Ever been mad at a dead President?
By Amber
@AmbiePam (96356)
United States
May 23, 2012 12:54pm CST
When I was in school I hated P.E. with a vengeance. Even in college we had to take one semester of a physical activity, although even though bowling was offered I don't think it's in the same league of basketball or running. Anyway, I was watching a show today and they were playing dodgeball. That had to be one of the most painful things we ever did. The problem was they would have girls against guys, and the guys were so much stronger! They'd put bruises on us with how hard they threw!
As much as I wanted to get rid of P.E. when I was in school, and as annoyed as I was with America's dead president FDR for mandating it, I think it's a good idea now that I'm fully grown. Sometimes that's all the physical activity kids get all week. I think my favorite was playing baseball (although technically it was a softball). What about you guys? Good memories, bad? Favorites? Anybody get through school without having to do P.E.?
*I'm not proud of this, okay, maybe I am. But sometimes my mom would write me a note excusing me for P.E. because of "monthly" issues. If for some reason P.E. was canceled, I'd cut the date off of the note and just use the excuse note for a later time when we had P.E..

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19 responses
@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
23 May 12
I'm not a very athletic person, but I did enjoy P.E. in school. There was always a choice of activities to meet interests and abilities. Dance, vollyball, swimming and softball were my favorites. I avoided field hockey, track and gymnastics like the plague. It's a shame that P.E. is no longer offered, except as an elective. Most kids today get even less exercise than I did at that age. Somebody's going to pay in 40 years when these kids start having heart attacks.
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@patgalca (18435)
• Orangeville, Ontario
23 May 12
They cut courses like P.E., music and art for financial reasons which is the most ridiculous reason because in the long run, it will cost a lot more for the health of individuals who do not participate in one or more of these activities on a regular basis.
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@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
23 May 12
Not just in health costs. Sports teach teamwork and fairness. Instead kids sit around playing game where the objective is to kill everyone.
Where I live, other electives (fine arts, culinary arts and mechanical arts) are limited, but schools have lots of field trips (like to movies or amusments parks). We'll soon see a generation who a physically unfit, can't express themselves, cook a meal or even do the simplest repairs on their cars or around their homes.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
24 May 12
I do not believe it is up to the schools to keep kids healthy. That is the parents job. School is to teach kids. I agree programs such as P.E., art, and music should stay in school because these are important lessons for our children to learn, but I do not think P.E. should be kept JUST to keep kids healthy and active so they don't cost the health industry money in 40 years.
Instead lets focus on the parents who refuse to teach their kids any healthy habits because they're too lazy or too busy. Why are people like this still being allowed to have children, and why are we making the schools pick up the slack for their lack of parenting skills?
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
28 May 12
I actually used to love P.E. when I was a kid. I think I looked more forward to that than I did anything else. I remember that dodgeball..lol...it was one of my favorites. I think that PE was a great way for children to blow off some steam. It is hard for kids to sit all day in class...no talking. I went to eat lunch with my daughter once a long time ago and they weren't even allowed to visit one another at lunch.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
25 May 12
Hello Ambie. I went to a small country school for several years and a city school for a number of years and we had PE for most of those years. In grade school it was more play than any thing, We didn't take showers back then in school. We played some basket ball and some archery. I don't remember any dodge ball. In the country school for the two years of high school we had just enough girls for a volley ball team so every one played. We did soft ball during recess. Yes we still had recess in high school at the country school. I hated it because I was terrible at it. I got hurt every time I played. Any way the two high school grade we had were sent to town and I had all the PE classes I needed to graduate so I didn't have to take it any more. Oh and I think it was John Kennedy that mandated physical education in every school education It has been slacked off in recent years..
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@patgalca (18435)
• Orangeville, Ontario
23 May 12
I didn't mind P.E. in grade school. In high school it was mandatory for the first year only. I used my monthly issues to get out of swimming but never anything else. I rather enjoyed P.E. in grade school but not so much in high school because I am not considered a jock and a lot of the girls were... plus we had to dress and undress in front of one another.
I think it is very important for phys.ed. to be in schools. And it's not always about sports. They include dancing now. My daughter is in grade 10 and she said last week they were doing Zumba. 60 minutes a day of physical activity is recommended for children and adults. The P.E. classes in grade school aren't even that long, but then I guess if you add recess then you get your 60 minutes. Fortunately both my girls have been into sports their whole lives and played on all sports teams in school earning them both Female Athlete of the Year when graduating from grade 8.
Physical fitness is necessary for physical health as well as mental health (self-esteem), discipline, learning to work as a team, etc. I would be appalled if they removed this from schools.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
23 May 12
You were one tricky lady! LOL....I didn't mind PE in itself...I hated having to take a shower with a bunch of other people...I am not the type that just undresses in front of anyone including my own kids etc...shy maybe that is what you want to call it....it that part was h*ll for me!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
24 May 12
Loved all my classes in school. PE was great except for haveing to shower all together I found a way to get out of that act like I already done it.
Loved to play ball went before school so I could play and at lunch and sometime s after school.
ANd we also had a feild too play in across the street at friends house so we played alot now basket ball I was no good at. and in HIgh school we had Arcery (sp)
ALso was in the pep club and tumbling group so I stay very active.
Now Grand daughter only get PE 2 times a week but then too she gets out side in the yard her nad runs and plays with our dogs she might get more activity than other kisds inher grade
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
24 May 12
Get off Frankie's Back. He didn't know What sports your school would choose! Lol! I hated , hated basketball but I love volleyball and softball. I hated having to change into my gym uniform. It was blue and white stripes , it reminded me of prison! But like you I think gym is a good idea for today's young. But sadly P.e. isn't on the test so it is getting cut!
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
23 May 12

@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
24 May 12
We did not have P.E. nearly as much as kids do today. We had it once a week.. and in high school it became every other day. I did not mind it for the most part, though in high school we had a pool so we had to do swimming for a month or so every year, and I hated that part. What insecure high school girl wants to wear a swimsuit in front of the whole class.. and our classes were coed of course.
Kids today have P.E. 3 times a week minimum and it's required to pass each year. I think that's a bit ridiculous, especially in certain areas. I think it's up to the parents to get the kids active. If you live somewhere that kids can't play outside.. take them for walks or go to a playground or something, it's really not that hard.
I can see in the bigger cities that it would be more difficult to get kids out and active.. but I live in the country where most kids have big yards and there are playgrounds and parks everywhere. There's no reason for these kids not to be active..
I blame the parents. They let their kids eat junk and do nothing but play video games and watch TV, so the schools feel the need to step in and get these kids healthy.
My kids are perfectly healthy and spend plenty of time outdoors.. yet they lose out on important learning time because other parents are lazy and won't make their kids get off the video games.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
24 May 12
I was able to get out of it for most of high school. I'm not sure if it was fortunate or not but I had really bad problems with my feet. I had bone spurs on both heels that were causing me extreme pain so I was excused from P.E. I eventually had surgery on my heels and it took quite awhile before I was able to wear hard-backed shoes again (at least a year) so I never took P.E. after that started, in 10th grade.
In elementary school, though, I LOVED P.E. My mother said I looked like a little squirrel on Parent's Day one year when we had to climb up the ropes in the gym. I loved to show off and climb up all the way and touch the ceiling. I was never diagnosed but I believe I had ADHD, like my son. (He WAS diagnosed. They just didn't have a diagnosis or treatment for it when I was little.) I rarely sat still and loved physical activity. But, in high school I had better things to do so I can identify with how you felt.
I remember having one girl in my class who seemed to have her "monthly" issues every week whenever we had swimming. How she kept getting away with it I'll never know. 

@loveandpeace (470)
• Indonesia
24 May 12
When I'm still in schools, I'm no fan of P.E either. Although I didn't hate it with vengeance but I had never enjoyed it because my schools didn't give much of options (no bowlings of course). Lucky me that I didn't have to do it in college.
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@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
25 May 12
I also got out of PE with monthly issues. I never did anything sneaky until nursing school. I skipped a day with my best friend, also in the class, and played hooky. I worked in the ER as an aide at the time and asked a really cool ER doc for an excuse saying I was sick. I don't remember what my friend did. We had to have excuses or we could be dropped.
I hated PE.
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@RitterSport (2451)
• Lippstadt, Germany
27 May 12
hi dear Ambie as I have been overweight from the time I was about 5 years young I hated PE as well. It was the worst subject in school all of the 13 years I went to school.
I still detest things like sports, aerobics, workouts and the closest you could get me to is a walk. Wait, no, when I was in rehab for the herniated disc I had to do Medical Training Therapy, something like a fitness studio and I liked some of these machines quite well to my own surprise.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
23 May 12
yep I hated P.E. as well, I hated it with a vengeance. We didn't have to take it in College or university thank goodness.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
23 May 12
i hated it in elementary because i got enough exercise doing what i wanted at home. then i hated it in high school because id never had sisters so i was embarrassed about taking showers in front of other girls. never got used to being naked in front of other girls, etc. till i got much older. 

@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
23 May 12
I hated P.E. it was boring and nothing I ever wanted to do. I was always a sports player but our classes where jokes. Then I was hurt and had to sit out almost two whole years of it. That said it was good for us. I see how chubby some of these kids are these days and think how badly they need P.E. everyday.
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@raganator27 (104)
• United States
23 May 12
Well I've hated many presidents and to many to name, but now I'm glad PE exists because it prevents the child obesity rate!
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