Sarah Palin WAS RIGHT
By debrakcarey
@debrakcarey (19887)
United States
June 4, 2012 9:48pm CST
Neurosurgen-Brain surgeon tells of 'death panels' already making decisions for those UNITS deemed unworthy of treatment. HHS document he viewed makes it plain.
I have seen this for myself. Not started under Obamacare, but becoming nation wide now. Pt. put on comfort care at 42 despite family wishes due to cost.
This is chilling folks. Pt. UNITS over 70 will not get advanced stroke, anuerysm, and trauma care for neurological surgery or tx.
Obamacare WILL and already does, TELL DOCTORS who they can treat and what they can use in their treatment. These panels, made up of government bureaucrats will dictate life and death.
Sorry those of you cannot stream videos, there is not a text for this. I gave you all I could of the topic of phone call made by doctor to Mark Levin.
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7 responses
@mickeyb123 (117)
• United States
5 Jun 12
Folks, Sarah Palin is almost ALWAYS right! When will people get that through their thick heads?
One of the reasons you can KNOW this is by seeing and hearing how the state run media is always hammering her. They will let us know who they fear by the way they downgrade and vilify someone.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
5 Jun 12
I do agree!
And then they tell us how awful we are for speaking against the current president, call us filthy names, racist, bigot, etc. Tell us it is intolerant and hateful and bullies if we disagree with the current cause of the day; but then they tease, torture, spew insults, call names, bully, intimidate and in general practice complete intolerance for a person who is not in office, does not effect policy in any government agency, has no billions at her disposal. Someone who is just a person with an opinion opposite theres. How liberal of them.
Remember when liberal meant-favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.
or favoring or permitting freedom of action, especially with respect to matters of personal belief or expression: a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.
Now it means: think like we tell you or we'll call you bad names and make fun of you.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
5 Jun 12
Are you surprised? I'm not. This is a part of "bioethics." Not far removed from "ethnic cleansing" but instead of race, it's health. Supposedly they know which "unit" is worthy of life and which is not. This is just the beginning, if they have their way. It's inhuman and indeed, unhuman. Straight from the depths of hell.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
10 Jun 12
Below is a statement you may find interesting:
Washington, DC – On November 22, 2011, an individual claiming to be a “brain surgeon” made several statements referencing neurosurgical care on a Mark Levin radio show segment. The American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) and the Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS)reviewed this segment and found that it contained several factual inaccuracies which we wish to clarify. The AANS and CNS are unaware of any federal government document directing that advanced neurosurgery for patients over 70 years of age will not be indicated and only supportive care treatment will be provided. Furthermore, in conducting our own due diligence, the caller who identified himself as
a brain surgeon is not actually a neurosurgeon, nor was there any session at the recent Congress of Neurological Surgeons’ scientific meeting in Washington, DC at which a purported government document calling for the rationing of neurosurgical care was discussed. Neurosurgeons are committed to providing timely, compassionate, and state of the art treatment for all patients -- regardless of age -- who have neurosurgical conditions. As such, we have requested numerous times that this podcast be removed from Mark Levin’s website as it portrays inaccurate information which could potentially be harmful to the patients that we serve.
According to this both the AANS and the CNS say these claims are inaccurate. In fact, the person who called in to Mark Levin's radio show wasn't even a neurosurgeon and there was no session in Washington D.C. like he described where he claimed to have viewed HHS documents.
You HAD to know that titling a discussion "Sarah Palin was RIGHT" would get my! (I'm sorry, just joking so please don't get mad, but I couldn't resist!)
I'm not trying to make light of a serious situation. I know it gets really complicated when dealing with health care for the elderly, especially those with very serious health issues. About two or three months before my mom passed away at almost 92 a routine chest x-ray showed a mass on her lung. Her doctor, who is also my doctor and most of my family's, said he could send her for invasive tests which would have been very hard on her but he couldn't recommend putting her through it. This was NOT because of the cost since she had good insurance along with her Medicare and through all of her problems the last 5 years of her life she had almost no outstanding medicals bills of any kind. Mom had already signed an advance directive and she out and out refused to have any further tests. If she'd have wanted it, she could have had it; then if they'd found something like cancer, if she'd wanted chemotherapy or whatever else they wanted to put her through she could have had that as well, especially since her insurance would pay for it but I know, speaking for myself, I sure wouldn't go through having a tube shoved down my throat and then maybe treatments that would make my last days a living hell at the age of 91. Anyway, what we have now, or have had long before Obama even announced his candidacy, is a system ruled by insurance companies. It's ALL about the bottom line; some hospitals and doctors will gladly treat someone over 100 years old if they can afford it but young people are often left to die because they can't. I'm NOT anti-capitalist but health care shouldn't be a for profit business.
By the way, I agree with you totally about natural remedies and alternative treatments. My insurance, which is pretty good for the most part, won't cover chiropractic, which I think is ridiculous. I know some supplements have been or are going to be taken off the market, I'd assume because "big medicine" and "big pharma" don't want people treating themselves with something that won't cost them an arm and a maybe their HOUSE, not to mention giving them side-effects that are sometimes worse than what they're trying to treat! Nutrition is another issue BUT we run into problems if anyone from "the government" dares to suggest what is healthy for us or not so much. (I'm not saying FORCE us to eat or not eat as they say but just give us guidelines because some people really DON'T know any better.)

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
10 Jun 12
I will have to call Mark Levin on this if it is so. I can't view pdf files for some reason my adobe reader does not work.
I only know what I have seen with my own eyes. I had to personally tend to a 42 yr. old woman AFTER her family was talked into letting her die as they were self pay with no insurance. I heard with my own ears as I tended to her, their conversations, IN HER PRESENCE, that they just could not afford to keep her alive. I've talked personally to doctors who are p!ssed as h3ll that the government under the guise of meicare and medicaid tells them what to do and what not to do. Sure, they could go ahead and do what they know to be best for the patient, but then their 'employers' the nusing home or hospital would not be happy with their 'performance'.
Annie, even if this is bogus, medicine is NOT being practiced in this country like it used to be.
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@mickeyb123 (117)
• United States
5 Jun 12
Have you all noticed where this discussion is heading?
A UN-initiated person might have thought this was just about Sarah Palin and what she said about this mess of a healthcare bill.
It has, quite naturally, gone into what the obamacare actually is: People control.
There is discussion of what could happen if this is not, ultimately gotten rid of and marshal law and firing on people.
This is one of the results of what this president has caused and has allowed to continue.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
5 Jun 12
Our minds work in similar fashion, you are much better at communicating the idea though.
So many Americans do not think in a logical progression, if this is happening what will it lead to if allow to continue?
Our Bill of Rights has held back the growth of power in our government for almost 240 years. We've relied on it to protect us. But we quit our watch a few decades, maybe several decades ago. We got greedy, willing to allow just a little bit of tyranny to feel safe, a little bit of tyranny to get rich, a little bit of tyranny if it meant our special interests were favored.
I remember the concept of the slippery slope we discussed in High school. Here in Missouri you get a quick lesson on slippery slopes if you aren't careful. Approach a creek from the hill side and step out onto the wet red One step is all it takes and you are suddenly finding yourself sitting at the bottom in the creek, hopefully a shallow one.
We've allow to much to go by without comment, without thought to what the next step is and where we will end up.
@mickeyb123 (117)
• United States
6 Jun 12
Thank you for the compliment.
I would just ask you that you tell us what you REALLY mean ;)
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
6 Jun 12
I want people to THINK, to figure it out for themselves. It is how my father taught me to think for myself. He always told me NOT to take anyone's word for anything, but search it out for myself. ;)

@CODYMAC (1356)
• San Diego, California
6 Jun 12
Hello. I am just wondering what will become of his health care program. It is still in the supreme court, and the democrats are pestering them to "make the right choice".
Well, It looks as though it is time to get involved with Medishare. Maybe our best bet if we want to have any health care that isnt regulated by the government.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
6 Jun 12
I just read a piece said Kegan or Sotomayer might have leaked the decision already (which would be ANOTHER leap from protocol).
The article also said the law might stand without the mandate, if they were to vote that way.
I say, tort reform, take the AMA's monopoly away, BigPharma's cushey padded room next door to the FDA, make alternative care legal, stop restricting what doctors can and cannot do (alternative care is CHEAPER) give the people a choice, and step back. Our system delivered the best care in the world, we didn't need the gov. to step in.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
6 Jun 12
Last night Gov. Walker won. The people of Wisconsin, despite massive amounts of money spent by unions, despite dirty tricks at the polls, said we've had enough. We want fiscal responsibility, and we tired of paying for someone elses luxurious lifestyles. I see this as a good sign November may end Obama's reign. The American people are waking up.
Even if he looses, we may need to be prepared for the worst. I still feel, because of Obama's narcissism, he will not go lightly. Hopefully Romney and a Republican majority in Senate will bring some responsibility to bear. But that means tightening the belt. And not all will be happy with that. Not to mention, the hard core libs will still be there spreading their propaganda, who knows what they will stir up?
@CODYMAC (1356)
• San Diego, California
6 Jun 12
That is very true. I just think people should stockpile food and water, so that they will be able to ride out the Obamalypse that will start in November.
Not saying he will be reelected, but its better to be safe than not know what's "comin round the mountain". 

@PoppaDave (438)
• United States
5 Jun 12
I do not think it will ever go into effect. Sarah Palin was ranting some about this, but mostly she was not the author of her own ramblings. Something put her up to it, lol. Ok, on a serious note. I think to be safe, I will move to Canada soon. I have not had a doctor in 2 years because I make just a little too much that all my money should go into healthcare insurrance, I don't think so...
This is a big mess and getting worse by the month.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
5 Jun 12
PoppaDave, did you listen to the Doctor? He said it is already in effect. Our only hope to stop things like this is for the Supreme Court to strike Obamacare down.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
5 Jun 12
And when I was working in the nursing home before Obamacare went into effect, there was the tendenncy to use comfort care, to talk families into to it vigorously.

@abitosunshine (765)
• United States
6 Jun 12
There is no doubt in my mind this way of thinking has already begun happening.
My roommate had a stroke a few months ago. I accompanied him to every hospital, doctor visit, test, and so forth. At one point I specifically asked why they are doing nothing surgically to repair the blockages in his carotid arteries. His response: "We don't do that when they're old."
He said this so matter of factly and as though my roommate wasn't in the room. I was livid. I am still livid. Finally, my roomie is becoming livid as I have him read and listen to things I find online.
Being 71, he has his socia security and he has a secondary insurance from his company he retired from. Still, he is shelling out about $500 monthly to pay off his share of the expenses for all of this crap! WTF!
The American public had better learn to come together to take a stand before it is too late. Maybe it already is...
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
6 Jun 12
I could write a book on what needs to be done. I will try to make this shorter than booklength.
We have some of the best medical care in the world. Doctors are being hindered from using their knowledge by the government. Now, I do see that the money for this technology and the doctors has to come from somewhere. We cannot expect the government to pay for it all. BUT, the government highly discourages any alternative, alternatives that DO WORK, from being used or taught.
We have to take responsibility for our health. Stop relying on the doctors to fix it after we have ruined in ourselves. And even in saying that, I see that it is most difficult to take responsibility when the government, the AMA, the 'experts' are all telling us different things, false things, and omitting many things that we can be doing to KEEP FROM needing them to fix us. And don't even get me started on how the almost deliberately allow things in our food and medicines that make it harder to stay healthy. The AMA, the gov. and the FDA, BigPharma have made virtual cattle of us. They have created a monopoly of our healthcare system, disallowing us the right to information that could extend our lives, make us healthier while we live, and improve our quality of life.
Don't get me wrong, there are many doctors and researchers who try to get this info out there, but are threatened with legal action, or drummed out of the profession for doing so.
Investigate nutritional medicine. What we put in our bodies does matter. And it goes so much deeper than the food pyramid and other bandaids the gov. publishes. Find your nearest health food store, read some books and get online and research what is in our prossessed foods, avoid them like the plague and be proactive in your healthcare.
Iam sorry for your room mate's troubles. I find it refreshing that you care enough to stand with your room mate and be there for him/her.