Do you belive in aleins?
By RandyPatrick
@RandyPatrick (84)
United States
May 24, 2012 1:15am CST
My mind is open to alot, i cant say yes they exsist or no they dont because i havent seen one myself, but i cant rule out the fact that there is a good possibility the there are other life forms out there other than us..i've been taught all my life to believe and have in faith in someone i cant see or physically touch.. and if i believe in him creator of everything, what make it wierd to say that he created something other than humans... there are alot more planets out there other than earth and just because humans cant live out there doesnt mean some other form of life cant, hey we cant live under water but fish can..i dnt find it wierd or crazy when i hear ppl say that they have seen a ufo or have been abducted by aleins, it interest me... a large majority of humans believe in something they cannot see believed this one being created all earth how can u not believe or question that there is something else out there other than us...not trying to start a religion war...i just have a open mind...hey we cant see air but we believe we can breath..think about it..
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14 responses
@luisaR (452)
• Philippines
24 May 12
I believe in aliens. I think,they are different in sizes.the smallest could be like the tiniest insect u see. If you watch ancient aliends, you might even believe that the apparition that ancient people saw in the bible maybe some form of aliens rather than angels and Gods. I have similar question like u. The hunger is there ;-)
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
24 May 12
I love that show.
I don't necessarily believe them, but they are presenting scientific claims and are attempting to rationally justify what stood out as supernatural for primitive peoples.
What amazes me most about their investigations is that they find multiple sources in history for the same events, rather than using only the Bible or only the Quran or whatever. They look for recorded evidence of these huge events and conclude (maybe wrongly, of course) that it was just ETs and not gods.
Good show. It makes you think!

@sherrybelle (707)
• United States
24 May 12
I believe there could be life on other planets but I'm not in a position to prove that.
I don't think it's anything to fear.
I just believe that this world and life on this planet is a very small part of the universe.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
25 May 12
Hi RandyPatrick, I think it would be ridiculous for anyone to believe that this little earth, this speck of dust in the universe, to be the only place with life.There is no doubt in my mind but that there is other intelligent life out there, some very likely far superior to us. Someday we will know. Blessings.
@marguicha (225696)
• Chile
24 May 12
Our planet is a small thing in the Universe. I cannot think that only here we have life forms as we know thwm. Mind you, I think that ants and snakes are as much life forms as human beings. But I must confess that I donĀ“t have faith in a God that looks and acts as mankind does. At least I hope so, because manking is nothing to be proud of.
@garavegeta (963)
• Kochi, India
8 Jul 12
I believe in Aliens.It is really foolish,to that there will be no other life forms in this vast universe.I think there may be extra terrestrial life forms,in our galaxy itself. Conscious life forms may exist in someother part of universe.We are just too far apart to communicate with each other.In the future,we able to do that,as we learn more and more secrets about this universe.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
24 May 12
As I get older, it's becoming a lot harder for me to take things on faith. I thirst for the actual evidence of any claim before I buy into it. Maybe not for all things, but it's getting to that point slowly but surely.
But even though I don't have the evidence to suggest there is life out there, and even though it's obvious that I cannot make this observation, it seems like other life existing is a deduction that's more than plausible. It can't be a fact until it is a fact, but I'd say it's a given.
There are just too many planets revolving around too many stars in too many galaxies for life not to be out there. Even if it's incredible rare; even if it's literally one in one billion, it's out there somewhere.
I've said this before, and it's not an original line. It's something Neil deGrasse Tyson said. But if you think about the 1% difference from man to chimps, just think what a life form would be like if it was 1% more advanced than us!
We build computers and travel in space and do everything that makes us intellectually superior to all other forms of life on the planet, and we're only 1% more advanced than chimps. So a species 1% more advanced than us would be insanely different. And then imagine a species 1% more advanced than them!
We're all made of the exact same stuff -- the universe in general. There's nothing special about earth per se. I believe humanity is special, but that's another topic.
There's life out there. I don't know if I buy people's UFO encounters, but I do believe that life exists elsewhere in the universe, and perhaps even in our own solar system.

@Sandra_Hatfield (175)
• United States
24 May 12
There has to be aliens out there somewhere. We cannot be the only living creatures in the entire universe when the universe has probably millions or even billions of galaxies out there. Especially with all the sittings ever since the Aztecs and Ancient Egyptian times. There are so many questions we could ponder on like how intelligent are they? Why have they not shown themselves to us yet? Are they like us or something beyond our imagination? Do they time travel? See these questions are few of many that come to my mind when I think of the possibility of Aliens.
@polaris77 (2039)
• Bacau, Romania
24 May 12
I also believe that there are other forms of life in the Universe because it's impossible not to have other solar systems like ours in which there are conditions for life in the vast outer space,but I don't think we'll get in touch with those forms of life very soon,it may take thousands of years until we manage to establish contact with aliens.For the moment it's probably better that we don't have any contact with such forms of life which might be much more intelligent than us and might even harm us.I just hope that when we finally have an encounter with aliens they will have peaceful thoughts.Anyway,I'm convinced they exist.
@sivaeinfo (220)
• India
24 May 12
It is a interesting topic. The aliens are created only in film and drama. But in some way we have doubt in believe that there is a availability of aliens. any way it this topic comes in our talk. At present its depends on their individual interest. in future, it would be concluded and we don't know that we are alive or not. Unless we are actually seeing that, we don't believe and bother of that.
@sayo13 (414)
• India
24 May 12
if you ask me about my view then i would say the we should never delete the possibility of existence of other life in other planets or in other celestial bodies of the universe.
The important fact is that there are still so many things and discoveries that is yet to be made and we human are still unaware of the big big facts and possibilities in astronomy.
People every day seek for the new facts that may light up a complete new phase of our celestial world and might open up the possibilities of new hope and happenings in the future.
We are not aware of the existence of the aliens life outside our planet but cannot delete the fact also that there may be life in some other forms and in some other part of the solar system.
Well i do believe that there are many many other facts and information that we are yet to know and discover and we are a minute part of this whole solar system.but i would like to have a look at the other lives that exist outside our planet!!
• Philippines
24 May 12
Maybe we can't deny the fact that there's so many exists in this world some are scientific explanation,but of course the world is bounded of phenomenon.
Think about this, can you imagine that there is someone looking at you or holding you by not knowing anything? so scary ..LOL..
In my home town,I heard some story that there were a women who is love by an unseen man, and during night time the unseen man make love to her, and unexplained situation, and in our home town if there's a kind of situation like that they have to carver pig/pigs then they take some prayers to let that unseen man go away from the women. it's our tradition and beliefs, and if they will not do the tradition,there will be a time that the women will be vanish or the women will insane.
Thanks have a nice day
@Oz2991 (16)
• United States
24 May 12
Alien is a word to describe life on other planets, the reason I do believe in aliens is because we are life on our own planet, and we can't be the only life in the entire universe when there are tons of other galaxies it would be ignorant to think we were. When we discover other life is another subject and How is just as difficult to answer.
@stephen_ray_07 (20)
• Philippines
24 May 12
Well if we consider how vast our Universe is, there's some chance that we are not alone. If we just keep our minds open, we can't really prove anything yet since we can't even travel to another planet yet.