Who in your family is the ACHIEVER?

June 5, 2012 3:51am CST
We had my younger sister when I was 16. That means that for 16 years or so, I was the only one expected to be successful in many different endeavors. For a while, my parents and even my grandparents as well as my aunts and uncles expected me to be a consistent honor student from grade school to college. And well, I did not fail them in that area. I participated in many different contests from photography to essay writing. From extemporaneous speech to debate. I also joined music recital-competitions. In all these endeavors, I did not fail my family neither did I fail myself. As such, I have always been (and will always be) an achiever. I believe that the drive comes from the fact that even my parents were achievers when they were younger. Who in your family is the achiever?
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8 responses
@kukueye (1759)
• Malaysia
6 Jun 12
Not me - Other 2 are more successful
I guess both are achiever except one is high promoting manager and another is a doctor in medical field , and i am nothing but just plain technician in some small shop haha.They fight and study for their post and success , while i just wait i guess and i am happy with my modest normal lifestyle , but their is faster and more tension with their added benefits.
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• Philippines
7 Jun 12
Kukueye, you probably have excelled in other fields where your siblings did not.
@nishant5n (1067)
• India
5 Jun 12
I left my studies from B. Tech Agriculture where I was getting continuous merit.... I left it because my family wanted my help (that is my assumption, not even presumption) I am working from home now....not any recognized white colllar job. but yes I think I have saved my family from the worst....I am the achiever for my family....
• Philippines
7 Jun 12
We can be achievers in our own little way...
• United States
5 Jun 12
I grew up with 2 older brothers and was the only girl so I was. I was expected to go to college, when my brothers didn't (now they have went back to school though), I was expected to get good grades and join sports and so on... I tried my best to be the best I could in everything. My brothers were quiet, shy and kept to themselves so it was hard for them to join sports and other activities. Then along came me crazy, fun and outgoing lol
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• Philippines
7 Jun 12
Then along came me crazy, fun and outgoing lol ... oh well, whether an achiever or not, we all have our wild side...
@GemmaR (8517)
5 Jun 12
I always thought that I was going to be the highest achiever in my family, because I went through school and did really well. My younger brother is five years younger than me and has gone behind me in my education journey doing everything a little bit better than me. I was into music, and my brother is more talented than me in that. I was good in my exams, but then he went and did everything to a higher grade than me. I also have to work harder, and I know that he could be absolutely exceptional if he put a little bit more time and effort into the things that he does.
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• Marikina, Philippines
13 Jun 12
I do not know if my family is an achiever but to your posts, I would say that it is good that almost all of you is the achiever and that means all of you understand each other without conflict unlike other families, which I observed that there are many conflicts with their children because they have different personality and character and they keep insisting their children what they want to their children. I am glad that you achieve them all. I guess my family is more on an idealist type, well, that is what I see on them especially on religious beliefs than being an achiever.
@tatzkie23 (770)
• Philippines
6 Jun 12
wow.. nice to hear that. I bet you're really an achiever.. i wish you more achievements in life. To be honest, i'm not really an achiever, i think that i'm just an average person.. o maybe above average. But my brother is. He is an achiever. He was also a consistent honor and graduated in college with highest honor or something. And currently studying medicine to become a doctor...
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• Pamplona, Spain
7 Jun 12
Hiya dolce, I was the achiever before because I was made to leave School give up all my good grades and upcoming exams and get a Job. Quickly got to earn a bit of money so that they could all have a bit more of a decent life. But even when my Brothers earned three times more than me I was still the achiever as I left more of my wage every week on top of the television for the upkeeping of the Family House than what they did.xxx
@ruhizar (20)
• Indonesia
7 Jun 12
haha.. it's hard to answer this question :D as in my family, I always competing with my big brother, to achieve the best in our unique strengths.. once in high school his teacher who teached Engineering Drawings had asked him whether he wanna sell to him (the teacher) his drawing blocks containing some of his architecture-like drawings.. wow, right?! then he proceed to take civil engineering degree.. done.. then he took his Master degree.. done, plus he's one of the top students, and honored by his professors!.. then now, He's finishing his PhD (with scholarship) at the age of 26 years old, can you believe that?.. OMG I'm so proud to be his sibling :D me? Nothing much, just err.. straight A's student in all major examinations since primary school, once got a hattrick getting 4.0 flat pointer during high school, and now finishing my clinical years after getting my medicine degree.. our parents are our motivators of course! our dad once a director of a company, now he left the board and continue contributing to everybody else by being a lecturer in a college. our mom, she has opened her shop since I was in primary school, and it's still running. :) Really, we have to thank our God to bless us with such a wonderful life. No matter how hard life can be, just keep running and strive for excellence. Have some dream, set them as real goals we want to achieve and do something to make them as a reality ^^ peace!