That the universe proves God is actually a very illogical argument

June 2, 2012 8:36am CST
A very illogical and poor argument. Universe is the universe. It is nothing more, nothing less. We do not even know where it begins and where it ends and people jump to the conclusion that some actually created it. Then we ask ‘If a car needs a maker, should not the universe also?’ The difference between the car and universe is that the universe is bubbling with life , but the car is not. The car is limited and has its boundaries, whereas the universe is probably unlimited and probably has no boundaries. The universe is vast, mysterious, amazing, amusing, sometimes frightening also and many other things. Does the universe prove that God exists? The answer is NO.
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14 responses
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
11 Jun 12
Honestly I just like to point to the circular reasoning based on unfounded assumptions. For the universe to prove God's existence, there must be evidence of God. The evidence often given for God's existence is the existence of the universe. The argument goes: "The universe proves God exists because something must have created the universe, and that something is God." Both variables in the argument are dependent on each other and neither one is proven, so the argument falls apart. If you can't prove that the universe was created, then you can't argue that it's existence proves the existence of God. In like manner, if you can't prove that God (or more broadly, a creator) exists, then you can't really prove the universe was created or needed a creator.
1 person likes this
• Thailand
12 Jun 12
Can you prove that it didn't?
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
12 Jun 12
Can you prove that the universe appeared by itself without any help from outside ?
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
12 Jun 12
Of course not.But i can believe that.
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
3 Jun 12
Does the universe prove that God exists? For some people the answer is yes for others the answer is no...and for others it doesn`t prove or disprove anything except that the universe is there.
1 person likes this
• United States
6 Jun 12
By the way: Just letting you know I'm giving you a + on your comment. I don't think it's right that people troll each other's ratings on myLot just because their opinions differ.
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
6 Jun 12
It`s ok sometimes i gave you a + too even if i lost at least 5 years of my life because of you.
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
9 Jun 12
I agree with you that with our limited minds it is so very difficult to understand and fathom the universe.Why the universe, we can`t even understand our own bodies or even a tree.Have you ever wondered how a full bodied man with muscle,tissues, bones and blood could evolve from the mating of two sperms,or how could a big tree come out from a tiny seedling.Have you ever wondered what makes the sun rise and set every day,what makes the seasons come and go year after year, what makes the planets go around the sun,what holds everything in the universe , the stars,planets, galaxies,nebulae etc in place so exactly that our scientists can correctly predict which planet or constellation can be seen in the sky at a given time or date? There is a mysterious force,which is beyond our limited minds that is holding everything in place which we call as the Life Force,and since we do not have a name for it, we call it God.This highly intelligent Energy has always existed,is formless,eternal,omnipotent and omniscient and is unborn.We can never understand it and never will.
• Thailand
9 Jun 12
That mysterious force that is holding everything together is called gravity.
@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
2 Jun 12
Is it illogical because you say it is? You don't know where it begins or ends, but you know God didn't make it? How was the universe made?
• United States
2 Jun 12
Scientist cant even make dirt, you cannot make people without people and we cant even control the weather. GOD'S WORD explains and is the answer for everything. Thats it and thats all
1 person likes this
• Thailand
2 Jun 12
Why assume that the universe was made? If we are talking about the universe that we live in we have a good idea how it began and how old and big it is. There is nothing that seems to indicate that it was made.
• United States
2 Jun 12
I'm sorry wrong choice of words. How did the universe come to be?
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
5 Jun 12
I completely agree. The proper answer to have to this whole thing is not, "God must have done it" but simply, "We don't know." I wish more people thought of it, this way.
• United States
6 Jun 12
I would just like to know since when "I don't know" or "It could be a number of things" isn't an acceptable answer, but "I know with absolutely certainty that my god did it" is supposedly more logical. Maybe someone can help me with that one day. Until then, I'm trolling this conversation trying to figure out what "nothing" is.
• Canada
6 Jun 12
It's like we have something in our minds that tell us we have to have an answer to everything. We continuously question everything in front of us. The best example is a young child, who can't stop asking the question, "Why?" over and over and over again... until it drives us bonkers! Can't say thats really a bad thing, though. If we never questioned anything, then we wouldn't have what we have around us, today. On that, I think it's just as important to question, "Why are so many people driven into delusion believing, without a doubt, that God made everything?"
• Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
8 Jun 12
I think, thats exactly the reason why man created god. To have a simple answer to everything he didnt understand. Centuries ago, rainbows and thunder and tides and earthquakes and many other things could not be proven and explained. So man created a simple answer. In todays world, thanks to science, we are starting to see the real picture and our imaginary friend is not needed anymore. One could say, mankind is growing up.
• Kochi, India
27 Jun 12
I don't know about this,nobody knows exactly.Nobody knows who,why,how universe was created.Whatever scientist may claim,its not even sure that Universe was created or its just eternal,with no beginning no end. I think there is no necessity to view God and universe as two separate entities.They are just the same.This idea will can bridge the gap between a believer and an Atheist.Everyone believes that there is a Universe,Does it behave like the Gods in our text is another topic for discussion.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
4 Jun 12
Hi Frederick, Clearly you are thinking of the old man in the sky kind of God, something that is separate from the universe and all it contains. I agree with you that the universe does not prove that such a God exists. I like your statement the "the universe is bubbling with life" because for me that life is God and we are all connected to it in some way. I don't believe that some superior being created the universe, whether it was six thousand years ago or six billion. Blessings.
• United States
10 Jun 12
I understand that because we're limited by time and space, it's difficult to understand how anything could be before time and be beyond our four dimensions. However, even though I don't understand it, I'm confident that God does exist. Why is there a universe? Why were the planets placed in that particular order? Why is earth perfect for sustaining life? Where did gravity come from? Where did sound come from? Why are there living creatures on earth? Why is man set apart from the beast? Why do human beings have creativity rather than functioning by instinct alone? Where did love and hate come from? Why are there multiple languages instead of one for all? Why do people continue to fail to rid the world of the Bible though they try so hard? Who wrote the laws that rule our world? Why is there morality? Why are there things in nature that science cannot duplicate, like blood? What is the purpose for all this if there is no God? This universe makes no sense apart from God.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
3 Jun 12
The idea of "god" has been positioned as such that it cannot interact with anything we know of, even though it is supposedly in constant interaction. It has the perfect shield. Can't find it? You're not supposed to. Oh, you did find it personally? It came to you. You don't see it? Perhaps you aren't looking. And on and on and on... The problem with a concept is that it's anything you want to believe. If the universe is proof for god A, then it's proof for gods B, C, D, E, F, G, etc. If it's proof for anything, it's proof for everything. This is exactly why we can't operate justice systems using this bullsh*t. We put standards on our science and on our evidence to make sure that we don't screw things up. And if we do, we try to correct them and make them better as we push forward. That these standards aren't used personally to interpret what we believe and what we don't is a huge mystery. If I had to flat-out give a guess, I'd say it's because most of science is in its infancy, whereas religion claiming a monopoly on all things has simply been around for much, much, much longer. In 3012, I expect the world is going to have switched dramatically. We probably never will figure out to a degree of certainty how the universe as we know it actually got here, but as scientific discoveries keep penetrating the shields of faith, I believe more people will go through life realizing that just because you can't disprove something, that doesn't automatically make it true. Because if it makes it true for one thing, it then makes it true for all things. Of course, a religious person would probably tell me that Jesus is coming back before then, and that since neither one of us will be here, their guess is just as good as mine. And that's when I take an aspiring and quit typing for a while.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Jun 12
If one is totally impartial, the universe as we know it today, does at least suggest the possibility that God exists. Perhaps a search for God is in order to discover the truth? You choice from here shows the world what you value and if discovering God is of any importance to you at all.
@Paper_Doll (2373)
• Philippines
7 Jun 12
Does the universe prove that God exists? I would like to answer YES to your question Sir. God created heaven and earth. God created us. The complexity of every single creature that God created proves that God's power, like our universe, is vast, mysterious, amazing, amusing, yes sometimes frightening, and most of all, it is above all of us. Even scientists says that our universe was perfectly designed. It is not just a coincidence. It was purposedly designed. In fact, our earth is placed in the universe in an exact position. If it was placed a little bit closer or a little bit distant to the sun, then life would not be possible. The earth was place in an exact location perfect for us to live. This is not a mere coincident. The same thing applies to our universe. Same thing applies to humans, or to our brain. Every object, element, creature, process, present in it were created in a manner that would be perfect to support life. Before, I also asked myself if God really exists. Upon reading the Bible, I found all the answers to my questions. Why am I here? What is the purpose of life? Are we really created to live and then die after? Why God allow us to suffer? The contentment I found for knowing that I am here with a purpose, that everything is here with a purpose, made me believe in God.
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
7 Jun 12
If you wish to take this premise then it stands to reason that the opposite is true is well. Can we prove that God does not exist? No. The whole question of coming to a conclusion that any study can give absolute proofs of whether God exists or not is illogical. What we can do is look at creation and see things in it that give us some very sound and basic knowledge of how systems work. The universe is indeed all the things you meantioned. Asking about God is more of a spirtual question than a scientific one in that we can agree on.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
15 Jun 12
Please watch these videos may be it give you some answers : Thank you
@Chikezie (385)
• Malaysia
8 Jun 12
Hello Frederick42, My answer is block letter YES to that the universe proves of God. Have you wonder the timing of things in life, the different topography in different regions, the different races but the same anatomy and physiology but differ due to pigment and a little in other areas. The different languages. The sun knows its rising and its setting, it does not go of course. The birds knows the boundaries, the fishes of the ocean are ever happy in the waters. The land animals and vegetation are in harmony. Man takes oxygen and gives carbon dioxide for plant to make food for animals and thereby balancing the ecosystem. The clouds in sky are saying that they are heavy and wants to come. It is is countless Frederick as I mention.