I'm sick of this!

United States
May 23, 2012 1:14pm CST
Warning: This is going to be long! Most of you all know full-well what a b*tch my sister in law is. I thought after my FIL died, we'd be done dealing with her, but apparently I was wrong. When FIL died I wanted to have a service for him so my kids could say goodbye, but unfortunately we couldn't afford it. SIL said that FIL did not want a service so she would not help us pay for one and if we had one anyway she'd tell the entire family not to show up. Instead she threw a little memorial thing this past weekend where both my in-laws were buried. I refused to go because this was her show and not what I wanted. My kids have already dealt with their grandfather's passing and I didn't want to bring all those feelings back for them, so we stayed home. Hubby went though.. and came home very upset. First of all he was upset before even going because he knew a bunch of people would show up that didn't belong there, like all his cousins who live nearby but couldn't be bothered to call, write, or speak to the in-laws in like 20 years. He also did not like a lot of the choices his sister made with the arrangements, such as her idea to play the bagpipes at the memorial (which he said she did terribly, although she's a music teacher). Apparently she even brought her husband (who my in laws had never met), his parents (again, my in laws never met), and a friend of her hubby's (that nobody knew). But what really bugged hubby was that nobody except his aunt and a few other guests had the decency to say anything to him. None of his cousins said they were sorry for his loss, nothing. He came home right after the funeral, but apparently SIL invited everyone out to a restaurant where she proceeded to talk badly about my husband. When FIL died, hubby was named executor of the estate. He got the car, the house, and all it's contents. SIL was left a TV, which she's already taken. She had asked hubby for a few other things, and to keep the peace he said yes, but that he hadn't gotten to them yet. In fact, when we moved into the house we threw most everything into the garage and haven't cleaned it out yet. He told her we needed time and money to get a dumpster, and then she'd have what she wants. Well, she told everyone on Sunday that she asked for these things but that he hadn't given them to her yet. She completely left out the part that he explained that she would get them as soon as we got a dumpster. So hubby's aunt called him a couple days ago and asked him why she hasn't gotten this stuff yet. He told her about needing a dumpster, then she proceeds to offer to pay for it. Now, so far as I know this aunt doesn't necessarily like hubby's sister either.. so that makes me wonder why the heck she's trying to kiss SIL's a$$? Hubby said that the aunt put it as "getting SIL of our a$$es".. but she has not been on us about getting this stuff.. and who cares. Hubby has the right to tell her she can't have anything from this house because the will states it all belongs to him, except the 1 TV she already has. Probate is finalized, there's nothing she can do. Yet she's got the whole family thinking we're deadbeats, freeloaders, and terrible people just because her's is the only story anyone listens to (mostly because the only part of the family we speak to is the 1 aunt). Now, I had thought the plan was to play nice with SIL until probate was finalized, because up until then she could fight us and we'd lose the house which we're already living in.. and knowing her she'd do it out of spite. Hubby said as soon as it was over, we'd be done with her and she wouldn't have a single thing. But now the aunt is going to pay for the dumpster.. so we have to give SIL that stuff otherwise the aunt will be mad at us too. I'm really starting to feel like everyone is on SIL's side, and nobody is on ours. SIL didn't do anything for her parents while they were alive except cause problems. She didn't even speak to her mother for years before her mother died, and even said she wouldn't go to MIL's funeral (although she did show up). What gives her the right to be all involved now that they're gone? What gives her the right to ask for anything in this house aside from what her father said she could have? What gives hubby's aunt the right to side with SIL? It's so very frustrating!!
8 responses
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
23 May 12
hope you dont get mad but why would a person only leave a tv to his daughter? sounds like fil was very vengeful also. i mean yes maybe she did not do much for him but why did he hate her so bad? jeesh. i have kids that love and do things for me, usually they want help with something of their own also though. usually money. but i have one in ohio that never does much for me and never asks me for anything either. but even so, i have told the other kids, i want her to have her equal share if not for the reason that she dont do for me but because shes my child. perhaps sil is so mean because obviously her dad did not love her. id feel sorry for her if i were you. think about it. what if your parent did this to you? perhaps the aunt has put herself in her neices shoes for a minute.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
23 May 12
oh im sorry. i realise now he didnt have anything else. i wonder how a girl can just turn their back on parents like that. i had thought you said she hadnt spoken to her mother for some years. i didnt speak to my mother for years because it was her choice. she sided with my step dad and threw me out at 14 yrs. because he said it was my fault he molested me. but my dad loved me and took me in and did all he could for me and left me what little he had. i really cant understand a person willingly giving up their parent. its not right of her. does she have kids? my mom left everything to my kids. but i was an only child to. she didnt want me to have anything. but thats fine.
• United States
23 May 12
She's older than me and doesn't want kids. Family means nothing to her, she's all about money.. which is why she's being a b*tch to us because we have no money. The cousins are all rich, and she has them all on her side.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
24 May 12
thats terrible. i myself did not want any of my moms money because yes i had enough at that time and my kids didnt. she should be glad you guys got something. if she loves her brother. which she obviously dont anyone. my mom was like that except for my step dad, all she cared about was money. no person. she thought cutting me out would hurt me but that wasnt it. it was the personal things i wanted some of like pics and such. well i got them thanks to my aunts inviting me to help them clean out her stuff. your sil should have at least helped you clean out the mess left behind and at the same time she could have gotten the things you let her have. guess she couldnt bother to help. what a B.!
@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
23 May 12
You do sound frustrated, I can understand it partly but fact is: no matter if Sil is setting everybody up to you, or is trying to do so.. the others make their own choices as well. It's their own choice to say yes or no, to accept an invitation or deny it, to abandon you or not. So it sounds to me they are all cowards or not interested or how you like to call it.
@AmbiePam (96644)
• United States
23 May 12
Wow. I wish there was a way for you to get the word out on what really happened.
• United States
23 May 12
I'm sorry she's continually give you cr@p at every opportunity she gets. Honestly other than getting the other few things she wants, find them, get them to her and be done with her. She's full of negativity and nothing more. You guys don't need the stress of her antics.
• United States
23 May 12
Well ma'am i will definetly pray for you and your family. Always remember that the Lord knows the truth and lies always come to the light..especially when its done out of spite.
@bbbogs (26)
• Philippines
24 May 12
so frustrating situation :(
@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
23 May 12
I do not think the aunt is really siding with SIL, I think she wants to have everything die down because she is tired of it. Even if SIL was not on your case for these items, it gave her something to run her mouth about to others. I think the aunt wants her to have no more reason to be so hateful. Obviously you do not want those things, as there are in the garage. I am so sorry that the family is behaving so badly. There is nothing that will make up for that. I think the aunt is trying to get them off your back, just as she said.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
23 May 12
I am so lucky that my family all agreed on things, I know this type of situation can really pull families apart. If it were me I would just get it behind me and forget about it....I know that's a tall order but best things are behind you instead of staring you in the face and beating yourself up about it.