Experience your dreamjob for one week

@Porcospino (31366)
May 22, 2012 11:27am CST
When I was a student we had to write down the names of the jobs that we were interested in and then we had to spend one week with someone who had that kind of job. In the 8th grade I wrote "childcare" and I spent one week in a small daycare center. I enjoyed the work with the children and the woman who had the daycare was very friendly. In the 9th grade I wrote "journalism" and I spent one week at a radio station. The journalist that I followed interviewed some people and did some research in our city. One day he was going to write a movie review and we went to the movie theater together. When we got back to the radio station he asked me to write the review. It was interesting to write something on my own instead of just watching him all the time. The last day he asked me to bring some empty cassette tapes (yes, it was many years ago ) and I was able to pick my favourite cds from their huge music collection and record them on cassette tapes. The journalists were all very nice to me and it was a very positive experience. Does the same thing exist in your country? Do you have weeks where you follow an employee who works in the field that you are interested in? If it exists, which job did you choose and how was the experience? If you could have the same experience as an adult, which job would you choose?
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5 responses
@welkin (106)
• China
23 May 12
I had a lot of dream jobs when I was young.But I didn't have the chance to experience the jobs.Maybe it's because that my dreams weren't that realistic at that time. I remembered that I wanted to be a scientist when I was young,though I even didn't know which field I wanted to work in.Later,I had another dream to be a traveler that could travel around the world.But I realized that I wasn't able to do that,for I couldn't afford the money to travel around the world. When I was in high school,I wanted to be a computer engineer.And luckily,I had the experience in a computer company.I stayed there for about a week and see how the engineers work and experience the feeling of being a computer engineer.lol...I think it's the only time that I experienced my dream job.Though I am not studying in a major related to computer science now,this dream is still in my heart. I want to say that I still want to be a computer engineer as an adult.Maybe several years later,I will do this job instead of being a civil engineer,which a lot of people think I am supposed to be.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
24 May 12
I shared your dream about travelling around the world. I talked to my mother about that dream and she told me that it was a crazy idea and that I would never be able to afford that and that I would never be able to make money that way. I wanted to write travel books, but my mother said: "That is bad idea, you wouldn't make enough money that way you have to find an ordinary job instead" I still have the dream about travelling around the world and getting paid for it, but I guess that it isn't a very realistic dream. I am going to save up money for travelling, but I don't think that travelling will become a job for me. It is nice that you had the chance to spend some time in a computer company. That must have been interesting. My husband's brother is a computer engineer and he sometimes tells us about his work. Like you I didn't study the major that I really wanted. My dream was psychology, but far too many people were interested in that major so I wasn't able to get admitted.
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
24 May 12
Yes, unfortunately it is expensive to travel around the world, that is one of my big dreams, but I don't think that I will be able to visit all of the places that I am interested in, so I will have to choose the places on top of my list. I am especially interested in visiting Asia, that has always been my dream. Europe is a relatively small continent and that is one of the reasons why it has been possible for me to visit many of the other European countries. It only takes a couple of hours to get from my home to the north of Germany and I used to visit Germany with my parents. Yes, it is not realistic to turn travelling into a job, so I think it is better to have an ordinary job and save up money for travelling like I am doing at the moment
@welkin (106)
• China
24 May 12
My elder brother is a computer engineer,so I have the chance to go to his company to experience the feeling of being an engineer.lol... I'd have to say that traveling around the world is too expensive.It seems like that this dream can not realized in my life.But I know you've been a lot of places abroad.That's much better than me.Maybe several years later,when I find a job and have some money.I will try to go somewhere abroad for sightseeing or study.It seems like that everyone has the dream like that when we are young.A lot of our dreams then are not realistic.But that period of time is precious.I miss it... I agree with you on the idea that traveling won't become a job for us.We all need a job to make money,and traveling should be a part of our life,isn't it?I am not in the major I like,mostly because it's not a major I chose myself.I had a chance to change it when I was freshman,but I didn't do that.I am a bit regreted now,but I think I can do something I like when I start my graduate study.I am working hard now and I hope I can make it.:)
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@MissPiggy (1748)
• Indonesia
23 May 12
No, we don't have this kind of activity and I'm jealous. Since I was little I have always wanted to become an ambassador or at least work in an embassy. I always imagined that the job would be amazing. But apparently I don't really feel disappointed for having any of those dream job as I'm not really interested in politics. And I have never wanted to be a teacher but now I love being a teacher.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
23 May 12
I experienced the opposite situation. When I was a child I wanted to become a teacher, it was one of my dream jobs when I was about 12 or 13 years old, but as an adult I lost my interest in teaching and I chose to study nursing. Today I am a voluntary language teacher for foreigners. It is not my profession, but I enjoy it. It is funny how our dream jobs change when we get older. You wrote that you never wanted to become a teacher but love being a teacher today. Nursing was never my dream job when I was a child. I wanted to be a teacher, a journalist or a vet, and I never thought about becoming a nurse
@MissPiggy (1748)
• Indonesia
25 May 12
You're so right. And you also love being a nurse. But at least you are still a teacher.
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@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
22 May 12
we have co-op opportunities in highschools these days but when i went to school, they didn't do anything like that. my daughter's friend wants to be a paramedic and will be doing full day co-ops next year in a hospital.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
22 May 12
When my parents went to school they didn't have the chance to participate in something like that either, and it is a relatively new thing in my country. I went to school in the early 90's and at that time every student had to participate. I don't think that it is bad thing that they made it a compulsory thing, becáuse I think that the students are able to learn something from the experience. My experiences were positive, but some of my classmates discovered that their dream jobs weren't dream jobs after all.
@tkonlinevn (6438)
• Vietnam
23 May 12
It's great to know that. I wish we can do the same in our country. Student even don't know what they'll do when they'll be graduated.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
23 May 12
I think it is good thing that the students get the change to experience their dream job for one week. Sometimes we have some unrealistic ideas about our dream job and when we follow an employee who has that job one for one week we are able to experience the positive and the negative things about that job in person. For me those weeks were a positive experience, but some of my classmates discovered that their dream jobs weren't the right jobs for them and they lost their interest in those jobs after their personal experience. In my country those weeks are compulsary, every student have to participate, but I don't think that is a bad thing, because we can learn something from the experience.
@jricky1 (6800)
• China
23 May 12
Hey,Porcospino.There are indeed such kind of thing in my country that provide you to be closer to your dreams,but honestly,i didn't have the chance to do that.All i regreted was about the major that i choose in my collage.But anyway,once i've seen my idol of broadcast in a part-time job.I feel so great and seems like i'm nearer to my dream.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
24 May 12
What is your dream? Yes, I think it is a good thing to be able to experience your dream job, and I was happy that I was able to spend those weeks in the kinds of jobs that I was interested in at that time. Actually I have given up those dreams today, and my job isn't related to childcare or journalism, but it was still interesting to be able to experience those jobs. I found it interesting to spend one week at the radio station and because I love writing and they let me write some of the news reports. It was also very interesting to be able to record the music that I wanted because I really love music.