Should the US government kill gay people?

United States
June 1, 2012 5:39pm CST
A Christian pastor in Kansas, who started off by saying we should put them behind an electric fence, now says that the US government should just kill all of them (and cut out the whole electric fence apparently). I understand that some people don't approve of gay people, but at what point do you hate a group so much that you want to kill all of them? This man sounds more like Hitler than a pastor. Do you agree with this pastor? Do you think that the government should exterminate a group of citizens because of the religious beliefs of some?
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17 responses
@ajk111 (2495)
2 Jun 12
clearly i and i expect 99.99% of repliers to agree that this is a idiotic point of view. What is frightening is that people may listen and be swayed by this hysterical propaganda. Remember, Hitler started off as a savior of the German economy as well as being named Times 'man of the year' so you can see where the danger lies. The human race is supceptable to gullibility under times of stress and that is the true worry.
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• United States
2 Jun 12
AJ, many in this country have used the first amendment to eliminate people they didn't agree with. The anti-abortion movement used divisive rhetoric like this to justify killing abortion doctors, and some acted on this rhetoric and went to jail, while the pastors and political pundits walk away claiming first amendment rights. People like this should be denounced by the church, and the government. If anyone carries out their call to kill gays they should be charged just like those that commit the crime. But, that isn't how the legal system works in this country.
• Australia
2 Jun 12
mike - try also Stalin 1939/1942 Nixon 1971/1972 Ayatollah Khomeini 1979 There are others I would strongly criticise, mostly heads of state, but that would just start a sh*t fight if I mentioned them by name. Lash
@ajk111 (2495)
2 Jun 12
times man of the! - wtf!
@petersum (4522)
• United States
2 Jun 12
How is it that all these people with weird ideas are all in America? OK, Hitler and a few other crazies have come from Europe but they never claimed to be religious leaders! What makes American church leaders say such crazy things? The "end of the world" preachers have already made themselves a laughing stock. Does anyone have the nerve to admit that they are Christians in public anymore? Now you ask if we agree? What have you been taking?
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• United States
2 Jun 12
Many say in America we have more religious outcry because of our freedom of religion. It almost becomes a game who can say something more outrageous just to get attention. The sad part is that these pastors forget why they are there, and what they should be preaching. It is like they become activist not preaching what the bible says, but interpreting one single part of it and ignoring the rest. I ask the question because you might be surprised at the answer.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
3 Jun 12
actually, a pastor's job is to inform his congregation what the Word of God says. I'd not agree with him on his approach, because in my mind the role of the church to a sinful world is to show them the love and forgivness of God. Some prefer to dwell on the judgment of God. Both are valid sides of the same being. He is love and forgivness, but He also judges sin. And it is clear homosexuality in the Bible is called sin. People don't like to hear it, but it is there. And I do agree, we only protect the homosexual, not the pedophile, the bigamist/polygamist or the incestuous. Look at how Romney's polygamist family history is being ridiculed by those very people who say it is hateful to say a homosexual is sinning. Hypocrisy comes in many forms and from the left as well as the right.
• United States
3 Jun 12
Deb, can you show me where in the bible it says that a government should kill people that GOD created? Even I can find parts of the bible that says the exact opposite. Any racist that hides behind a bible should be exposed for exactly what they are: A RACIST!!!
@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
2 Jun 12
No one should be killed by the government. The pastor forgot to read his bible. Someone should go read it to him.
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• United States
3 Jun 12
NO, those the the ones he IGNORED!!! He is an activist preacher cherry picking parts of the bible that suit his purpose, and exploiting them to get attention. Nothing more!!
• United States
3 Jun 12
Was it the one about not judging, taking the splinter out of your own eye, or casting the first stone?
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
3 Jun 12
He quoted the scripture. rewind and look it up.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
2 Jun 12
OMG, So much for being Christian. I can't believe how people think. I'm sorry but this so call "pastor" is a very sick individual to make such a statement. There are so many sick people in this world and its just so scary how they think. How they even have the nerve to make such a public statement against one type of people. What is happening to our society. Why can't they just mine their own business and let people of all races, sexes and faith live their life as they wish.
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• United States
2 Jun 12
The sad part is people like this are only worried about getting the own interpretation of one part of the bible out to as many people as they can. And, the only way they see in doing that is to say something that will get many people to hear you. And, by saying something like this he is getting what he wants.
@Cutie18f (9546)
• Philippines
2 Jun 12
He is crazy. He is a pastor, a representative of God and why is he even thinking and saying that? Doesn't he read the bible?
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• United States
3 Jun 12
But, by focusing on this law aren't you ignoring his forgiveness? To justify your actions according the bible is very difficult because there are many contradictions. One thing for certain, no where in the bible does it state that the government should kill gay people.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
3 Jun 12
Some people focus on God's judgment. It is sad, but true. Jesus came to forgive man's sin. He drew people to him with love, healing, and mercy. But there will come a day when God will judge those who ignore His law. It is not for humans to judge, only God. Perhaps this pastor was focusing only on the law, and not the forgiveness.
@CODYMAC (1356)
• San Diego, California
2 Jun 12
No, I never agree with people, especially pastors, who spew this junk. Yet, it seems like the norm now. This is just beyond dumb. We as Christians are asked to love our neighbors and not hate. Do good to them, but do not get involved in their lifestyle. We are to help, not hinder, heal, not hurt. But this is a statement about hate, because Jesus is of peace. Never did he use violence, or force to get his point across.
@CODYMAC (1356)
• San Diego, California
3 Jun 12
Well, I think that head of his is going to end up being someone's trophy if he opens his mouth again. Looks as though he needs a good lesson in 1 Corinthians 13, and the sermon on the mount.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
2 Jun 12
It's amazing that morons like this don't get torn apart nearly to the scale they should. I have argued about this point with many, many Christians before. I pose something very simple to them. If you don't stone your unruly children, if you don't believe slavery is okay, if you wouldn't marry your daughter to her rapist, if you wouldn't attempt to sacrifice your children, if you don't believe your children deserve to burn in hell, if you believe a woman is equal in the world, and if you won't force people into believing as you do, then why would you choose to abide the anti-homosexual instances of scripture? I believe there's a simple answer. Some people hate gays and hide behind their religion to do it. Society, including even some devoutly religious people, have evolved past a lot of the pure hatred and evil that is actually sanctioned explicitly by their religion. And this isn't an anti-religious rant; it's a simple question. If people can let go of the other brutality, why are they so slow to let go of this particular nonsense? It's time to let go of it, people! You can still believe that Jesus Christ is your personal lord and savior without also thinking gays are horrific people. And if you don't believe that it's okay for you to believe that, then look through that book and ask yourself honestly if you agree with the rest of it. My bet is that a good person wouldn't. They'd explain away the evil with spin and cling only to the good. So stop picking out the few anti-gay verses to support bigotry! Enough is enough. It's 2012. This pastor is a f'n maniac and the good Christians of the world should be lining up to denounce him. Imagine if this were a Muslim the shtstorm he'd deal with in America -- and rightfully so! This reporter said he's "under fire from people across the country," but I haven't heard much more than a peep about this on a national level.
• United States
2 Jun 12
Mater, I personally think that it is one thing to hate a certain group of people, but it another to want them eliminated from the planet. Hate is a natural feeling that humans have, but a need to kill those that you hate is not. We are told how bad the Nazi's were, yet we have people in this country calling on people to commit acts of terror like they did while hiding behind the bible and the constitution. It is time that they are called on the carpet for their hate speech.
• United States
2 Jun 12
@ Mike: I have no clue either. We won the space race, perhaps by cheating a little bit, and we've seemed to be going the opposite way since. I obviously wasn't alive when the country was formed, but I'm willing to bet that there's a larger percentage of uber-worshiping individuals in government now than there's ever been. Religion is everywhere here! I grew up in a religious family, so it doesn't bother me that I'm inundated with it throughout my life. But I do feel sorry for those kids trying to actually learn science in the classroom only to hear their teachers say "Well, this is still a theory, but a divine creator, by definition, is truth" or that we're somehow a nation under their "god." @ Debater: I agree. There is a huge difference. In fact, I think the ones most vocal about this are the ones who are actually gay themselves and are fighting self-hatred. Who was that one guy famous for the vitriol -- Ted Haggard?
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• United States
2 Jun 12
Yes. I agree. Someone asked me recently what secularism (they said "atheism," but I think they meant secularism) has done for the world. I responded that it has dragged religion into modern times against its will. But in America in particular, there's a huge push to go backwards. I'm going off on a rant now, but because I'm agnostic, people also expect that I'm a liberal Democrat here who beats up on the poor, persecuted right. When in fact I'm actual a fiscal conservative who happens to believe that the Bible doesn't create a strong economy and a blissful existence for the world's people. Folks can allow their religion to evolve without losing it if they want. They just don't seem to want. After all, if you lived in 1800 and wanted to own a slave to make you wealthy while you drank sweet tea on the porch swing, all you'd have to do is hold up your Bible if anyone tried to judge you for it. It explicitly endorsed it.'s scary.
@MandaLee (3764)
• United States
2 Jun 12
No, life is not the government's to take away for any reason. I think the pastor is a bigot. As a Christian, I believe that God loves all people. It is so sad that people such as the pastor in Kansas give Christianity a bad name. Have a great weekend!
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• United States
2 Jun 12
I agree 100%, but it more people don't come out and attack him for his bigot views than some people will use his words to justify killing gay people. I believe we should have religious freedom in this country, but if people are violating the law and hiding behind that freedom it should be removed from them, and they should be prosecuted.
• India
2 Jun 12
Gay people should eb respected because they are as humna as anybody else.
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@millertime (1394)
• United States
3 Jun 12
So, it's pretty apparent that this so called "man of God" is an extremist wacko, but what is really disturbing is that he is in a position of power. He preaches his hate and people listen because he is in a position of authority. He has influence over people and he is poisoning their minds. That's how hate spreads. Unfortunately, he's not the first man in a position of power to abuse that power to spread hate and he won't be the last. They come from both sides of the political spectrum and all forms of religion. They are flawed individuals in the total population of man and it's up to the rest of us to recognize them for what they are and shun them and their extremist ideas. No matter what anyone thinks of homosexuality or whether it's right or wrong, good or bad, extremism and hate are not the answer. I would like to see the church that he belongs to strip away his ministerial credentials and kick him out of the church for preaching such hate. It goes against everything Christianity represents and for someone to stand up there in a place of worship and talk about killing people is just incomprehensible and unforgivable. The church will probably ignore it though and he'll probably go on preaching his depraved idiocy to anyone naive enough to listen. Hopefully, it won't be many.
@allknowing (141711)
• India
2 Jun 12
All was well until the gay community wanted recognition. Prior to this move no one bothered about them not even the pastors. Gay marriages are unnatural as the main purpose of marriage is procreation. However no one has the right to kill any one unless a crime is committed and that too the court decides who should go to the gallows.
• United States
2 Jun 12
Might not be a treatment. Might just be infertile. So the main purpose isn't working. Other purposes? Maybe love and commitment and marrying because one wants to? I don't know.
• United States
2 Jun 12
I think I might agree with you. The purpose of marriage is to procreate. So it's time for a new law so we get this all settled once and for all. No more confusion! Men and women must be tested prior to marriage. If they're unable to conceive a child naturally due to a problem with their reproductive organs, they should not be allowed to get married. Let's get this through Congress quickly.
@allknowing (141711)
• India
2 Jun 12
The main purpose of marriage is to procreate but if nature interferes then there is treatment for that. But no amount of treatment is going to set matters right for gay marriages.
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
2 Jun 12
No, i believe people should go and vote for Oßama and these things will never happen. What if it`s just a trick the media are using to manipulate people ? A fool has an idea.So what ? There are probably millions dreaming to get rid of the ones who think different.The government job is to put them behind electric fences whenever they try to turn their dreams into reality.
• United States
3 Jun 12
I am tolerant of many religions as long as you don't force your beliefs on me. But, your idea of tolerance is not tolerance, it is INTOLERANCE. We have had this discussion before, and you can't see the forest from the trees. If you think that someone calling for another holocaust is tolerance, than you have no idea what tolerance is!!!!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
3 Jun 12
I find it very hypocritical for those who are so much for tolerance but will not tolerate Christians. they will tolerate Muslims who actually DO KILL homosexuals, they'll praise socialism, a system that was responsible for Stalin killing tens of millions and Hitler tens of millions, but will say off with the Christian's head (figuratively) because they don't want to hear they might be sinning or be told what they're doing is wrong. I'm all for being tolerant. It was wrong for this man to advocate what he did. But that is his belief, I'm sure some of what YOU believe is as reprehensible to him. So, where IS the tolerance on YOUR side. iuliuxd, I'm not aiming that at you when I say YOU. lol
• United States
3 Jun 12
"Vote for Obama and these things will never happen" How does that work??? Like voting for Obama will prevent an idiotic moron preacher from saying stupid thing? This "thing" happened while Obama is already president, so how is voting for him going to affect anything? I'm afraid I don't follow your logic on that one...
• Philippines
2 Jun 12
Hi thegreatdebetar! Surely almost everyone agrees that this is nonsense. I do too. What happens then after gay people are killed? And how can he tell apart who are gay people and who are not? Well, regardless, this is just plain nonsense. I don't see the logic.
• United States
2 Jun 12
Yes. It would start with the gays and the go on to anyone who was thought to be gay, and then people would say so and so is gay if they didn't like them. And if they didn't act gay how would you know? You would just end up killing a lot of people who you thought were gay while the real gays were outside going yeah. get them. Then you would realize too late that you were in a world full of gay people, and you would be forever alone.
• Philippines
3 Jun 12
There are lots of people out there who seem to be straight but in reality they are gay. It doesn't matter, really. They can be whoever they want to be. It's not like being gay is a choice right?
@CODYMAC (1356)
• San Diego, California
3 Jun 12
Do I hear "which hunt"? But I really do like the twist!! Oh man, I am never going to hear the end of this...
• India
2 Jun 12
then many people will die i think there are more gays which we dont know yet but i also hate gay people. why do u have opposite gender then.
• Australia
2 Jun 12
You seem a little paranoid sweetie, what's up, are you so pretty that all the boys are after your - er - booty? You must have met a lot of gays to be able to say you hate them all, how come you know so many? Or shouldn't we ask? Lash
• Australia
4 Jun 12
What young woman, debra? amindesh is male. Lash
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
3 Jun 12 pretty boys are after condesending and sexist, I'm surprised at that hateful speech towards a young woman.
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
2 Jun 12
It takes a lot of work to keep people encamped behind barbed wire. We learned that when we put the Japanese people in such camps during WWII. I would agree, the barbed wire is not such a great idea. Likewise, we should not kill the homosexuals. That would be a form of genocide,which is always barbaric! Of course, this does not mean that any person should be forced to accept the gay lifestyle as appropriate or an alternative lifestyle. It does not prohibit teaching children that gay people are wrong in their distorted beliefs. It does not mean gay people should get any recognition or special benefits.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
7 Jun 12
In my opinion, this Pastor falls in with Westboro Baptist Church. As a Christian, I am truly offended by quacks like this. No I do not agree nor support an idiotic idea such as this.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
2 Jun 12
This pastor is a modern day Hitler! He is insane! He is probaly is to scared of gay people! He might of been tought to hate gays while growing up by his parents. He probaly thinks everything in the bible is true! Whatever the reason this Hilter hates gays he is @sshole! No goverment in their right mind should kill people because of their religious beliefs! For any reason!! This pastor should be locked up and the key thrown away! That is what I think should happen!