Dear Middle Aged Woman....
By 911Ricki
@911Ricki (13588)
June 6, 2012 9:25am CST
I was going to the store to buy some groceries. Now Im young at 23, and I certainly dont drive irraticly like many would assume. I know the consequences if I hit someone it could scr*w you for years, also endanger others.
I cant count the number of times a middle aged woman has hit my car whether it is parked or moving then turn around and blame ME, or anything but herself. Ive had men of all ages, and older seniors hit me and apologize, offer to pay for it and so.
I was sitting in the parking spot STOPPED, in PARK. This lady pulls up behind me and slams into me (my car was turned off). She gets out and screams at me for hitting her. I was ready to punch her out she stood there 10 minutes screaming at me saying Im fixing the damage she caused. She then draggs 3 screaming whinning kids out of her car and storms off. I wrote her licence plate number down, as she didnt like what I said and reported her.
Last week I was getting gas at the pumps. I was out of the car pumping my gas. Clearly, I can hit someone while not even being in my car, and puping gas. A middle aged woman drives up and rear ends me and yes its my fault. She called her husband screaming at him saying I hit her, when myself nad 3 other guys at the gas station took my side her husband came over to the gas station. She stood there for 20 minutes screaming how it was me, and stupid young people meanwhile her husbands telling her to shut up and he will deal with it.
Again, I was driving straight and this lady pulls out infront of me. I had to slam on my breaks and near miss her. I had the horn on, she swurved right into the front of my car. She was doing an illegal left turn, and hit me. She got out screaming and yelling how I hit her. I had 6 cars around me saying she hit me. I ended up calling the cops on her, and reporting her. Once again she was middle aged with a load of whinning screaming kids.
Ive had men hit me, and seniors with no issues they aplgize, and make arrangements for any damage. Yet, when it comes to middle aged woman they seem to think the worlds out to get them, blame everyone, and refuse to pay a cent. Many will say they are stress with their kids, seriously to lash out at some complete stranger because of your own stupidity, and not being able to drive. If your kids are that much of a distraction remove them from the caar, stop and wait thats what my parents did with their 4 kids. These woman are a danger on the roads yet they say its the younger and older population that are endanger on the roads.
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5 responses
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
7 Jun 12
Bou have you had bad luck with accidents! I am middle aged and have not had an accident for years! Lately I have come close because of stupid drivers! They come in all ages and both sexes! I have been almost hit when I am crossing a four way stop and the idiots have no idea it is a four way stop! Sometimes I see people run red lights! I been cut off in the aroundabouts on my way to work! People love to pull out in front of me when I am driving through the roundabouts,too!
Then there are the people who don't use their signal lights! It never ends! People are always on their cell's,texting, talking,some people drink and drive and are just in a in a hurry!Of course there are some people who are not meant to be drivers and some how have a drivers license! The roads get more dangerous every year and the more causes I am driving!

@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
7 Jun 12
Here its illegal to talk or text while driving. You can get a large large fine for doing that. All the accidents and damage is about 90% middle age females, Im sure it could be my area Im living in. But they are usually the worse in blaming others, and trying to get others to pay for it. Ive been hit by 1 man in the past and he was older the rest are all middle aged females with a pile of kids in their car. My Dad the same statistics. I wonder how they get a drivers licence, or even handle life if they cant own up to what they have done, or they cant handle their lives so they take it out on others.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
6 Jun 12
Hi Ricki
Well, I am middle aged and I have not had an accident in years. I have a clean driving record and I get a safe-driving discount on my insurance for not having had any claims filed against me in so many years. Not all middle-aged woman are a danger. I've actually not heard of any one person having this many people hit them while parked as you just listed. I think you must be jinxed.
just kiddin but you do seem to have bad luck with the middle-aged women.
Sounds to me like the key here is the carload of kids. Since they are middle aged, I'm guessing that the kids are their grandkids? I don't know. I know that kids can be very distracting and I'm not offering up excuses to these women. I have my grandkids in the car all the time. I've always had little ones in my car. I had 4 of my own and I have done a lot of babysitting. Whenever kids or anyone starts acting out to the point of distracting, I have always pulled over and refused to go any further until they all calm down. I'm guessing these grandmothers don't feel the need to discipline their grandchildren?? I'm sure there are a lot of these types out there young and old. I honestly don't believe age or gender (other than extremely young or old ) plays a huge factor in safe driving. I think a person's mentality is key. Again, I am not making excuses for the middleaged women you've encountered. Honestly, I got rear-ended by an old man a few years back. He felt awful. I had an old beater car and it was near the holidays. I cut him a break. Another time, a young kid slammed me in the parking lot. He was very shook up. I think it may have been the same car...again, I let him go. Remember...I am middle-aged. There is no excuse to scream at someone whether it is your fault or theirs.

@sid556 (30953)
• United States
6 Jun 12
I agree with that, Stowyk. I wonder if maybe because she is so young that they for some reason think they can intimidate her or somehow convince by yelling that it really was her fault?? I remember once when I was in my twenties and I probably looked all of 15, an older man backed out of his driveway and broadsided me. He jumped out of his vehicle and began screaming and shouting and claiming that I was going too fast etc! Well, I was not going too fast at all and I knew that it wasn't my fault. She is right in calling the cops so that they can take statements. They'll also note in their report about the behavior of the guilty person.
Ricki..You are jinxed and it is contagious! Up until reading your story, my experiences with careless drivers had been with older men and the very young or the very elderly. After responding to this, I ran out to do some errands. I was pulling into the parking lot and this car just whipped out of a parking spot and nearly broadsided me. I laid on my horn causing her to slam her brakes. It was a middle aged woman on a cell phone! AND while I couldn't hear her, I could see her hands going and it looked as if she were cussing me out. I just kind of chuckled. Your discussion was still fresh in my mind.

@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
6 Jun 12
I hate that you've been hit or nearly hit so many times. I've not driven enough to have this happen to me, but when I do drive I try to be as careful as I can be. I know that it's important to follow the laws of the road but also look at the traffic patterns around and sometimes adapt and adjust to stay safe yourself.
Now my grandfather would not be one of those men apologizing to you. I'm not saying he'd blame you but he'd be hollering and a cussing and screaming and you'd probably be there mad or in tears.
About six or seven years ago I went with him to pick up my nephew from school and a guy behind us hit my grandfather's car it was a jolt but nothing major. I think it did a little damage to the car. The poor man, around the same age as my grandfather if not a little older, was shaken. He didn't mean to do it and I think the wife or daughter or whomever it was (I forget who as I had to attend to getting my nephew) was trying to get my grandfather to stop and understand. I think even school attendants (the teachers etc) were trying to as well. Cops were called and I kept my nephew mostly away, talking to him and letting him play on the play set near the car driveup.
Anyway, the truth is people need to fess up for what they've done and let it be a lesson, not try to blame the other person for it.
@innocents_lost (1026)
• Canada
6 Jun 12
Well let's start with you may need to paint a target on your car by the sounds of it lol
I actually found men the worst and we'll dumb cops aswellcause the most problems experience number 1 : I hit a deer drove home and called the cops to report it told them where I hit it they went out and checked but couldn't findthe deer so they come to my house and the one cop is like well we need to take your car ins we can not find the deer so we have no way of knowing that's what you hit maybe it was a person and you are trying to cover it up artists point the other cop walks over shines a light on my car and says don't worry there is enough deer left on your car we don't need to do that duhhh
Accident number 2: going through an intersection I was waiting to make a left hand turn the light turns yellow no cars are coming so I entered the intersection and started to turn next thin I know I'm in the ditch on the other side of the road I got tboned this girl in her brandnew car smoked me trying to race the light wellu had 3 other drivers come forward and say she was speeding and I was doing nothing wrong cop charged me with careless driving let's just say it went to court the judge laughed and threw it out as all the witnesses agreed I had the right of way
Accident number 3: idiot in a black truck parks blocking the end of my driveway at night needless to say I didn't see him and hit him while trying to pull out of my driveway which he was illegally blocking well he claimed $2000 in damage now let's say this truck had more dents already then I could count and was older then me I said no ill replace the panel I hit it can get them for $200 well he calls the cop this time a good cop who comes out laughs and says to me don't pay him a cent and leaves