I'm Sorry IF I Couldn't Please YOU..

Tears - Sadness
@cloud31 (5809)
May 26, 2012 1:30pm CST
You started a topics,so I response.I never thought that telling the truth can't please you. I'm sorry If I mean to answer your question honestly but I don't expect that will feel differently. My parents raised me with all those advises not to disgrace anybody,respect others as I respect myself,tolerate things if its mean to be and humbling myself always to others.I know if my answer does not make you happy then I'm sorry..But don't show up your personality by a simple words that never harm you, and did nothing to you.. I respect your views and now I know more about you..I'm sorry If I couldn't please you!! If telling the truth is wrong then where should people stand?
4 people like this
23 responses
@annavi23 (6522)
• Philippines
27 May 12
What makes you sad, cloudy? Who is it that made you feel bad? Well, proves that we can't please everyone. We have our own opinions, good or bad. We are here to share our point. Sometimes we might feel hurt by their comments but then, as your interest says, they are just being theirselves. Or is it the idea of not-being-able-to-know what others would feel about their words... Well, I hope they would learn their lessons someday. And don't be too harsh on others.sometimes words can hit same as physical abuse as well. It goes straight to the heart.
@cloud31 (5809)
30 May 12
Hello sweet, Just a bit of emotionWell, I guess you are right and that someone can't really accept what others opinion, they just can't respect others like they forget that this a site of sharing opinions and ideas. Anyway I will let you know more of this later on.. Have a nice day ahead!
@cloud31 (5809)
31 May 12
I will have a long holiday next week and that I will send you a message in YM ok? See yah sweety...Take care!
@annavi23 (6522)
• Philippines
30 May 12
Yes, not all people can have good moods as well when it comes to letting out their opinions and views in life. SOmetimes they tend to complicate things when it is just a simple question being asked or so... Hmmm...later on? where? Haven't heard from you in other sites... I hope we could get to talk next time... :)
@coffeegurl (1467)
• United States
27 May 12
I like your shades. Bono would love those! Where did you get them? Anyway, I wish I knew more about the conversation that happened with your friend. Some people are very rigid and don't understand any other way of thinking.
• United States
30 May 12
U missed Me??! Awww. I have been away from mylot because I get so many emails all day, and mylot I placed in a big folder and kind of forgot about. I have been working a lot and too busy to post. But, I am back for now. Mostly, I have been sticking to Inbox Dollars because I am making at least $25/month just by doing a survey or two per day. I do a LOT of surveys with many sites and get amazon gift cards,etc. A bigger pay off compared to mylot.
@cloud31 (5809)
30 May 12
Hello gurl, My shade I bought that 8 months ago I guess when I visited in Italy.I dreamed of that long time agofriend. Regarding the topic we had here,those conversation were just a bit sad anyway,knowing that he/she can't understand what I'm trying to emphasized but anyway I'm not trying to explain further more to him/her. I learned more now and that I stick to what I know is truth. Been missing you huh? Where have you been? Take care yeah! Thank you for taking your time here! Have a nice day friend!
1 person likes this
@obey39 (125)
• China
27 May 12
Yeah.But if his(our friend)opinion is correct, I will support him resolutely. Otherwise, I will try to persuade him with a wise way on the grounds that I understand what he thinks.
@Graceekwenx (3160)
• Philippines
27 May 12
Awww Cloud31. Please dont be sad. We can never please everybody. There would always be those who object with us; some wouldnt even dar to listen because they prefer to hear things that they wanted to hear. I get this often here in Mylot. There are some mylotters who can really get nasty.
@cloud31 (5809)
30 May 12
Hello Grace, Thank you for the words of encouragement.I agree with you and that I will be more careful next time..I will surely keep that in mind. Thanks for being here! Have a nice day ahead!
@obey39 (125)
• China
27 May 12
this is also a part of our daily life.different people have different characters.All we could do is to share our opinions with them, however seemingly delightful or sad, which could push them far from trouble.
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
26 May 12
Hmm.. Is this a topic war? lols. I guess to know the two side of the story we also need to read the first thread that make you post this thread right? Can you post the url link of that thread? lols. I don't think you need to please anybody. You cant' expect a cat to bark simply because you want a dog right?
@cloud31 (5809)
29 May 12
Hi there, Nope this is not a war. Just a bit of emotions.I'm feeling better now and that just a bit sad about what was happened. No worries now..And that I've learned more this time..I will not feel sorry again next time. just kidding! Thanks for having you here and Have a nice day!
@cloud31 (5809)
29 May 12
Hi there, Nope this is not a war. Just a bit of emotions.I'm feeling better now and that just a bit sad about what was happened. No worries now..And that I've learned more this time..I will not feel sorry again next time. just kidding! Thanks for having you here and Have a nice day!
@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
28 May 12
Ouch! Truth hurts. There's a line between respecting other's opinion despite the differences and offending another intentionally because of that differences. We should learn to respect and say things in a not so offending manner so we could get respect back in return.
@cloud31 (5809)
30 May 12
Hello toni, I got that! Thank you for being here! And Have a nice day!
@deodavid (4150)
• Philippines
28 May 12
Hey there cloud31, Well no one can perfectly please anyone and maybe misunderstanding is in play whatever, but i do believe that we should all treat each other with respect i need to read the earlier thread to get a better look at this i hope you are fine though cloud31.
@cloud31 (5809)
30 May 12
Hello deodavid, Thanks I'm feelin' better now.. After all your words guys! Thank you for those wonderful advises from all of you.. Have a nice day ahead!
@justinus (1104)
• Karawaci, Indonesia
27 May 12
No, it is not wrong. truth is truth, if the truth was about the bad (crime etc) it will be better for us to tell, but it is not necessary tell all the truth or (perhaps this criminal has a good wife then we tell her "your husband is a thief" or tell to his beloved son "your father is thief) ... sorry it is about feeling only...
@cloud31 (5809)
30 May 12
Hello friend, You are right I should not feel sorry about that... I'm vary thankful having you here. Thank you for your words. Have a nice day!
@derek_a (10874)
27 May 12
There is an old saying that "the truth will set you free" and I do my utmost to live by this. In relationships, it is the truth that makes each person in the relationship stronger and feeling more free not to have to hide things from others. Then there are some people who don't really want to hear the truth.. I would say to them not to ask me what I feel/think about something. As a therapist, I have always taught people about the value of the truth. I have often had to say things that people "don't want to hear" because they are there for my support. If I didn't say it as it is, then I would never be true to my client or my patient. This is always explained to a client from the start. Right and wrong are judgements that we use to assess a situation. The truth doesn't make anything right or wrong, it is just the way it is. For example to feel pain (emotional or physical) can feel wrong, but judging it to be wrong, only makes it worse. It is pain, a way of the body/mind telling you that you need to pay attention, without it, things could be a great problem for us. _Derek
@cloud31 (5809)
30 May 12
Hello derek,, I understand what you have hear and that I thought about it so many times..I agree with you and that I will do the same as you do to make me feel better. Thanks for your words it means a lot. Have a nice day!
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
27 May 12
Hi Cloud, Some people just don't handle opposing views or truths well. I've seen it on here before where someone appears to almost be looking for confirmation that they are right and if someone counters their opinion, they go into attack mode. I have also seen some that have opposing views that express their opposition in a way that actually does come across as rude and offensive even though it may just be their opinion and their truth. There is always a way to express an opposing view that is not offensive but not all people take the time to do that. Also sometimes things can be misunderstood here on the net with the absense of eye and facial expression and tone of voice. It is essential to take extra care in how we word things here. I've been misunderstood more than once.
@cloud31 (5809)
30 May 12
Hello sid, It made me sad when people just like as what you describes.I don't use to something like that and I don't really fond of debates. If possible I want a peaceful place to stay and that we supposed to have it here because we don't know each other personally but cases still the same as we have encounter people in virtual life. Some are very rude and lack of respect with others.And that I was so sad witnessing those kind of situation. I'm sorry if you feel that way too and that you also experienced being misunderstood.I hope they will learn to respect others opinion and absorb words from others without any grudge in their heart even its the opposite of their ideas. Thank you for being here ma'm.And have a nice day!
@minhaj09 (236)
• Bangladesh
27 May 12
sad... no worry dear. in mylot platform, we meet a thousands of ppl from all over d world. capability of getting anything varies person to person. its not wise getting hurt of any emotions. take it easy yaar!
@cloud31 (5809)
30 May 12
Hello minhaj, Thanks for your words.. I will keep that in mind.. Have a nice day !
@Harold_ks (1673)
27 May 12
Sometimes we really can't understand why there's people who gets mad at us even we are not doing any bad at them. They are just so unreasonable. It is really true that we can't really please everyone and time after time, we will encounter a person like that, even we are always being good. It seems like there are always people who were born to ruin a particular person's day. Just always remember that bad elements are everywhere and we should not fall on their trap. Our temper will be tested but we should always remain good. As long as we are not doing bad to others, we should learn not to get affected by temptations. Cloud, I know you are a blessed person and you should expect that there would always be people who will get envy at you, just because they don't have what you got. That's really a bad attitude of them, but since you are the one who is blessed, then just don't mind them and focus on positive things. Just think of those people who loves you, and for sure, it will conquer the number of people who hates you. Smile now cloud, coz we are always here for you.
@cloud31 (5809)
30 May 12
Hello Harold, Thank you for those wonderful advises and words from you. I know we can't prevent this to happens sometimes in mylot. I understand better now.. And really thankful to all of you whose being here to comforts me.. Thank you and have a nice day!
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
27 May 12
You don't have to say sorry for it. Most of the people when they are having problems they tend to follow their heart and refuse to listen to others. There are just quite a few people who ready to get the second opinion and open to it. Since mylot is the discussion site they should not expect everyone to agree with them. If it so they should mention it in their discussion that they dislike opposite views. Otherwise they should take whatever people write here. If they hate it they should stop make new discussions. We all have the same experience meeting those people but you should not feel sad about it. If we are doing the correct thing than you don't have to feel guilty~(^^)
@cloud31 (5809)
30 May 12
Hello CTHanum, Thank you for that wonderful words from you..I learned better than I used to.. Thank you.. And thank you for taking your time here...Have a nice day ahead!
@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
27 May 12
If you are a straight person and stand for what you say then what is the problem? Why are you saying sorry? I think it's a very good habit to say what is on your mind, and being honest. Although the fact is: most people are not and "we" like to hear the lies more as the truth. It always makes me wonder why. Why asking if you can't live with the answer. How come so many only like those who lick their ... those who tell lies? Lack of the way we are raised? Not able to live with the truth, to cope with the answer, to think over what is said, always having the feeling this is the same as being reacted as a person?
@cloud31 (5809)
30 May 12
Hello WakeUpKitty, Yes thank you for your enlightenment..I will keep that in mind.Its nice feeling to be able to read a words from those open minded person just like you.. Thank you for taking your time here.. Have a nice day ahead!
@obey39 (125)
• China
27 May 12
Hello,my friend. It is really a confusing topic. On one hand, All we do is to please others.On the other hand, our words will irriate others although they are truly reflecting the society,itseilf to some extent. So eomtimes white lie is a good selection.
@cloud31 (5809)
30 May 12
Hello obey, First of all Welcome to mylot..Yes sometimes we cannot prevent things happens like this misunderstanding of words and belief. Anyway things is vivid to me now and that I understand what he/she is trying to say anyway.. Thank you for having you here..Great day ahead!
@peavey (16936)
• United States
26 May 12
I have bypassed discussions where I had an opinion but knew it wouldn't be accepted well. Sometimes, at least for me, the best thing to say is nothing. People many times don't want honest opinions as much as they want support for their own opinion.
@cloud31 (5809)
29 May 12
Hello peavey, I'm sorry about what you have encountered before too. And that also I'm so glad you can understand them. You are right saying sometimes they just want someone to support their own truth and their opinions. Just a bit sad about it. Anyway thank you for your time and having you here is every much appreciated.. Have a nice day!
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
26 May 12
Sooner or later we all come across someone who absolutely does not want to hear what we decide to say. Those people are a danger here just like the mines in a battlefield. MyLot is a discussion site and a discussion is an exchange of opinions. There is no right or wrong opinion and we should all realise that when we start a topic, not everyone will agree with our opinion. There would be no discussionsif that were the case. Stick to what you have been taught and don't bend just because it is an easy way out. Those who cannot accept that others have an equal right to their opinion as they have to theirs are not worth arguing with either because they rearely, if indeed ever, take off the shutters that are covering their eyes.
@cloud31 (5809)
28 May 12
Hello mysD, I'm expecting this to happened somehow here in mylot.I even tried to make the best I can to please everyone not to hurt others because being here makes me feel home. I understand also that we are exchanging opinion here and not to think who and what is right.As you know since I was in my newbie days I don't debate much,I don't make things worse if possible. I'd rather shut myself down before situation getting worse. I respect most members here and that I feel sorry that she/he feels bad about what I'm trying to emphasize. Now I get more ideas from you..I know better what I should do in the future. Thank you for being here ma'm..I appreciate that a lot! Have a wonderful monday!
@celticeagle (164984)
• Boise, Idaho
26 May 12
Sometimes people just do not want to hear the truth. They put it off on you in some way so they don't have to fess up to it. Its called being responsible for your own actions. A mature person will do this. An immature person won't. It is sad but people can be very self involved and not care about the other person.
@cloud31 (5809)
29 May 12
Hello ms celt, A lot of people like as what you described. I hope they can be more mature and care about others and learnt how to absorb opinions and words from others.I hope someday they will be more open minded to understand others and not just for themselves. I'm just sad about it. But I'm feelin' better now. Thank you for your thoughts. And thank you for being here ma'm. Great day ahead!
@Devilova (5392)
• Indonesia
27 May 12
Well, thats why there is a word "Honost is mostly painfull, whether for those who said nor listen". Sometimes, we have to hear or say it whether we like or not. Life is unpredictable, its not always like we want. For those who could understand it, I believe they could take it.
@cloud31 (5809)
30 May 12
Hi Devilova, You are right, I agree with you just sometimes we can prevent things to happened to and that mostly it was hard for them to understand others opinion. Thank you for having you here! Great day!
@CODYMAC (1356)
• San Diego, California
26 May 12
Hello, cloud31. I am sorry to hear about this. I know how you feel. I had a similar experience with some of my posts. I hope that those tears last only a short while. Cheer up, sis, and I am happy to know that you had the courage to start this discussion.
@cloud31 (5809)
28 May 12
Hello Cody, Thank you for your friendly advise. I'm feeling better now and that back to normal. Thank you for being here. Have a nice day!
@alutka (211)
26 May 12
people who can not tolerate the truth, they are lying, and they are false, I try not to ask such people, I pass them, I do not like people who believe in something false, hope lies, it interferes with their swiat.Nie hate such false things.
@cloud31 (5809)
28 May 12
Exactly! Thank you for having you here! Welcome to myLot alutka.. Great day ahead!