Brother Has OCD?
By NailTech
@NailTech (6874)
United States
May 19, 2012 8:00pm CST
I'm kind of stressed out over things here at the moment again. I'm about to "kill" my 45 yr old brother right now.
OK, it's like this. He keeps repeating the same childish phrases over and over. I know people who that annoys within just an hour or less of listening to it, I've been hearing stuff like this from him almost every darn day for a few or more years already. More than a 5 yr old would say this stuff (phrases like "Right? Right" and "Shut Up" to my mom, jokingly, but over and over--and others. WTH??! Is he 10?! I guess thats what all the mega tons of junk food he eats daily so much does to his brain after awhile.) and he actually turned the TV on a half hour earlier than he usually does, so that means even more TV for him today, like 6+ hours today or more isn't enough?? OMG. Then he used to actually stop and sing with the one TV commercial they played over and over daily until they finally stopped cause he thought it was "cute". That was another wierdo thing he did.
But I guess I should "appreciate" him being this way cause there are times when he thinks he's so powerfully "it" here that he looses his temper wether he is right or wrong. I wish the idiot would go out and find a girlfriend. Heck, I wouldn't even care if he found a boyfriend at this point, just someone else to annoy besides me! Maybe he is also bipolar???
Seriously though, about the repeating stuff, do you think he has OCD? I'm generally asking cause I have thought he does, even if he thinks it's cute or funny to do this, it's so darn childish to me. He has made faces and said things like "Ewww, I'm eating." when he sees a male and female kissing on TV (Er, he was actually eating at the time, but, really dude?? It disgusted you that much? Why? Even if it was another one of his "funnies" it was wierd to me as he hasn't dated in yearrrrs). He hoards things as well, his room looks like a shambles. I have heard people who hoard have OCD as well. I'm really beginning to wonder. He will only do this repeating phrases junk when he is in a good mood and often only around his "mommy" or at home ( I asked him once if he did it at work and he said No). The trouble is I can hear him say it in this house when I'm not in the same room and think it's plain creepy at times and not as "cute" as he thinks it is.

1 response
@rewardsinlife (1132)
• United States
4 Jun 12
OCD does make you repeat things, but not that much. I would worry about many other things...especially because of his age. Psychosis of any kind has people doing repeated movements and sayings over and over again.(look at the movie 'Rain Man' if you don't know what I am talking about). Dementia can cause repetitions, and so can autism. Does he work? Does he look at you when he is engaged in conversation? If not, this is another indicator that something has gone awry. Also being stuck in a child mindset is really a red flag at his age that something was missed. I would definately get a second opinion..or first, by your description, there is something much deeper going on here. Get him to a neuropyschiatrist soon.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
6 Jun 12
He does work, at a local place with bumpers for cars. He actually 'undents' them. Yes there is a place of business for this, they work with the neighboring car repair shop down the hill from them. He sort of does look at you when he does engage in convo but as I don't normally even like to talk to him I don't notice alot. I would love to get him to a neuropyschiatrist, but to try to get him there is the problem, nothing will even convince my parents that anything is wrong with him either. I live in a totally dysfunctional family. Now he is breeding mosquitoes it seems outside, just lovely....mentally ill I would say he is. Because he doesn't get bit by them, it's OK. Never mind the others who do, they don't matter. He's beyond help I think, just a sicko.
@rewardsinlife (1132)
• United States
6 Jun 12
Aw I don't think a sicko. I think that he really does have a mental issue going on that he can't help! Breeding mosquitos is dangerous obviously for reasons of malaria, west Nile virus, and other diseases. Everyone's family is dysfunctional to some point, but it sounds like your family is living in denial of your brothers problems. Can you take him without letting them know? This may sound dishonest but you are truly looking out for the health of your matter what steps you may have to take. Have you tried talking to his boss to see if they see any problems at work? The problem with menal illness is that the person is unable to see how their actions affect others. They a more absorbed in their needs, and depending on the illness, can actually feel like they will be hurt or die if they do not do their repetitive actions. Hope this makes sense and you can find a way to help your brother,. At the very least if he has a primary care dr. Or your can go to urgent care with him and explain your worries and actions from the medical staff can be taken from there.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
1 Aug 12
I wouldn't be able to take him to the DR, he would fight me tooth and nail and thensome. As far as his boss, I have never talked or met him. I did ask my brother if he did that at work and my mom butted in and said something to the effect to defend him like "Oh they probably do things like that too at work or have their own things they do or something to that effect as always defending my brother but always critiques me! I could scream with my family sometimes. I did ask my brother in a "nice" way "Why do you have to keep saying" Right? Right." and he then asks me why do I have to yawn so much? I'm like WTF. I don't yawn half as much as he says stupid things over and over and if I did what does that have to do with anything, I get tired and I have to yawn-- big dea-- he coughs his butt off daily and so much that I think he has lung cancer and I don't say anything about that. I give up with them all.