Pleasant Sounds of Barking Dogs @ Night

The Dog is doing the barking - The dog is happily doing the barking
United States
June 3, 2012 11:12pm CST
Tonight I can hear the dogs of the neighborhood barking, and I can't help but smile. Many nights I am awakened from my slumber to the sounds of the neighborhood dogs barking. I have learned to identify many of the different dogs that the bark belongs to in the neighborhood. I wonder what they are saying to each other across the town, and I imagine that one sees or hears something, then communicates to the others with a bark. Sometimes I hear an urgent bark, and this raises an alarm. Battle Barks, I suppose. Do you like to listen to the sound of the barks of the dogs around where you live? Does it bring the smile to your face as you identify the different dogs in your neighborhood? Do you have different names for the different kinds of barks? Do you ever bark back to them? Sometimes, when the neighborhood is quiet, I will let loose a variety of barks and howls, and I am usually rewarded for my efforts with a cacophony of barks from the dogs around where I live.
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16 responses
@tatsumaki (189)
• Indonesia
4 Jun 12
I think no ones love dog's bark hahaha... I had dog before and someday in a couple days it bark a lot at night and I was afraid if it bothered my neighbors so i gave it to my friends.... I miss it a lot, sometimes i i go to his house to see my dog :-)
2 people like this
• United States
4 Jun 12
Oh no! Am so sorry to hear that you had to get rid of your furry friend, tatsumaki. This is so sad. I do not understand that anyone would be upset by the charms of the barking dog?? They have been our friends forever, and they look after us and care for us and love us. I am glad that you still get to see your dog at your friends house. What is dogs name?
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• Indonesia
5 Jun 12
Yeah It's good that i still can visit my dog... My dog's name is chili :-)
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• United States
5 Jun 12
Chili. That is the cute name. How did you choose this name, Chili?
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@urbandekay (18278)
5 Jun 12
I often hear dog and foxes barking here and at certain time of year, the rutting season, you can hear deer barking too. I too can identify some dogs by their back especially my own. Barks of excitement, calling he pack, danger warning and aggression I find distinguishable. Dog and Vixen fox barks are easily identified all the best urban
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• United States
5 Jun 12
Sounds like you have a good ear for this sort of thing.
@RitterSport (2451)
• Lippstadt, Germany
9 Jun 12
LOL LOL LOL Page Turner thats such a funny post you make here. As I am no dog person at all but a cat person I guess I would rather communicate with some meooooowa but I am not sure whether I could ever identify the different meows from neighbourhood cats. There are not this many outdoor cats here so I the bit I hear are barks..... and some birds early in the morning when I get up at 4 am of course.
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• Lippstadt, Germany
9 Jun 12
oh dear PageTurner you misunderstood. The birds are no problem at all but a most welcome sound whenever they are up and chirping. Love it that we have so many of them here, we have blackbirds, finches, and some others.
• United States
9 Jun 12
Yes, the birds are fun to watch, but sometimes in the morning their chirping wakes me. And I used to have a rooster who was really bad about waking me not just at sunrise, but if the moon was too bright, or even if the headlights of a car caught his attention. Do you have the yellow headed blackbird?
• United States
9 Jun 12
We have the problem of the birds as well, RitterSport. I was thinking of doing the discussion on the birds, too.
@KOSTAS499 (1624)
• Greece
4 Jun 12
Sorry my friend but! I like sleeping when I can. Dogs do not let me sleep. So, I would prefer if their bosses would use a gag. Actually I would really appreciate it! I had to call the police one night because a dog would bark all night, every night.
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@KOSTAS499 (1624)
• Greece
4 Jun 12
I watch a show on National Geographic called Dog Whisperer. He says that dogs need a master. always. They are happy that way. A dog barking means its master is not really a master, he ignores it.
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• United States
4 Jun 12
Yes, I have read many books on the dog, and they do need master. You are smart and bring excellent point.
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• United States
4 Jun 12
Oh, that poor creature who barked the whole of the night! I wonder what he was trying to say? I wonder was their a prowler? Was his master ill? Was he simply lonely and needed to hear a comforting word? Yes, is sad you could not sleep, too. If only we could all learn to communicate, one with another, these beautiful beasts and we humans.
@chicgale (2982)
• Philippines
4 Jun 12
I will get angry if I hear it every night.. lol
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@chicgale (2982)
• Philippines
5 Jun 12
Yeah, or maybe they are hungry..
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• United States
5 Jun 12
Yes, that would really be sad if they are hungry. I have had dogs that I feed when I suspect they are not eating, or when it is obvious that they are hungry or malnourished.
• United States
4 Jun 12
Ah, yes, I don't blame you, chicgale. Sometimes I get the angry, too, when I hear those poor creatures doing the barking and no one comes to see what is the problem. They could be alerting to a prowler. Or they could be trying to get help for their master. Or they could be lonely and need a gentle the pet and a reassuring voice. They could be scared and need to know they are going to be the alright. So, yes, I am like you and get the angry sometimes when I hear them the barking all the time and I can't get to them. But mostly I am the sad.
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@Chikezie (385)
• Malaysia
13 Jun 12
I love Dog bark especially when it is my dog. Sometimes in the night,the barking can be a nuisance. Because what they bark at sometimes are irrelevant to me. So I try to stop its barking. If I want the environment to be serene, then I would try to put the dog in its cage to prevent any unnecessary barking. If in the night the barking is very helpful especially a stranger coming to my house for the first time. I would reward the dog with good bones the next day and play with. There times my dog anger me especially if it a friend and he is coming in and the dog starts barking and am trying to stop and I believe it should be able to understand that it is my friend and starts barking, I would spank it. That gets me angry and then the barking is not pleaant.
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• United States
13 Jun 12
How would you feel if the intruder came to your house and your dog did not stir from his slumber? How would this make you feel, Chikezie? Would you scold your dog, or pat your dog for this thing?
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• United States
16 Jun 12
Yes, there are other factors to consider. Maybe the dog is scared, or drunk.
@Chikezie (385)
• Malaysia
15 Jun 12
I would be very angry because it is one of the major reason I have it in my house. I might consider selling off. But it also depends on other factors atimes.
@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
6 Jun 12
I hate to hear barking dogs. That's one thing I don't like to live in a neighborhood with dogs. I love the place where I am now because you can't hear any sound whether at day time or night time. We have only one neighbor and they are very quiet too. We don't have dogs, and no dogs around the neighborhood. No chickens too. I hate the crowing of chickens at dawn because it wakes me up too.
• United States
6 Jun 12
The roosters sure do like to crow at the sunrise or the bright light in the night, that's for sure!
@allknowing (142776)
• India
5 Jun 12
You sure are a candidate for the Guinness book of old records! I have yet to come across anyone who enjoys the night howling of dogs in the vicinity. They are a source that disturbs one's sleep. But it is interesting to know how you see it and how you are able to identify the bark of each dog and what they could probably convey to each other. Nice observation there. As long as you are not disturbed it is fine but do have a heart and imagine the plight of others specially seniors who are deprived of their sleep! My little one - I have a dog too - she sleeps with us inside and cannot see what's going on outside and we have trained her not to respond to the other dogs!
@allknowing (142776)
• India
5 Jun 12
Preiti our pet dog sound asleep - Unless there is sound around our house, Preiti will not react.
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@allknowing (142776)
• India
6 Jun 12
Our little one has particular barks for different occasions. If she sees a snake she will alert us with a bark that we can identify. If strangers pass by our gate which we keep locked anyway she barks again which has a different tone and when she has her friends that is the dog kind pass then again we know she is barking at her friends and so on. All this will happen during day time about which we actually feel happy for her. As you see the dogs that you are talking about would also be doing the same also in the night perhaps because they are let loose or they can see activity going on around them, and most of their barks are not warnings. And when that happens in the night it could upset many.I particularly get upset when I hear the whinging sound of dogs which shows that they are in pain - thanks to the cruel owners who have made them unhappy in some way or the other. Sometimes even if there is no pain some dogs whine this way just to get their way. Mine used to when she was little. The whining was so bad that anyone listening to it would think I am hitting her. I have never done that in my whole life! It is wonderful to know that you have converted this unpleasantness to something that you now enjoy. There is a great message for all of us Page."What can't be cured should be endured" Keep it up!
• United States
5 Jun 12
Hello allknowing Your dog is cute and looks quite content. It is good that she has such the trust in you that she is so content. I can see your perspective that the howling of the dogs can be disturbing to one's sleep. This used to be so for me, too. Then one night as I lay in the bed listening to the howlings, I remembered the stories of the my faith, and how the God has the eye on the sparrow and I should not worry so much and all that, and I thought to myself, what is worrying these poor dogs so that they are making such a fuss? Maybe I should listen to them, and offer my prayers for them, as they are also the creatures of God, loved by God, and God may be speaking to me through them. So, instead of sitting in the bed and the fuming, I prayed for these creatures, and opened my heart and mind to their message. This is how I stopped the worry so much about the dog barking as 'noise' and came to see the possibilities of their communications instead. And guess the what? I became a better person for it. Much more at the peace. As you say, your little doggie is quiet unless she hears the noise. This is what makes me to worry when I hear the other dogs in the area to barking. What has disturbed them?? The humans and the dogs have a very long history of living together and we count on the each other for different things. I try to remember this alliance, and how much more faithful the dog is to it, when I hear them barking and howling. I wonder, "What are these faithful creatures trying to tell their humans?"
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
28 Jun 12
It has been two nights in a row, where the neighbors dogs have been yipping away. I am an extremely light sleeper, so it has been two nights with not enough sleep.
• United States
28 Jun 12
That's too bad. I wonder what's making them bark?
@Octav1 (1419)
• Romania
27 Jun 12
I have never imagined anybody to say he loves the barking! Especially if he lives in a town. People don't agree with dog barking in the middle of the night. The noises spoil their night sleep and this makes them very angry.
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• United States
27 Jun 12
Hello Octav1 It is so sad that people miss out on this lovely music because of their anger. :(
• United States
4 Jun 12
aha! this reminds me of the cartoon of the movie onehundred and one dalmatians when the dogs had the midnight bark to alert each other?! i wonder if that is going on?! in the small midwestern town in which i now reside i have been relieved to notice in the police reports in the paper that most of the crimes here seem to be related to people calling to report barking dogs to the could be much worse, i suppose, i just hope that the police are respectful to the dog barking perpetrators....
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• United States
5 Jun 12
Yes, exactly the psychoartist, that movie was the forefront of my the mind when I thought of this the Discussion. You have seen this movie, too? It is popular movie in my country, but unfortunately it is also the cause of many Dalmation the dogs being adopted and then turned out when they get the big.
@PoppaDave (438)
• United States
6 Jun 12
I do not bark back at them, no, but I am aware of animal alerts and human alerts by the way that they bark. Having done some research at night listening for a creature that I was tracking some time ago, I do know when a dangerous animal is near, that the dogs will bark in a wider area and more agressive. I had a bigfoot scream at me and that was the most frightening thing I ever experiences, and all of the dogs that night seemed almost rabid. The horse too were very uneasy. There was an incident once where a dog was thrown over a ten foot fence out near here and the horse had five claw marks on its hind. There was speculation that it too was a bigfoot. We can not imagine a cat swating a full size dog over the fence (metal panel fence(siding). None the less, when I have had these encounters, yes, the animals were different and on alert. I have been on many bigfoot hunting journeys and on a few the animals were very affraid, and did not bark at all, but cowered. This is a freaky experience when you brave dogs becomes whimpy.
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• United States
6 Jun 12
Thanks for stopping in and sharing, PoppaDave. Yes, it is very eerie to be out with brave dogs who became whimpy. I have experienced such a thing only rarely, and when it has happend it has caused me great pause and concern. Your bigfoot adventures sound both thrilling and fun. Did the dog who was thrown over the fence and who was scratched survive?
• United States
16 Jun 12
Listening to dogs bark drives me nuts. Especially when I am trying to sleep. Who wants to be woke up with those annoying sounds? I think you have been watching too many movies, thinking they are talking to each-other. They hear barking, and it makes them bark. Dogs bark at anything and everything, that's one thing I hate about them.
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• United States
16 Jun 12
It is unfortunate that you are not able to relax in the symphony of their barks deep in the night, Lmfishr666. I am hoping for the quiet nights for you.
18 Dec 15
Persistent dog barking can become very annoying but at the same time hearing their barks at night makes you feel more sheltered. They let us know that they are vigilant even more at night and who doesn`t like to feel that way?
@much2say (57365)
• Los Angeles, California
14 Jul 12
Um, I don't know if it brings a smile to my face. We moved to this house less than 2 months ago, and for the most part it's pretty quiet. On one side of us, there is a pit bull and a chihuahua . . . but they are indoor dogs . . . we only hear an occasional bark from them, especially when someone comes to their door. Another neighbor a couple houses down has a German shepherd mix who is also indoors. I know of a couple other neighbors who walk their huge dogs, but can't say I ever hear them! But then on the other side of us there are 2 yapping chihuahuas. They bark at EVERY little thing (especially since "we" are new to them) - even when we are NOT outside. If the bathroom window is open, they will bark if we flush the toilet, rattle the sliding shower door, or if I close any of the windows. It got to the point of annoyance that sometimes I would make a noise JUST TO SEE if they would bark - ha ha. Last night they were barking away at who knows what - and oh my hubby was NOT happy as he needed a good night's sleep. I suppose we should feel somewhat lucky that we have these neighborhood "guard dogs" that we don't have to take care of . . . but still, sometimes we'd like to bark back at them - especially during their comfy, sunny slumber - just to see how THEY like it!!
@Daisy_22 (1229)
• Philippines
18 Jul 12
Sorry to say this but i really don't find barking of dogs pleasant to my ears. Sometimes I really cover my ears not to hear that because it makes me feel scared and imagine something which also scared a lot...huhuhuhuh