Have you ever had to tell about a surprise for someone earlier than expected?

United States
June 7, 2012 8:08am CST
I had to tell my husband about our surprise weekend trip earlier than what I wanted. It was such a bummer to have to tell him so soon. But our car needs fixed and it is going to cost basically $550 to get it done. Mind you that is the money I was planning to use for our trip. I'm so disappointed about that. I didn't want him to find out until the morning of. He is also about to take out a loan for a business he is purchasing. So I knew I would have to tell him about it earlier so that he could set aside some money for the trip as well. He is really excited about it. But I wanted to him to be really surprised by waiting until the morning of to tell him. Maybe next time I plan something our car will not act crazy and I will hopefully be able to pull it off.
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5 responses
• United States
8 Jun 12
I say always give a surprise receiver a slight warning because when my babyshower day came around and I wasn't properly dressed I was upset. On top of that they forgot I was hormonal so when they said surprise and I got hit with splasing water I took my heavily pregnant behind into the closest bedroom and locked myself in there for half an hour until my hair was dry, at least what I could stretch and reach with my 8 months of belly! I now remind everyone I hate surprises and if they forget my fit equals the example above or beyond. No one will be hurt if it was just a little bit earlier, it's the thought that counts :)
• United States
11 Jun 12
Yeah we wouldn't want to embarrass them. I too like to have a heads up for things like that. Especially if it's something were the attention will be focused solely on me. Why did they splash you with water? I would think that having the surprise baby shower was enough. I wouldn't have liked to have been splashed with water either.
@bLadeee (403)
• Philippines
8 Jun 12
Nope, i don't tell surprise for someone earlier than expected because it won't be called a surprise. It's better if you keep it a secret until the time finally comes to make someone more happy other than keeping him/her excited. Sometimes there are things that are unexpected that may cancel you're surprise, so what if you've told someone you're surprise and it didn't or something bad happened, he/she will only be depressed. The more excited the person gets and the more he/she expect something, the higher sadness will come if it didn't happened.
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• United States
10 Jun 12
Yeah I think that it is best to try and wait until the appointed time to tell them as planned. It would be depressing to tell them if the plans weren't going to be carried out. We are still going on our trip I just needed to tell him early that way he could set aside money since I had to get the car fixed. He is excited about it I just wish the car problems didn't come up.
@ladygator (3465)
• United States
7 Jun 12
Dominique25, That is so sad that you had to ruin the surprise. I bet he didnt mind though as much as you did. Did you still go on the trip? At least you found out about the car repairs before you left! It would have been worse to get to your destination and break down then. You two also get to plan your vacation together. A friend of mine had to tell her kids about their trip to New York because her daughter had tests to take. Being that she would be absent during the testing, she needed to ask to either do them either before she left or be assured that she could take them when she returned. Best, ~C~
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• United States
10 Jun 12
Yeah I was more disappointed about it than he was. He was happy and surprised to hear about it. He thought I was joking. Now he does get to help me with planning the last things that need done. I'm also relieved that the car troubles didn't happen while on our trip. We are getting a lot of work done our car, we have to have three wheel bearings replaced, breakpads on the front, and exhaust leak fixed. We will be going out of town the first weekend of July. I hope that your friend and her family had a good time on their trip as well.
• Philippines
8 Jun 12
I hate being surprised but i like participating or planning a surprise for someone. It really feels good when you're able to pull it off and your effort is being appreciated. But whether the surprise is successful or not, what is important is the effort and intention to make that person happy.
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• United States
10 Jun 12
Thanks I appreciate that.I too have to remember that the effort and intention is what is important. My husband as well told me not to be sad because he is very happy that I planned this for him. I hope that in the future I will be able to plan another trip/or get him a gift without him knowing.
@Bhebelen14 (5194)
• Philippines
8 Jun 12
Yes, two years ago I am about to suprise my husband regarding our vacation somewhere in the Philippines for a week since its our anniversary and I am about to tell it to him but his boss called and said he got promoted and needed to go on a business trip as soon as possible. Luckily he asked me to came along and I enjoyed the trip since everything is free and near to the beach.
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• United States
10 Jun 12
I'm glad that you didn't make reservations already. That would have been a lot to take care of before you both left town. It can be difficult to plan things without letting the other person know. I hope that in the future I will try again to do something like that.