Ben and Jerry's Class Action

@teamrose (1492)
United States
June 1, 2012 7:24am CST
Apparently Ben & Jerry's (and Breyer's) settled a class action lawsuit involving the term "All Natural" on its packaging. The settlement will provide up to $20 per household if you purchased (during about the last 6 years) certain flavors (quite a few of them). You get up to $2 per container purchased, but if you claim 4 or more, you need proof (like receipts). For claims of 3 or less no proof is required. That's a bummer, because I've certainly purchased more than 10 pints in 6 years of the specified flavors, but even though I actually do save grocery receipts (because I pay with a credit card), I'm not searching through years of credit card statements and grocery receipts to try to find the ones where I purchased those flavors in order to get up to $14. But filing a claim for 3 containers is a no-brainer. More information, and claim forms, at
2 responses
@nikki3 (172)
• United States
1 Jun 12
I think everyone must be doing this now first it was Nutella now Ben and Jerry's
@teamrose (1492)
• United States
1 Jun 12
The lawyers are getting rich coming up with these law suits.
@ebmims (89)
• United States
1 Jun 12
Lawyers have been getting rich coming up with stuff like this for awhile XD I was reading that there are firms setup for the sole purpose of going through old companies that no longer exist but still have patents/copyrights etc., purchase those companies then turn around and sue people/companies who are infringing on their patents/copyrights.
@freqspaz (220)
• United States
1 Jun 12
That's awesome thanks for the heads up on it! We always have breyers in the house, so I know we qualify. Great tip for some quick cash!