to seek nearness to him .. IfI committed a sin , I repent him .. I hope that He will pardon and forgiveness for me the Day of Resurrection , because I worship Him I am alone without a partner .. He (swt) forgive all sins except shirk
• United States
23 May 12
That is ok. It isn't a contest!
• United States
22 May 12
You are a good person. You do your best And you are practicing your faith. If you can't be forgiven on the Day Of Resurrection , No one will!
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
23 May 12
Thank you dear , there are many persons better than me .
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
2 Jul 12
Your first statement is most definitely true. If you view God as a Father figure, for instance, then you will have a father/daughter relationship with Him. Like you said, I don't think it means you "made up" God if you have your own image of Him. Everyone has their own image of Him, and He exists whether people believe that or not. I don't think you are rejecting God if you aren't a "certain" religion. Some religions point to God, and some don't. It's for us to choose God or not. A religion is really just a way to practice our beliefs, but I think knowing God is more on an individual basis, and a religion can't give you that relationship with Him. You either have a relationship and know Who He is or you don't. Again, I have to agree with you. I don't think you reject God; you reject these "images" other people have of Him. What reminds someone of God will not be the same to you. It's because knowing God is on a personal level. You won't have the same relationship with Him that I have because we're two different people! A relationship with God is also like walking and talking with a friend. Some walk closer to and more often with Him than others. There's no right or wrong to it. Just like you said, "my God is theirs, but the relationship is different." I couldn't have said it better myself!