how do you know if a woman is right for u?

United States
May 23, 2012 7:16pm CST
I have a question, How do you know if a certain woman is right for you? I have been involved with this woman for 12yrs we have a child together and we were married for 5yrs...we got a divorce because we both have issues we were dealing with....we never got along with each other and we physically fought alot...which ended up in me going to jail for a few night...when i got out i realized this wasnt the woman for me so i separated from her and started doing my own thing a few years down the road we giot a divorce...we have been divorced for 6yrs and inthose 6yrs i have been with another woman the whole time this other woman has been good to me in alot of ways but the areas she is lacking in my exwife excels in and just the other day my ex tell me its not to late to get my family back.... i was shocked that she came at me like the being the past we had togethjer but we are both alot older ow and we have both grown alot..we finally can talk to each other with out arguing and when we hang out now we actually have a good time, but the woman i have been with for the past 6yrs has been good to me but doesnt like to compromise...she want me to do things for her but when i want some things done for me she has a problem doing them...and with my ex thats wasnt the problem the only porblem we had during our relationship/marrage was argure...and since we have gotten pass that part i wonder if we could rekindle the flame....please give me feedback and opinions on what u think i should do...
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6 responses
24 May 12
good day Randypatrict, I understand your feelings,although i am a woman,before i have a boyfriend,because the character is inapproprite,so split up,there have someone say,before you meet a right person you will meet a wrong one,i feel right,now i have married for nearly one year,my husband is good to me very much ,we have a lovery son,so when you feel like you are in love,please take good over it,bless you !
• United States
24 May 12
i appreciate your opinion and concern, and i will give this alot of thought and main concern os my child cause she has already been thru so much and i would hate to put her to some more changes since she is comfortable with what we have now...
@safety69 (592)
• Taiwan
24 May 12
If , you feel good with your actual relationship dont spoil it. If you comeback with your old wife , it might happend the same as before . doesnt matter if she has your son or daughter , you can have a good relation with your kid . Be careful , take time to think about it , or you can just be friends with your old wife. have in mind maybe she is just jealous of your new good relationship. good luck my friend.
• United States
24 May 12
i actually agree with u on that one, i admit we was young when we married and young when we divorced i've grown alot since then and so has she....the relationship i have with my daughter is the problem cause she is a daddy's girl and we are very close but as the saying goes everything that look good isnt good and just because its good now dont mean it will be the same a few months from yes i have alot of thinking to do so that i will make the right decision...its not all about me and i have to think about that everytime i make drastic decisions...i appreciate ur thoughts thanks alot...
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
24 May 12
Would you buy a car with out a test drive? Of course not, and its the same with a woman. Take her out for a test drive and see that she works better when she's warmed up. Always keep her sheltered and out of the rain, and see that shes well rubbed down and clean. She will not work when shes empty so keep her tank filled. If you do all of these things and she starts on a cold morning shes worth keeping!
• United States
24 May 12
im having a hard time comparing the two....cause i have bought a car with out a test drive and it was one of the best cars i ever owned...ive already driven this car and it put me down, now that its fixed im hesitant to get back in this car because of the fear of let down again but then again it may be road ready this time around... ill give it a thought and i appreciate your response.
@acey76 (1275)
• Philippines
24 May 12
It's now finding the right's finding out yourself how you will fight for the relationship despite of the shortcomings of your partner, there is no perfect partner and if you will continue to find the right woman for there is non...but if you try to accept the flaws, and maybe you yourself can make up to the flaws then it will be a good relationship,you both have to learn to give and take, understand each other.A relationship is not built by merely attraction or love ...but its companionship that you need to be there for each other. You should learn to fight for the Love and not to learn letting go...And last maybe you should analyze yourself maybe it's not only your partners fault all the time try to analyze.
@kukueye (1759)
• Malaysia
24 May 12
Time together will expose each other  - Compatibility , acceptance of each other is important.
Only time will tell , whether the couple is suitable or compatiable with each other, couple have to travel together throught lot of storms and weathers. To suffer triumph and lossing together . TO help and share all type of things in the process and starting knowing each other , believing , and accepting as we are and hope for the best.So couple take longer time some take short time, to relish their mistake together or their happiness together.
• United States
24 May 12
Wow..seems like you been through alot. I have had a similar issue. honestly i am a family man so i am all about rekindling families. if the flame seems to be coming back and it makes you happy, then i would definetly go that route. And the relationship that you have now, it may hav just been a rebuilding step to get you prepared to be able to handle your real family. But u have to put God first in your relationship as well as your life. you wont go wrong that way. he will guide you and make sure you do the right thing. and it seems this is something that has been on your mind for a while so if it feels good to you, it wont hurt to go for it, especially if its for the betterment of your child.
• United States
24 May 12
I feel u Lafredrick i was leaning toward that myself...but something stops me not sure if she is sincere with this or she just wants me back because i was giving another woman what she always wanted...i admit i was at fault alot of time in our relationship but i dnt wanna go backward and endure the same bs we went thru years ago...but the thought of bringing my family back together is still a strong tought in my mind...another reason im hesitant is because my child is content with what we have right now we have been divorced most of her life..and now that she is comfortable with the situation we have i would hate to have to put her thru more changes when she has become adjusted with the situation..