Can't hear myself think

@GreenMoo (11833)
June 5, 2012 8:34am CST
Have you used this saying before? I can't hear myself think? I think the gods of circumstance are playing tricks on me. Yesterday I posted a discussion boasting about how wonderfully peaceful it is where I live and how I can hear the birds and insects. So what happens this morning? The council show up with a tractor to sweep the new road, they also bring a tarmac machine which is so loud it makes the road shake under your feet, and the wood company show up next door with a massive wood shifting machine and a couple of chain saws. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, the drilling guys appeared and asked if they could put a pump in our tank. What the hell? I can't hear anyway over all these other machines. We had a brief respite at lunchtime, but they're all back to work now and I've given up any hope of thinking straight until after knocking off time at 5 or so. I suppose I should be grateful they're working all at once rather than dragging out by having one machine per day. Can you work through loud noise? What would you do if this lot set up at the end of your driveway? Would you have let the drilling guys set up their pump to add to the racket? I hope you are having a more peaceful day than I am!
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12 responses
• United States
5 Jun 12
I need some type of noise or I go crazy... music, tv or something!!! Even at night I sleep with the tv on. If I don't I won't get a good nights rest
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
7 Jun 12
At night I like to hear the sleepy birds settling down in their nests, a slight chirp or cheep. Then the crickets or cicadas make their own noises and the evening peepers or tree frogs. I like to be able to hear the sounds of nature at night.
@GreenMoo (11833)
6 Jun 12
I don't need any background noise at all. There is always some sound if you listen hard.
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5 Jun 12
peaceful no.. but it isn't as noisey as you have it! i can't work with noise, at all. it drives me insane. i'm very prone to headaches and migraines so i just can't concentrate with a lot of noise. it's actually so bad that if i'm trying to have a conversation with my partner about something and the tv is on, it gets muted, dogs going mental, they get put in another room lol. that's how bad i need my quiet when i've something to think about/talk about lol!
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@GreenMoo (11833)
6 Jun 12
I find TVs in the background a real distraction when I'm trying to talk too. They have one on in every bar around here, and when there is a tiled floor for the sounds to bounce off as well I would often choose to sit outside instead.
6 Jun 12
hahaha! i don't really mind so much in a bar because to be honest when I have a couple of drinks down my neck, i'm usually louder than any tv that has been invented lol but when i'm in a pub for a meal and theres a television.. it is very annoying!
• United States
5 Jun 12
Unlike my sister who needed quiet to study, I always studied with the t.v. on. I couldn't study with the radio on. back in the day, I either would know all the songs and sing along or I would have played some of the classical songs. So when there is some loud things outside , I just pump up the volume of my t.v.
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@GreenMoo (11833)
5 Jun 12
I used to like the radio on as background, and I do like the radio on when I'm driving. I think I'm more sensitive to noise these days, and small noises are enough to keep me from feeling like I'm n a vacuum.
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• United States
5 Jun 12
Suggestion. Do you have headphones? do you still have a radio with a headphone jack? Then listen to music while they are working. I'm a dinosaur. I still have my walkman somewhere. Remember those?
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@MandaLee (3764)
• United States
5 Jun 12
No, I need to work in quiet.
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@GreenMoo (11833)
6 Jun 12
Like me. I find even a TV a distraction.
@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
5 Jun 12
I really, truly feel your pain. I would be a basket case if this had happened at my house. Weed abatement close to the house makes me ready to run to the other house for escape -- as long as it's not Tuesday afternoon when the gardener comes and makes a racket with the mower and the blower. I now keep the shooting earmuffs my husband bought 40 ears ago where I can put them on if escape is out of the question, but it doesn't completely block the noise -- just lowers the volume a bit. I absolutely can't concentrate if there is annoying noise around me, and that includes any radio show I don't want to listen to. One of the reasons we never got a TV was that I knew I'd go nuts if it were on all the time my husband was home. I used to see him in the dorm or at his parents' home glued to the set anytime he wasn't busy elsewhere. He agreed he had better ways to spend his time, but now he keeps the radio on just low enough so I can't 'understand the words when I'm working in the kitchen. If I don't want to hear it, I ask if he's really listening or if it's just on, and he will normally turn it off. If he really wants to listen, I turn the kitchen radio to the same station. I normally listen because I want to hear something and turn it off when I don't. That means I know about when regular programming is on and when there's a commercial break. I turn it off for commercials, if I can see a clock, and on again at the right time -- unless I forget to turn it back on because I'm thinking about something. But when I want to listen, I want to listen, and if Hubby wants to make unimportant comments during something I want to hear I'll tell him to wait for the commercial. And I hate it when people call me during programming time -- especially if it turns out to be a solicitation. I even schedule the time I do kitchen chores for the time my programs are on.
@GreenMoo (11833)
6 Jun 12
I enjoy having mindless radio when I'm driving as it occupies that part of my brain that otherwise wanders off and forgets how to drive. I would rather not have it on at home though just for the sake of it. Occasionally it's nice to have some music whilst you work, but it loses it's appeal when it is all the time. We don't have a TV either and I'm very happy with that situation. I suspect my partner would be an indiscriminate TV gazer too, and I really do hate having it on as background noise.
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@kyuheart (157)
• Philippines
5 Jun 12
I don't work well with loud noises. It makes me feel frustrated, annoyed, and especially angry but there are also things that we can't control like the construction of new roads and etc. There's nothing I can do but wait and hope that they will finish it right away! So, for the mean time I will just go to my friends house or something and spend my days there.
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@GreenMoo (11833)
5 Jun 12
Wish there was somewhere I could escape to today, but I've rather a lot to do at home.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
18 Jun 12
Personally for you, it does sound like it was for the Best having everyone show up around the same time and work on everything instead of spreading it out, because around here they would never consider doing it that quick and getting everything done. I am sure by now everything is more back to normal, but everything probably looks better, etc. now as well.
@GreenMoo (11833)
19 Jun 12
I think it was just because two out of the three companies were private rather than state that we managed to organise it that way.
@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
6 Jun 12
I would be in agony. No, I could not think straight in those circumstances. I would have let them all get going and hope they all get it over with in one session. I would not want any of them to come back.
@GreenMoo (11833)
6 Jun 12
It's still early at the moment, and blissfully quiet. I'm hoping they're all done and we won't see them again. Well, the wood guys aren't, but at least they are further up the hill so a little muffled.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
7 Jun 12
You are right.. at least it's all happening at once instead of one thing at a time. I don't like loud noises much either. I had to deal with that at work last week.. they were fixing the guardrail along side the drive thru. They were jackhammering and all this other stuff. I could barely speak to my customers it was so loud.
@GreenMoo (11833)
8 Jun 12
I'm imagining your customers trying to mime their orders :-)
@GreenMoo (11833)
11 Jun 12
Ah. We don't have drive thru banks so the idea hadn't dawned on me. I suppose if they just wanted cash they could just hold the right number of fingers up!
• United States
8 Jun 12
I meant the drive thru at the bank. Not so easy not being able to hear them, because a lot of what we need to discuss is private information so I can't really shout and risk others hearing it.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
6 Jun 12
I have never really understood the phrase can;t hear myself think. Just what is it that we expect to be hearing? what images come to mind when we hear ourselves think? Is this something we should underatand or just something to make our minds ponder even further?
@GreenMoo (11833)
6 Jun 12
If I could think, perhaps I could tell you, but there's too much noise going on and I can't hear ....
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
5 Jul 12
I saw that previous discussion of yours. And I even responded to it! Maybe when I was younger, a bit of noise wouldn't bother me. But lately, I've been distracted easily when there's a little noise all around. It affects me much, as I work in a production shop. Hope you're having a better day today.
@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
10 Jun 12
I totally understand what you mean. It is not easy to work with loud noise like that. I get it. Even though I live here in the city, I stay in my room with my computer and put the A/C on now with the windows closed. So it is quieter then usual. Noise like that goes right through me and I cannot concentrate. And yes I have used that statement before.
@GreenMoo (11833)
11 Jun 12
Lots of people have mentioned using the A/C as white noise to hide other noise. I think I'd find that nearly as annoying, but then I get used to it very quickly.
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@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
18 Jun 12
Well it is a comforting noise and it keeps you cool.