100 dollars in two months - any ideas??

@narnia007 (1050)
June 7, 2012 8:24am CST
Hi guys.I am not much of an active earner in online business as I am into working hard to clear my exams.I don't have much time to spend my time here.But I come to mylot for my relaxation.Now,I am planning to get a new guitar.I need some 300 dollars for which,I have my saved money of 100 dollars and my father would give me 100 dollars.I am short of 100 dollars and I am planning to get it from online earning sites. I have known many sites like PTC,PTP,article writing,etc and etc.But I want you guys to help me out of how to plan all the earning potential to get my 100$ in two months.Many sites pay genuinely,but it takes more than two months to reach the 100$ target.Help me out with your sites of earning potential and your strategies.
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13 responses
@sajeevking (5073)
• Mumbai, India
7 Jun 12
Try JSS Tripler well that's the only site which has paid me $101.20 recently but yeah its a investment site. if you don't want to invest then refer people who can invest and you can earn sweet commission from them my average daily earning is 9$ from this site now.
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@camalich (1117)
• Spain
7 Jun 12
Jumper, there is no need to upgrade till you are going to work with the JSS Matrix. The cost to upgrade is $15 every 3 month ;)
• India
8 Jun 12
Frieds help me out. I haven't heard much about JSS Tripler. Can you explain what sort of a site is that?
@narnia007 (1050)
• India
9 Jun 12
Hey people.I have a doubt regarding the referral program there.I had one of my friend to join under my fathers account there.He bought a new position with his initial free 10$ amount.Now,when I see my fathers account,my friends id has been added as a referral and it says he has bought 1 position.But,referral commission was not received in my dads account.Why did this happen?.When a referral buys a new position, doesn't the sponsor get his commissions.Is it because of his initial free position,my dad did not receive his commission?.Can you guys help on this.??
@UmiNoor (4524)
• Malaysia
8 Jun 12
I'm doing forum posting on this site and I average between $3 to $4 a day which is between $60 to $80 a month since I don't work during the weekends. The site pays very punctually. They pay as long as you reach your payout at $5 and you can request payment anytime to your Paypal account. If you're interested, you can find the banner on my profile and can join as my referral.
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@UmiNoor (4524)
• Malaysia
10 Jun 12
I'm sorry if you find that this site is a little unfriendly. They do expect quite a lot in terms of good grammar and English. But from my experience being there for half a year, I really like it because I earn quite well.
@narnia007 (1050)
• India
9 Jun 12
Thanks UMINOOR for your contribution.I have seen this website,but I am not into it.I am hesitating to join because,it is not much friendly as mylot.It has higher payment and definitely,they expect more standards than mylot.I do not know why,mylot is so comfortable for me.Anyway,I will give a look into this.If I could earn as much as you,my goal will be a piece of cake.Thanks for thew tip.
@browneyed (2522)
• United Kingdom
7 Jun 12
I think $100 in two months is possible. However, since you have your exams, how much spare time do you actually have?
@browneyed (2522)
• United Kingdom
9 Jun 12
If you don't mind writing, there's forum posting, blog commenting, blogging/article writing. One of these or a combination of them will earn you $100 in two months as long as you're disciplined and can commit to working those two hours. 1) Forum posting - pay ranges from $0.10 to $0.25 a post. 2) Blog commenting - pay ranges from $0.10 to $0.50 a post. 3) Blogging/article writing - really down to you, but average rates tend to be $0.01 a word. There's a site called Digital Point forums (look at the Services section). This is where I've found most of my work over the years. Lots of people on there offering work. Lots of people offering their services. You see what you think you can do, you apply and hope you'll get it. TIME: If you break it down, this is what you need to do in order to make your $50/month. My calculations are based on the lower rates. 1) Forum posting/blog commenting - 17 posts a day @ 10 cents a pop = $51 a month 2) Blogging/Article writing - 4 posts a week @ $0.01 a word. 300-400 words per piece = $48-$64 a month. This is obviously not set in stone, but I wanted to give you some idea. It might also mean that you can still study at the same time too. The above, as I mentioned before, is also based on those lower rates. If you can negotiate a higher rate, then it's less effort on your part for more money. I have a blog. The link to it is in my profile if you'd like to read more about how you can potentially reach your target. (the first link) Take care and good luck...
@narnia007 (1050)
• India
9 Jun 12
I think,I can spend about two hours a day here online to make my money.It will be a tight schedule,but I am planning to squeeze myself so that I earn this money in these two months and then go into full fledged studies after that.What options do you have of earning such money.I am tempted when you say that it is possible to earn 100$ in two months.Please do give your ways of earning online.
@narnia007 (1050)
• India
14 Jun 12
Thanks for your detailed description of your job browneyed.I checked it out and also saw your blog and found that you are an expert in blogging.WOW...I wish I would become like that someday.Regarding the job you mentioned,since it is hired by real people,they would expect experienced people for their blog than newbies like me.Any way,I would give a try there and hope someone to accept my offer.Happy mylotting.
@suraj7nov (1736)
• India
7 Jun 12
only 1 site clixsense,complete tasks there and you can earn 100$ even in one month if you complete lot of tasks,see my blog how you can complete tasks there http://clixsense1dollardaily.blogspot.in/
@suraj7nov (1736)
• India
9 Jun 12
no its not needed
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
7 Jun 12
You could do some tasks and answer lots of surveys at the Mturk amazon site. Check with their rules and which countries they allow to use them, and how to transfer the money to your bank acct, cause they don't pay via Paypal like here. Try to do the highest paying tasks, if you can and it will go faster.
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@browneyed (2522)
• United Kingdom
9 Jun 12
I think if you're in India, MTurk pays straight into your account. Not entirely sure, so please check.
@narnia007 (1050)
• India
9 Jun 12
Thanks for your suggestion Nailtech.Since there is no way of cashing out through paypal,I can avail the gift voucher offer to buy things of amazon and send it to my country via mail.But the chances of the mail getting into customs and local taxes are more and I will be ending up paying money for the amazon items.I heard one person from Bangladesh received his item without paying taxes.May be I will try my luck here.
• Philippines
8 Jun 12
Hi Narnia, Try this site http://prelaunchx.com/x/redfoxph This is a free sign up site, and it looks promising. If it pays out by Aug 27. then you have your $100. But keep on digging... Regards, REDFOXPH
@narnia007 (1050)
• India
8 Jun 12
Hey,I saw this website from one of my friends here.Also I saw it on mylot tasks I guess.What kind of website is this?.Who is the owner of this website?.Is he a well known moderator of sites like those of mylot introducing cash goper,or sites like clix sense and stuff.Any way,if it is free to join,we would not mind joining for free.I guess,it is necessary to build up referals to join here.Is that so?.And,dont go posting your referral links.Mostly this discussion will get deleted because of your posting without reading the tos.
@narnia007 (1050)
• India
9 Jun 12
No,you can't edit or remove it.Only the mylot team would do that.Be careful next time.
• Philippines
9 Jun 12
Oh thank you for the advise... Can I edit it? or remove it?
@Tina83 (1223)
• India
12 Jun 12
Go to Forex and earn unlimited .I earned $150 in 10 minutes of trading last week but yes trading needs perfection.JSS tripler also is good.
• Philippines
12 Jun 12
you can double your money in 20 days in fx7pro. if you will invest $100 you will be earning $10 a day and will let you earn $200 in 20 days. therefore you will have a profit of $100 within 20 days. I am also with tagvillage and it took me one month to receive $100 payout from them. I reach $150 from february to march and I requested $100 in april and I receive the $100 on the 20th of may and I reinvested the remaining $50. when you join tagvillage and invest $100 there, it is possible to double or triple your investment but it is not a guaranteed since you are still very new and still need to learn many things about tagvillage. but when you invested it to fx7pro, it is guaranteed that you can reach your goal of earning another $100 in less than two months.
@jaderamirez (1029)
• Philippines
11 Jun 12
Well to earn more you need to exert effort, online will not give you money just by luck it needs hard work and time. You may try blogging to get paid per post and earn decent amount.
• Pakistan
16 Jun 12
i absolutely agree with your comments but how many of us have got good readers and comments back to our blogs.
8 Jun 12
You should become a freelancer. I have earned $150 in just 2 weeks. I have a website where you can go to for a step-by-step process to earning as a freelancer in the largest freelance site in the world: moneyfromtheinternet.weebly.com/start-earning.html I hope I helped
@narnia007 (1050)
• India
9 Jun 12
Hey.Thanks for the insight about freelancer.com.But it seems we have to bid for the projects.Being a newbie,I don't think my jobs will be accepted as easy as the experienced persons.Even if I hire someone,I would expect experienced people to do my job.Anyway,thanks for the tip and hope to get someone to accept my job.I will give it a try.There is no point in saying it is difficult without trying it.
@SaifuMak (61)
• India
9 Jun 12
If you can write articles, you can earn more than $100 in a month. Go to scripted.com and they are paying more than $30 to write a blog post :) They are new but legit. Hope it helps
@narnia007 (1050)
• India
9 Jun 12
Now,that is a new site I am hearing about.I checked out this site.IT stand out from other sites because of the huge amount they pay for a blog as you have mentioned.But,it is necessary that we have to write a sample article for each of the specialties we are interested to write for.This is a small task that I am not happy with.Anyway,I decided to give it a try.Hope they approve me.Trying wont hurt.Thanks for the help.Happy mylotting.
@carben44 (322)
7 Jun 12
I think if you use a bunch of sites together, you could get the $100. I use a few like TagVillage, Triond and Dungeons-Treasures... The cash adds up.
@narnia007 (1050)
• India
9 Jun 12
Thanks for your advice.I heard of tagvillage.I guess it has some upfront investment needed.I don't really understand the type of earning there.Can you please elaborate on that. Regarding the game you said,I have read so many reviews that you have to palky for such a long time to get a very small amount.Is that so.How much do you earn from this game every month.
• Bangladesh
8 Jun 12
Hi narnia, being addicted to thinking of earning 100$ may crush your exams.
@narnia007 (1050)
• India
8 Jun 12
You are definitely right.Last December,I experienced such things.I came so much addicted to earn some money for my Christmas purchase.Lastly,neither did much earn so much to fulfill my Christmas purchase nor did my do my exams well.Along with the exams pressure and stress,online earning goal requirement made me into more much of mental stress added with the eye strain looking into the computer.I just hoped that a two month stretch of hard work can earn me money.