hubby mad that im making money the lazy way
By verolop29
@verolop29 (1096)
United States
May 30, 2012 3:30pm CST
i showed my husband how much im making doing odd and ends online and he says to quit doing that. im not going to quit! im not hurting anyone except his mocho-ism self! he he says to quit or else....whowho or else what! im not afraid of him. he's always telling me he'd help me work but he hasn't. so i have decided to do it myself and i am. there are step i have to follow and before i signed up for serveys and mylott i was doing blogs and i skipped a few step and expected to make money. that was a bad move on my end and i wont do it again! im going to follow all the steps and finish it and go on to the next company or whatever. whenever he comes home and he sees me on the computer he asks what im doing and i say working. he gets mad and he starts making me feels bad. i still clean,cook,do laundry, even his. sometimes he asks how much $ u made today. and i tell him and he says the same thing over and over. i want u to quit or im gonna ground u. i tells him 'no ur not, ur not MY DADDY' i swear if he says that to me one more time im gonna cuss his but off. and i dont cuss. he's working my last nerve ppl what should i do? help me plz
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19 responses
@verolop29 (1096)
• United States
31 May 12
I did ask him about it and he just completely shut me off. He says I don't want to talk about it. And then it's over. I think that when he sees that check come in the mail, then he wont have a hard time accepting me working from home...but thanks outcast! Hey how did u come up with you handle name? bcuz i love that band!
@verolop29 (1096)
• United States
7 Jun 12
i understand completely so dont feel bad. and i have no hard feeling at all!
that sometimes happen to me. when i want to work my daughters want to watch diego and Dora! lol!! i tell them 'mommy's gotta work' and they turn their sad face at me and im i get offline for a few hours and while they're wacthing their movie, i clean. and clean and clean. after 3or 4 shows of their fav movie i tell them its mommy's time. and they happly agree and go play!

@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
31 May 12
My husband used to complain about the amount of time I spend on the computer. He thought I sat here all day. While he was off for surgery, he seen it was not. I do a lot of different sites, and do pretty well. He was even to the point, he was watching what I was doing and asking what I got for doing it. I don't know why he thinks you should stop, but acting like that is not going to do it. I have lots of different type of sites I do everyday.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
1 Jun 12
I really don't understand your husband's anger on this at all. At first I thought maybe he wanted you to go out and get a regular job but that doesn't make sense. If I remember from past discussions, you have kids and so you'd have to get a sitter and pay a sitter...defeats the whole purpose. You mentioned that he was mad that you were earning the "lazy" way and another time he said that he thought you spent your days just "sitting around". Thats actually not unusual for guys to think that. They have no idea how hard you work just keeping up with the house and laundry, kids etc. I think the look in his eye that you caught may not have been that he was jealous but possibly a realization that he may be wrong and after being such a jerk to you he may have felt kind of stupid, embarrassed and not wanting to admit that he was wrong?? Just a guess. I would ask him for suggestions on what he feels you should do to earn money instead. It would be interesting to hear what he has to say. As for grounding you....hope he's not serious on that one. Good grief.
@verolop29 (1096)
• United States
1 Jun 12
no i think ur right..! it IS hard and i do it alone. he just got a major pay reduction and i told him he outta do what i do. he has yet to do to that grounding he was just kidding. he doesn't know why he said that but it was funny i couldn't help myself but laugh my head off!
how have u been doing?!
@GemmaR (8517)
31 May 12
I am making money on the internet as well, and a lot of my family don't seem to like what I am doing because of the fact that I can sit on the computer all day and make more money than they would be able to when they were in work. However, I don't see why people who go and work for somebody else all day when they have the chance to work from home and earn more money than they would ever have been able to if they had chosen to stay at home. It is nobody else's business what you do to earn your money, as long as you can pay your way and don't have to borrow money from everybody else all of the time.

@BannedHelsing (692)
• Philippines
31 May 12
Just do whatever makes you happy. Your not violating any laws, are you? So just do it. He is your husband, he should support. He should be happy 'cause you are earning money.
@verolop29 (1096)
• United States
31 May 12
nope! not a law breaker here. i go by the rule and regs just like everyone else. i think it all has to do with him being a man.
@echomonster (2225)
• Greenwood, Mississippi
30 May 12
That seems really strange to'd think your husband would be glad you're contributing to the family income, especially these days. Is he just really controlling in general? At the very least, he ought to respect your desire to make some extra money, especially if it isn't hurting him in any way. Maybe you could try just working online when he's not at home, but that's really not the ideal solution. Your husband is in the wrong here...he should be more respectful of you and be appreciative of your work.
@verolop29 (1096)
• United States
31 May 12
yeah i laughted soo hard when i heard him tell me that!! i was like seriousley??
@Jul14nch0 (1414)
• Argentina
31 May 12
You shouldn't give up! Now is when you've to try even harder so you prove him you can reach your goals. You won't get rich overnight doing this... everyone started this business just earning few pennies daily. 

@verolop29 (1096)
• United States
1 Jun 12 much harder do i have to try?! honestly hehehe!!
good advise there; but im not giving up. im persistant and confidant that i am going somewhere someday!
@nonersays (3336)
• United States
30 May 12
My husband got mad at me for a similar reason. Not because I was earning money, but because I spent too much time on the computer.
He told me, "Stop playing on the internet all the time!"
I told him, "I'm not PLAYING. What YOU do on the internet is playing, what I'm doing is EARNING MONEY."
In the end I know he is just jealous because I don't spend time with him hardly anymore, I come home from work and get right on the computer.
I just make an effort to spend a little more time with him, and he quit being mad about it.
@verolop29 (1096)
• United States
31 May 12
men! cant live with them and can't live without them!! what ever are we to do?! I wish my hubby would let me give him 30 min hehehehe!! i think he'll be less like a woman who is PMS'n ha!
@randylovesdar (4932)
• United States
1 Jun 12
I would continue to make money. In this day and age it is hard to get money and if you can make money online that is great. I am trying to make extra money online and my husband is supportive of me. Any money I make online I am allowed to spend it any way I want to. Most of the time I save my money, but ocassionally I do splurge and buy my husband a gift. I think your husband is unreasonable to expect you to cook, clean and do laundry instead of having fun.
@jeth88 (68)
• Manila, Philippines
2 Jun 12
Just do what makes you happy. I'm sure in time he will understand you and let you do what you really like and love. Try to make him understand that earning money online is unpredictable. Sometimes you will earn more sometime you have not. Anyway, I will pray for you and for your husband to make his mind clear.
@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
30 May 12
Hi verelop! Perhaps you could explain to him everything regarding our job. Maybe he is just telling you to stop because you somehow had no time for him anymore because you are staying in front of a computer most of the time. I know if he can see that you are doing good on this field, he would understand you more. You could also adjust your working time so that you could attend to his needs also.
@verolop29 (1096)
• United States
31 May 12
i see what ur saying! But i do enough already. Iam a housewife and when he gets home, im tired too and when he gives me that look-u know what i mean-like y r u tired??? once he told me what he thinks i do. he thought i sit around all day, doing nothing. im contantly cleaning and doing laundry.
Im going to set myself a daily schedual first thing tomarrow morning and see if i can stick to it! come to think of it i showed him how much money i have comming in the mail on the 16th and he looked a little jealous...maybe i misinterpred that look...........
ill try again ARIES1973 AND thanks!!
@TrinityDownpour (790)
• Liechtenstein
6 Jun 12
Just pretend your husband is singing a bad song to the wall. He should be thankful that you're helping him to make an extra income.
Macho-ism is for the insecure. Continue what you're doing maybe someday he might appreciate it.
@verolop29 (1096)
• United States
31 May 12
I brought that to his attention but i dont know what is with guys and cars/bikes. whenever he goes online, he goes to look a bike parts but he doesn't look into what im going to push a little harder and see what the outcome will be
@crochetkid (351)
• United States
31 May 12
I would keep doing what your doing. If he does get upset about you being online, maybe you could just work while he's not home. Maybe if he doesn't "see" you working he'll calm done. Certainly turmoil in the home isn't good for anyone, hopefully the two of you can reach a happy medium. What types of work are you doing and aprox. what can you make per day?
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
31 May 12
I don't know what the or else in this situation should be here because I don't think that you are doing anything at all wrong. You see, I've been a stay at home mother for the last five years and the only money that I'm making is money that I am able to make from home. That is the money that I used to make watching my two little nieces and it is also the money that I make from working online. I know that it isn't a lot of money, but it has been money that has been able to help us through some tough situations.
@freymind (1351)
• Philippines
1 Jun 12
I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble with your husband regarding working online. Its still best to let him know that what you're doing is not a waste of time. Just talk to him calmly and tell him that it makes you earn money plus this is what you want to do. You haven't neglected your part as a wife to him so why need to quit your work online right?
Or.. maybe he's just jealous?
Just a thought. He might think that you're doing something else online and just wasting time and electricity. Anyhow its better that you're both earning at least its for your family's sake.

@ryanong (9664)
• Vietnam
31 May 12
I don't understand why your hubby are like that. Earning money online or offline is good also, then why did he just say you quit it. I think he should be happy with that you are doing...while you still do good housework.
Men are complicated also... grrr
In my opinion, still keep doing it, my friend. You also need to earn your own money too. You have a right to do it, and you should protect your right.
@mercvict (127)
• India
31 May 12
Hi Verolop, it's really nice to hear that you also support the family apart from doing all the house-hold work. I know how difficult it is to manage both home and work. Instead of arguing with him for the online works you are doing, just try to sit with him and find the actual reason why he is not interested. He may have something in his mind, its your responsibility to clarify it.