Leadership in error

United States
June 2, 2012 9:18am CST
Should we continue to stay in fellewship with leadership that is not lined up with THE WORD OF GOD?
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9 responses
3 Jun 12
If you agree with the leadership then you stay with them. If you disagree then you try and change the leadership by democratic means. The word of god is just something invented by men and it is the ideas and opinion of men. There is not a scrap of real evidence that there is any sort of "god" saying anything. So if there is a group who claim that they are following the "Word of God" and they wish to disagree with the leaders then they need to used the same democratic means as any other group to try and put forward their ideas.
@JohnRok1 (2051)
4 Jun 12
Maid Angela, it's nice you don't consider the inventions of Ellen G White, Mary Baker Eddy, The Fox sisters, Helena Blavatsky, Annie Besant, etc. could ever be the word of god.
4 Jun 12
All very good writers with some excellent ideas however none of them coming from any sort of god. There are many very clever people about but talents can be applied in many different directions as we can see from the works of this people you have quoted
• United States
24 Jun 12
I have read alot of books and heard many philosophies of people but THE WORD answers all things, all others lack much
• Thailand
2 Jun 12
The word of which god?
• Thailand
2 Jun 12
• United States
24 Jun 12
jesus christ the way truth and life
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
4 Jun 12
Hi jirexpress, There must be separation of church and state, religion and politics do not mix. People everywhere need good government and when religion interferes, you never get that. Blessings.
25 Jun 12
Hi jirexpress a problem I can see is that while you say that this priest is in biblical error the bible has so many contradictions in it how can you be sure that while he may be in error about one section of the bible he may be in agreement with another part which you choose to ignore
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
4 Jun 12
When the apostle Peter began turning his back on the gentiles when other Jews were around, Paul said that he confronted him to his face. I believe that you should point out the error with scripture back-up. Then, if things don't change, disassociate yourself from that group.
• United States
24 Jun 12
I agree : )
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
4 Jun 12
Only in an attempt to lead them to Christ which should line them up with God's Word.
• United States
25 Jun 12
amen : )
@PageTurner (2825)
• United States
4 Jun 12
What sort of leadership are you talking about, jirexpress? Are you talking about political leadership or religious leadership? Also, how are you assessing THE WORD OF GOD, and whether said leadership is lined up with it?
• United States
25 Jun 12
Pastors, not presidents we see for a vote they stray from the foundation that was laid. As we daily study and meditate on THE WORD HIS SPIRIT leads us
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
2 Jun 12
All free and developed Countries in the world celebrate the Separation of Church and State. Countries with religious Government are often Rogue States (such as Iran) where the rule of law is torture and imprisonment. If Leadership is alined with God, an Arab Spring, will soon put down the Government and a free election will choose a Government that Separates Church and State.
• United States
24 Jun 12
i dont believe that the world will be in line with a Christ like life until JESUS comes back so with all going on we must stand up for the truth even if our president is for homosexuality, wrong is wrong
@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
2 Jun 12
• United States
24 Jun 12
I feel the same way but we have to speak our voice so correction or for us to get understanding of why or what happened
@Bradpete (822)
• Philippines
2 Jun 12
Religious leaders are great but they are not perfect. Maybe 90-99% level of righteousness among others. There are 75% goodness 25% bad. All eyes on them, if them committed error in there life is like a toothache of the entire body (church). If the committed sin is like a dominoes dice all good things he made are fallen with one tick. So Leaders be a good sheep without blemish. Have a great day!
• United States
24 Jun 12
We slip but not continue in error we as sheep must keep our trusted shepherd in line at all times and in love keep obedient, daily doing inventory and search the WORD for all that we need 2 Timothy 3:16,17