Food brands

June 6, 2012 5:06pm CST
Okay random thought here! yeah so we all know that some people are sort of set in their ways or spoiled when it comes to certain aspects as consumers.. even myself to a point. My question then I ask is this... What products do you buy that just absolutely had to be name brand?? As in you will not settle for a generic substitute. For me Mac and cheese must be KD and ketchup must be Heinz to name a few.. but I know many people are more spoiled then even me. So how about you?? what do you need to pay top $ for to satisfy you??
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3 responses
• Philippines
7 Jun 12
I don't really drink too much softdrinks but if I had to, it has to be from Coca-cola... :D And I never settle for cheaper detergents because as I've proven, they make your clothes look cheaper sooner than you think... LOL I also do not usually buy generics for my child's needs, but for myself I do.
• Philippines
7 Jun 12
Oh, it maybe because both my mom and my mom in law are both too good at housekeeping that I am afraid to fall short of expectations. And I have to trust also some brands that they use in particular c",)
• Canada
7 Jun 12
Well there is no doubt that sometimes you do get what you pay for, and yes some thing's you need name brand. As for the detergent I am not to picky, but also not to cheap with it.
• Canada
7 Jun 12
That is a good point actually, I think that many of us get into a mindset early on for the love and trust of certain names. Like me I am an old man with my bank!! lol I am always like hoy.. i love my bank been there 12 years blah blah!! but good point wildflower.
@PageTurner (2825)
• United States
6 Jun 12
Hello musicscout I am pretty much open to generics on most things, but I do have a few that are an absolute no. Like you, I must have Heinz ketchup, and it must be made for the United States of America market. I've had it in other countries and it tastes different. Also, there are some cereals, such as Frosted Flakes. I will, however, eat Fruity Dyno-Bites instead of Fruity Pebbles. Another item I will not consider as a generic or off-brand is any Cola, such as Sam's Club cola. I will drink other carbonated flavours, but not the Cola. I prefer the Coca Cola.
• United States
6 Jun 12
Where I'm from, Pepsi is in the minority. I'm a huge Coca Cola fan. I will drink the Pepsi if I have to, but only if there is no other option. You make a good point about the Cheerios -- they only taste good as the real thing.
• Canada
6 Jun 12
Really wow I would have thought Pepsi was the dominate among the soft drinks in the US! Good stuff i am with you... Of course I do drink pepsi if I have rye in it, such as I am right this second:)
• United States
6 Jun 12
I spent much of my life in Georgia, USA, which is the home of Coca Cola (Atlanta, Georgia.) I am currently living far far away from there, and Pepsi is the favored carbonated beverage in these parts.
@shylade (3132)
• Philippines
7 Jun 12
I still value quality over price. I mean as long the quality is good and the price is worth it then I'll go for it. I also like generic products. They are cheaper and almost the same quality as the branded one. I am not particular with brands really.
• Canada
7 Jun 12
In many cases you're are right, they are very similar. Like I said there are just some products that I am picky about but like 90% I am not to concerned about the name brand.