alfred hitchcock movies

United States
June 3, 2012 11:21am CST
i love alfred hitchcock movies! they just have their own vibe and you know immediately, i think, that it is a hitchcock movie...they have just enough suspense and intrigue and are just classic and classy. my favorite is rear window, which features my favorite classic actors grace kelly and james stewart. i also liked notorious, the birds, suspicion (with cary grant and joan fontaine-very creepy) and marnie. for some reason, i am not that crazy about what may be his most famous movie in the popular culture, psycho! (perhaps that is because i am a psycho artist!hahahahahah) anyhow, are there any other hitchcock fans out there? please share your faves and your experiences with the chilling thrilling hitchcockian cinema!
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7 responses
• United States
4 Jun 12
Have you seen North By Northwest? If you like Rear Window , you may like this one. I love Hitchcock films but not Psycho too! I like that they have a style of their own. And I love trying to find Alfred! He put himself in each film.Oh! I just thought about two more films you should see. Rope and To Catch A Thief! Both are great. Rope has Jimmy Stewart, To Catch a Thief has Grace Kelly.
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• United States
4 Jun 12
It was Cary Grant in North By Northwest. And I always just listen the end. I hate statues. For years I didn't see this film until I thought, just don't see the last part! Yes it is true the street is where we lost Grace is in the film To Catch a Thief. Oh! I thought of another film. Have you seen Dial M for Murder? It stars Grace Kelly too. In fact if you can set it up Rope and Dial M For Murder would be a great double feature!
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• United States
4 Jun 12
ah, thanks sarahruthbeth22, i am always getting james stewart and cary grant mixed up! yes, you are right, i liked dial m for murder as well, it was very suspenseful and tricky! i am hoping one day to own the entire hitchcock cinema collection! it is nice to talk to another fan who is so knowledgeable about the hitchcockian world!
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• United States
4 Jun 12
thanks sarahruthbeth22! yes, i just remembered about north by northwest! i always was intrigued for some reason by the mt. rushmore scene, and now that we have moved closer to mt. rushmore from the south, really want to visit there, but my husband has informed me that we would not be allowed to climb mt. rushmore in the manner of the incomparable james stewart and his lovely cohort! i have not seen rope, but will check it out! and i do love to catch a thief, it has a cool, posh vibe, don't you think? but now am haunted when i watch it as i have read that the scary windy roads they drive on are the ones where princess grace met her demise... i think the same roads were used in another of my hitchcock faves, rebecca, which is also a great novel by daphne du maurier...
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• Canada
4 Jun 12
I loved Spellbound and Dial M for Murder. Spellbound starred Ingrid Bergmann and Gregory Peck. I remember there was a dream sequence where the visuals were done by Salvador Dali. Very surreal. I also liked Ray Milland's performance in Dial M for Murder. The other aspect of Hitchcock movies that I get a kick out of were his cameo appearances. I believe he had cameos in all of his films, even the one where all the action takes place on a lifeboat. (Apparently, his picture appeared on a newspaper that someone had.) I never saw the film but I remember a trivia contest that included that tidbit.
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• Canada
5 Jun 12
I took a peek at wikipedia and they mentioned that Hitchcock made cameos on only 39 of his 52 films or something like that.
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• United States
4 Jun 12
I enjoy the cameos as well. I was always looking for the it.
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• United States
4 Jun 12
yes, i loved spellbound as well, and i forgot about north by northwest, for some reason i was fascinated by james stewart and eva marie saint? (not sure) which hitchcock blonde, climbing mt. rushmore! i had forgotten about the cameo appearances, but you are right, that was cool, and i understand that steven king also cameos in his films!
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@AmbiePam (96740)
• United States
10 Jun 12
It's amazing how much scarier his films are than some of the modern horror or supsense movies out currently. Just because they have come further in special effects certainly didn't make them automatically more frightening, that's for sure.
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• United States
10 Jun 12
you are so right ambiepam! it seems like they are creepier and more evil in a psychological way...i think sometimes movies can go overboard with the special effects, etc, and are not scary to me, in fact are sometimes humorous! maybe less is more sometimes....also if the horror goes on for too long, i get bored with my dad told me when i was afraid of cemeteries as a child, it is the live people you have to worry real-life type scary movies and scenarios are much creepier to me!
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Jun 12
I also love Hitchcock films. I think they've kind of spoiled me for most modern day horror and suspense films. Hitchcock didn't rely on blood and gore, instead he concentrated on developing the characters and making viewers THINK as well as jump and scream. I kind of disagree with many who have responded here in that I LOVED Psycho. To this day I can't take a shower when I'm alone in the house without locking every possible door and then double-checking to make sure they're locked. I'm a total wreck in motel! I also loved Rear Window and Vertigo, among others. This discussion has reminded me of some of his films I'd more or less forgotten about, some of which I've seen and some which I've somehow missed. Now I'm going to make it a point to watch them all, either again or for the first time. Annie
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• United States
8 Jun 12
thanks anniepa! i had forgotten all about vertigo, which is also a stunner! i agree with you with psycho, not that i thought it was so scary, but i guess i think it was overacclaimed, and ignores some of his other movies which i think are actually better....but it does have a cult following and is very present in pop culture...
@allknowing (142710)
• India
4 Jun 12
I never bothered to find out who acted in any of his movies. The fact that it was an Alfred Hitchcock's movie was enough reason for me to watch it. I liked every single movie I watched. He had his own style. I read somewhere while he enjoyed throwing suspense at others he hated it for himself. He even wanted to know what his wife cooked for his meals in advance but surprised her with gifts such as a key to a mansion all done to perfection
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• United States
4 Jun 12
wow! i like the surprise for his wife! he truly was a master of suspense!
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@allknowing (142710)
• India
4 Jun 12
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@Bluedoll (16770)
• Canada
3 Jun 12
I also liked how he looked and talked in person. He was so strange himself. I believe, a number of short flick were made for tv as well? They were chilling. I remember one where this geeky bank teller who only wanted to read books got trapped in a vault during a nuclear war. He survived only to break his glasses so he wasn't able to read. Not sure it that one was Hitchcock or not but those introductions of what was to come on the tv screen was scary.
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• United States
3 Jun 12
oh, we saw that episode about the bank teller recently, but it was on the twilight zone! (which i also love, and am sometimes worried i have fallen into!) you are right though, bluedoll, hitchcock was very unique in every way!
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@PageTurner (2825)
• United States
3 Jun 12
Well, psycho, I'm not the expert on Hitchcockian thrillers, but I do like a good Hitchcock flick from time to time. Like you, I'm not all that hep on Psycho. I prefer Mel Brooks' version, High Anxiety, to Psycho. And I also like the USA Networks' comedy, 'Psych', but it is not at all Hitchcockian. I'm not a big fan of that other popular Hitchcock film, 'The Birds'. I suspect that this is because of the ongoing feud I have with birds using my automobile as a depository for their sanitation issues. I do like the Hitchcock style of suspense, however, and much prefer this method of movie making to slasher and gore type films. My favorite part of watching Hitchcock movies is that they are are favorite of my partner and I know that when Hitchcock is on this is a great time that I will have to cuddle and hug and get in a few smooches as we watch the film together.