DISCIPLINE, does it really neds to be provided by own parents?

@zip12ph (179)
May 27, 2012 1:51pm CST
Just having lunch today when suddenly i heard a commotion coming from our neighbor's house, out of curiosity, I've overheard the reason of it, Its due to the scolding of a child by her aunt which the child's mother doesn't like, Hearing the mother saying that, " I'm the only one allowed to discipline my child". Hearing it had keep a question on my mind, Can other person discipline our own child or does it really needs to come directly to the parent? Because as for me, since i'm also a parent, i would allow other person to scold my child if he commits mistakes but in a proper way that it will not diminish things that I've thought him, How about you my fellow mylotters, would you allow others to discipline your own child?
9 responses
• Philippines
28 May 12
As a daughter, I need to be disciplined so I can do all things in a right way rather than making the problems worst. I also admit that I was a black sheep of our family. I always disagree on things they say that I did was wrong and many more. There was this moment that I realize that I was getting worst because of the actions and words that I always say. That was the time that my parents don't talk to me that I feel ashamed with myself. After those past years that happened, now, I understand why Discipline is important.
@zip12ph (179)
• Philippines
28 May 12
Hi Bonsia120, i'm so happy that you've been able to realize how important discipline to each and every one of us, it will actually depend also on the child if the teaching being provided to them is being taken as important as their being. Keep up the good work, have a nice day.
@dream_ozn (1754)
• Singapore
28 May 12
This is a really interesting question. I think there are some people where they feel that only they can discipline their own children. An example is one of my godsister. She does not have a good relationship wtih her mom-in-law and therefore everything someone elses say something about her son, she would show a black face and then later we would hear that it is because she does not like "others" to say things to her children. She is quite an extreme becasue she does not even likes when other relatives hold her baby. She just wants her children to belong to herself. I don't know if she acts this way because her family's upbringing is like that or becuase she is overly anxious about her kids. On the other hand, there are others who are very open to the idea of other people teaching their child, as long as they teach/discipline them the right thing. This example would be my boyfriend's sister. She has 3 children now and the youngest one should be about 2. She love her children too, but she allows other relatives to go and talk to her children, play with them and take care of them for her. When we are there spending time when her children, she is able to go to the kitchen and cook or do other things that she wants to do. She feels perfectly safe that her children is with other relatives. She does not think that other relatives will hurt her children. (A far cry from my godsister). However, my boyfriend's sister is not very well-to-do and she is a stay-at-home mom looking after her children 24/7. Perhaps she is very happy when other try to take care of her children for her because she gets a break. However, my godsister is better off, can afforad a maid and is currently working. Maybe this explains the difference in their thinking.
@zip12ph (179)
• Philippines
28 May 12
Hi Dream_ozn, I think you are right on the idea that the social standing of a person also have an effect with regard to other person providing discipline to a child, and also if you hate a person and that everything that person says are always not of good standing since of the hate that one person feel. thank you for the comment and it also leave me thinking about it.
@keasling (723)
• United States
27 May 12
It would be hard for only the parent to discipline a child. They have to go to school, they eventually work, the parent is not the only one. However the parent needs to be the one to instill right and wrong and teach them to be a proper citizen. I know parents tend to get upset if a person they dislike says anything to their child. Things have to be taken into consideration before lashing out. Who's home? If they are in the persons home then they must entitle that person to say no you cannot mess with that. If they are in their own home then the other adult needs to let the parents deal with as it is their house. Very good topic!
@zip12ph (179)
• Philippines
28 May 12
Thank you Keasling, i do agree with you, for a busy parent like my husband and I, we allow our relatives provides the discipline that my 2 angels needs since we cant monitor their daily activity but we specifically inform that hurting them is a big NO. Have a nice day.
@GemmaR (8517)
27 May 12
I think that if your child is in school, they are under their care, and this means that they should be able to discipline them if there is any need for them to have to do so. With regards to other family members, I wouldn't mind them telling my child how to behave if they were doing something really wrong, but if there is not any immediate danger then I think that I would much prefer it if they would come to me and talk to them about it instead as I should be the one who deals with it if there is any way that others don't strictly have to do so.
@zip12ph (179)
• Philippines
28 May 12
GemmaR, thank you for your comment, We do have the same idea when it comes to third party providing proper discipline to our own child, i myself also provides this disciplines to my nephew and nieces, but i do inform this to my sisters and brother if it happen that i scold them, but hurting them is not a part of my discipline tactics, i just let their parents handle that.
@bubuth (1815)
• Philippines
16 Aug 12
I think it will be okay if other person will discipline my children as long as they are not hurting them. It will be okay if they will just talk to my children. Not all the time the parents have their attention for their children like when he/she is at the school or playing somewhere. Like in school, the teachers is allow to discipline their students.
• Philippines
27 May 12
I'm not yet a parent but one of my friends have the same problem. My friend's sister won't allow her to scold her son even though the child committed some mistakes. And it end up in a bit of commotion to both of them. For me, it's okay to discipline my child specially if he/she is an immediate family member.
@zip12ph (179)
• Philippines
28 May 12
I think this kind of parents have their own reason as to why they wont allow others to scold their child especially if the child commits mistake, but then i just respect their reason and just to avoid unwanted things from happening, i just let my child avoid their kids, but since sometimes avoidance is impossible, i just extend my patience to be cool. thank you for your comment
28 May 12
This is a tricky one. Initially, my blood starts to bubble a little at the thought of anyone other than myself or my husband discipining my daughter. But when I start to think about it a little more it is only inevitable that my daughter is going to be in situations where other people will have to tell her off. Certainly when she goes to stay with grandparents on her own she will be told off by them and when she starts school of course the teachers will tell her off if they have to. Even extended family and friends may intervene at times to tell her not to do something. I think the most acceptable form this telling off from others can take is when it is to stop a child from injuring themselves or getting into real trouble. For example if a child of a friend or family member was about to run into the road I would feel it my duty to stop them and tell them off, as I would hope someone would intervene and reprimand my daughter if they saw her running into the road. It is when someone else takes it upon themselves to be a key disciplinarian to your child, undermining the boundaries you as a parent have put in place that it becomes something else - wrong.
28 May 12
Discipline starts at home. The parents are the first teachers of their children. The foundation of the values and morals of a child should be developed at home. Of course the outside environment (outside the house) matters especially in the school. But we start developing our values since we are infants and toddlers. We should not depend on anyone else in disciplining our children and it's an insult to let anyone discipline them.
• Philippines
28 May 12
i think the primary responsibility of disciplining the child comes from the parents.. teachers and guardians, in the absence of the parents, can do this job for them.. that's why we have godparents and school teachers.. :)