Less Is More

@welkin (106)
May 21, 2012 6:43am CST
Recently,I read an article in which the idea,"less is more",is expressed.Actually,it's not the first time I met such an idea while reading,but I still want to share it with friends. What being referred in the idea are a lot of things like information,opportunity,expression,relationships and so on.I agree most with what the author said about information.I also have a feeling that there are too much information nowadays that we can't choose the ones we want easily.Sometimes,we lose ourselves in the huge amount of information.The author said that "more" is a track that takes good use of our greed.In this modern society,it's becoming harder and harder to focus on one thing.We see too much information everyday.But too much information make our brains overload so that we can not make a right decision soon.We want more,but it seems that we are getting less nowadays. I agree with the idea a lot,and I think that the ability to focus on one thing is so important.What do you think of this,do you also have such a feeling,friends?
6 responses
• Brazil
21 May 12
I think it is a correct idea. For sure we receive a lot of information in one day, more than we can absorb. And more than that, the bigger part of the information that we receive are useless information and we lost the important information because of them. But this concept of "less is more" is being applied in some areas of our life. For example, if you see your browser nowadays, it have fewer buttons in the main screen than the browsers some years ago. It didn't lose tools, but they are not all on the main screen like before. It makes the browser cleaner and the people can focus on what is important: the information on the website. Other companies are adhering to this idea and that is the future as I see it. But I don't know how we can solve the problem about the great amount of useless information that we are exposed to. Happy mylotting.
@welkin (106)
• China
22 May 12
I agree with what you said about the browsers nowadays.But I think the problem is the huge amount of information.No matter how simple and clean a browser's interface is,it can not improve the situation that too much junk information exist and come into our eyes everyday. I always think that the information one person needs is limited.Too much information will disturb our life a lot.For example,too much entertainment news really do great harm,for most of them are just meaningless.(of course,without the junk news,a lot of low-level journalists will lose their job,LOL...) However,the amount of information nowadays is growing greatly,and I believe this situation will continue.I just hope one day that we can find a way to sort the information out so that we can just read what we want.This definitely can save a lot of time and energy in our life.Do you think human technology can solve this problem in a few years' time,friend?
• Brazil
22 May 12
I understand what you are saying. Nowadays we are exposed to a lot of information, most of it useless, and we can lose the really important information because it is around a lot of junk. I believe that we don't really need all the information that we are able to see, but it is the good and the bad part about the internet: we have access to all the information that we want, but we need to look for it very carefully to don't get lost on all the junk information. I think that more than the human technology, our behavior need to change. For example, the people normally prefer to see a funny video on the internet than look for information about medical progress in some area. We already have a lot of tools to look for the information that we need (the research tools are very developed), but we need to want to use it to find the good information, don't you think? Happy mylotting.
@Graceekwenx (3160)
• Philippines
21 May 12
Welcome to mylot Welkin! I agree with you on this. In fact, this applies a lot to me whenever i go shopping. I would usually visit shops that have less stuff because i tend to get a headache looking at so much variety. With so many things that you see, it somehow gives me difficulty on my decision-making; whereas if i go to a simple shop, i have a clearer mind and make decisions on my purchases easily.
@welkin (106)
• China
22 May 12
I think putting too many things in their shops is the merchants' tactics.For the more you see,the harder you can make your decision easily.In this situation,you lose the rational thinking and want to buy everything,so they can make much more money.LOL...How bad are merchants...But anyway,the most important thing is always whether we can make a right decision by ourselves.If we're able to do like this,we will live happier,isn't it? Wish you enjoy your life,friend!
@adforme (2114)
22 May 12
I have taken inventory of my life and yes, less is more. If you can take into consideration how much easier things are when we choose to keep things simple it works. People are always misunderstanding the quality vs. quantity issue. Having too much seems like a burden when it comes time to find what we need, things collect, get in the way, and before we know it we are a mess. I have always believed in having razor sharp focus. While you get what you want, don't forget what you need. When it comes to information, do not tell anyone anything more than what he or she needs to know. Know your rights, and don't spread yourself too thin. Information is important, but know when you are giving too much and not giving enough.
@sishy7 (27167)
• Australia
22 May 12
I notice with myself that as I grow older I tend to do certain things less but actually feel more benefits of it. I tend to sleep less hours and enjoy having more free time as a result. I also find myself talk less these days and enjoy listening or learning from what others have to say. One more thing, less amount of food seems sufficient to satisfy me these days; and I think that actually helps to keep me healthy. So yes, I definitely agree with the idea of "less is more".
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
21 May 12
Less is more is one of my favourite saying, and it applies to many areas of life. -for information: less 100% accurate information is always better than loads of bits and pieces of information floating around, a lot of them can be half-truths or fakes -for taste: overdecorated, overdone outfits, compositions, speeches, weddings etc. can be really tacky and artificial
@zarasoc (110)
• Philippines
21 May 12
I could also say that I could agree on that saying that less is more. Just like less talk less mistake and for fashion, less accessories can be more elegant or can look more good for you. And just like what you said, less of ideas can make you pick an idea easily than having loads of it. It was like making life simpler and less stressful.