Driving a motorcycle without a helmet

June 5, 2012 10:01am CST
Do you drive a motorcycle? Have you tried driving a motorcycle without a helmet? I do have my motorcyle and had been using it for more than two years now as my service in going to my work. I do driving with my daughter as my passanger since she is studying in the same school where I am working. ( I am working as a school registrar) The first time I do my driving, I really felt nervous and couldn't stop praying from our house up to my work area (and that is about 30 mins. drive) I always wear my helmet and also my daughter. I even wanted to buy all safey gears just to make sure of our safety. Though I just feel sad that I could always see people driving a motorcycle without wearing a helmet and sometimes most of those without helmet are really reckless in driving and they really drive fast as if they owns the road. But now, there is a provision in some part of our country here in the Philippines to avoid wearing helmet since there are incidents that those who wear helmets especially those that are tinted are hired gunmen or hired killers, and they really gives a big bang to our government. However, wearing a helmet is for our safety everytime we drive and ride a motorcycle, and I am pretty sure that it is a must to wear helmets during a motorcyle ride. Any stories about driving a motorcyle without a helmet? Any safety tips in driving a motorcycle? Have a happy mylotting!
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14 responses
• United States
6 Jun 12
It really surprises me to hear that there are areas that might not let you wear helmets when you are on a motorcycle. There are still some places in the US that do not by law require you to wear a helmet when on a motorcycle, but in most places it is the law that you have to wear one. There are also places in the US that require you to wear a helmet if you are riding a bicycle on the road, and any child under a certain age is supposed to wear a helmet when on a bicycle as well, even if they are on a bicycle path and not on a road, due to safety issues. If it is that important on a bicycle, then imagine how much more important it should be on a motorcycle.
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• United States
7 Jun 12
The law does not state that adults on the bicycle paths have to wear helmets - it is only for children under a certain age. I suspect it is due to the fact that children tend to be more prone to falling on bicycles ... perhaps because they are also more prone to trying stunts and other dangerous things ... and a head injury could be more serious to a child than to an adult, although any head injury has the potential to be serious.
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@topffer (42155)
• France
7 Jun 12
It is more dangerous to drive on a vehicle with two wheels, and one day or another everybody falls. I have some memories of falling when doing motorcycle trial and I was not a child. There is also a recurrent debate here to impose a helmet on a bicycle for children and I suppose they will have to wear one soon or later. 40 years ago there was the same debate for motorcycles : motorcycle manufacturers were thinking that women will stop to drive a motorbike if they had to wear a helmet because a helmet spoils hairdressing. They were not wrong and there are less women driving motorbikes today.
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@topffer (42155)
• France
7 Jun 12
I understand that wearing a helmet is important on a motorcycle, but on a bicycle ? For cycle races, probably, but I don't think you risk really your life if you don't wear a helmet on a bicycle path. It is not an obligation here, there are more people using bicycles and less accidents than 10 years ago : the main reason is that there are more bicycle paths.
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@Bhebelen14 (5194)
• Philippines
6 Jun 12
Hi ginspearl, I am from the Philippines too, I am very aware of riding in tandem incident in our country which involving killing people, snatching and other crime. For me, it is not safe to drive a motorcyle without helmet because helmet served as a protection of your head so that if accident happens your can protect your head and avoid any injuries or trauma. But also we cant denied that some bad people using this helmet to take advantages to others and do unnecessary actions. Like in our province because some killing incidents if you use helmet while driving motorcyle around the city the policeman will capture you and pay some fine,its unfair. Hope this problem regarding this matter woud be solved as soon as possible for the our safety and security. For my safety tips be careful on driving always pray. God Bless.
• Philippines
6 Jun 12
hi Bhebelen! This situation here in our country is very alarming. What we could only do is to pray and hope that it will soon be resolved. It should not be leave as that. Better way of eliminating this untoward incident should already in the implementation phase to avoid its occurence. We really do hope for the best with regards to this situation. Moreover, I do drive a motorcyle and it is already an SOP that I should not leave the house driving a motorcylcle if I am not wearing my helmet. Thus, helmet is really for our safety. Thanks and have a great day!
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
10 Jun 12
In our area driving a motorcycle without a helmet will earn for you a traffic violation. Unfortunately, there are still those that only wear helmet when traffic enforcers are around. Wearing a helmet definitely is important when on board a motorcycle, regardless whether you are the driver or the passenger. Another important aspect for safety is reflectors and proper lights for the motorcycle. They really help a lot most especially at night so that you can clearly be seen by other motorist.
• Marikina, Philippines
11 Jun 12
Praying to God is what I know for a protection. I have seen lots of accident while driving a motorcycle more than twice. Even they have a helmet on their head.
• India
4 Jul 12
Here in Kerala the traffic laws are coming strict. So we have regular checking [ em]happy[/em]at most of the times and the people are fined who don’t wear them[ em]happy[/em]. I just used to ride my bike by wearing the hamlets. I just used to keep the helmets on the bike itself. So that I don’t forget them to wear[ em]happy[/em] .
• Philippines
6 Jun 12
i have my motorcycle and also my helmet, i sometimes not use my helmet when im going to a nearest places only .. but im always use it especially when im driving my motor bike in a long distance in a highway.. it is very important because it is our primary protection in case if bad things happen to us.
• Philippines
6 Jun 12
I also do it sometimes, I also do not wear helmet for a short drive, especially if I only have to drive nearby. Though, it is an SOP for me to wear my helmet if I will do a long drive. Anyway, helmet is really for our safety and protection, thus it must be wore all the time. Have a great day renzonation!
@nijolechu (1842)
• Canada
6 Jun 12
It is illegal in my country as well to drive a moving vehicle like a motorcycle without a helmet. There are stiff and harsh fines for people that drive their motorcycle without a helmet. I have also heard some horror stories about people that get seriously injured when they crashed their motorcycle and they weren't wearing a helmet.
@toniganzon (72547)
• Philippines
6 Jun 12
I think the provision is for a full helmet. The government cannot ban the use of helmet for protection but they can regulate it. Good thing it's not applicable here in my city. I still believe full helmet is good for protection. I don't drive a motorcyle, i'm more comfortable driving cars. I'm really scared of driving a motorcycle and i don't see myself driving one in the future. But my husband has it as a hubby and he goes for a ride once in awhile going from one town to another for a fun ride with friends. And that is with full helmet and full body gears.
@ryanong (9664)
• Vietnam
6 Jun 12
I always wear helmet when i drive a motorbike..if not..Polices may catch me and i have to pay a fine. In here, most people wear helmet when driving a motorbike, but some teenage boys, they don't wear it...but i think they still scare to see polices..because they have to pay a fine too if the polices can catch them.
• Indonesia
6 Jun 12
Hi there, Yes i ride a motorcycle but I dont like to ride motorcycle without helmet. It is not because Im afraid the police might giving me a fine if they caught me without helmet, But I wear helmet as safety, i wear full face helmet so it is also good to protect my face from dusts or vehicle's smoke while riding my motorbike. I always wear my helmet even when I go to a place near my home, I feel like there is something missing without my helmet, even my 8 years old nephew always wears his helmet because our family teach us to wear helmet since we were young for our safety. Whether Im the one who ride the motorbike or Im the passenger I always wear helmet. Many people doesnt care for their own safety and many other wearing helmet because they are afraid police will give them a fine not because they care for their own safety.
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
6 Jun 12
hi ginspearl, I live inn the USA and some states here allows cyclist to ride with out helmets, but I don't know why because I just think it safer with the helment,, It jus to risky to ride a mototcycle with one....
@factorial (977)
• Philippines
6 Jun 12
I have been driving a motorcycle for 35 years. So far I have met two accidents. The first one I was bumped by a bicycle and the second one a tricycle bumped me. Let the wearing of helmets be optional. You are right ginspearl that there are motorcycle riders who are hired gunmen or hired killers. So let it be optional and let the plate number of the motorcycle be printed on the helmet. For those who want to die early by not wearing a helmet so be it!
• Philippines
5 Jun 12
i am also from the philippines. for me helmet is the most important safety gear if you are a motorcycle driver. but we can't also blame the authorities why they ban the wearing of it. i think the helmets with a tint are the ones that should be banned. not the wearing of helmet itself. there are helmets that don't cover the faces of the user right? it's risking the safety of the riders to ban the wearing of safety gears.
@JieMing (89)
• United States
5 Jun 12
Where I am now (Taiwan), many people ride motorcycles/scooters too. I have only been on them a few times. Since I don't have a motorcycle myself, I also don't have a helmet.. so sometimes I have to ride them with no helmet. It's a bit scary. xD Though it is illegal, I still see many people not wearing them daily.