My daughter has systemic poison ivy

United States
June 9, 2012 2:45pm CST
My daughter is being taken to the doctor right now because she got into some poison ivy. It is in her lungs, at least that is what the nurse said might be happening and she needed to be seen. She even called the pharmacist to see if anything she could take over the counter to save a doctor visit, but the pharmacist even said it sounds like it is in her respiratory tract and she needed to see the doctor now. So she has gone. She is coughing, her face is swelled so much she looks like she is wearing a mask. Her body is one big whelp all over... I threatened to put socks on her hands because she is scratching so much.. it's driving her crazy. Has anyone ever had systemic poison ivy? It doesn't bother me. I had a few places on me but they went away overnight. I'm not really allergic, but my mother was really bad... she had to go to the hospital sometimes when she had it because she had it systemically too. I think my daughter took after mom in that respect. If you are allergic to poison ivy, how badly are you allergic? Please share.
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14 responses
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Jun 12
Wow, weird! I was JUST talking about this to my son earlier today! We have poison ivy all over the place right now. I've been spraying it with an herbicide made especially to kill poison ivy since it's so hard to get rid of but it's all throughout the woods on our property. I told my son to make sure he didn't try to burn any of it since you can get a systemic reaction from the smoke of it burning. I also warned him to wear a mask if he tries chopping it up anywhere. That stuff can be NASTY! I hope your daughter reacts well to the treatment! How in the world did she get it? I used to be able to roll in it and never have a reaction. That all changed when I was in my early 20s. My sister let me use her yard to start a strawberry patch but there was a huge poison ivy vine right where I wanted the strawberries. So, I began to pull it up. I had gloves on, only because I was pulling vines and didn't want to stain or cut my hands and I'm sooooooooo glad I did! The next day, I had a horrible rash with blisters from just above my wrists (where the top of the gloves were) up to just below my shoulders because I had on a short-sleeved shirt at the time. Until then, I was never affected by poison ivy, not even a tiny bit. My sister, on the other hand, could just look at poison ivy and get a rash, it seemed. She was extremely allergic and did get it in her lungs a few times. That is some nasty stuff! I worry about my dogs getting into it when I let them out to run. Maybe I should put up a fence between the woods and the grassy areas just to keep them from running around in it. Let us know how your daughter is!
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Jun 12
Wow. Did anyone tell your daughter, "Leaves of three, let them be"? That always pops into my head when I'm outside pulling weeds. If you see anything with only three leaves on each stem, don't touch it because it could be poison ivy or poison oak. Be especially careful if the "leaves of three" look like oak leaves because that is poison oak which has the same effect as poison ivy. We have a lot of oak trees around here and I made that mistake at first. I thought they were just little oak trees growing from dropped acorns. WRONG! I had gloves on so I didn't have a problem on my hands but I must have wiped perspiration from under my nose or scratched an itch there because I developed a rash and figured I must have touched poison ivy at some point without noticing, then I learned what poison oak looks like.
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
10 Jun 12
mental ward poison ivy -- is that an insect? you said you have sprayed something. yes. we are allergic to certain insecticides and sprays. good day.
• United States
10 Jun 12
My sister in Christ had it for 9 months! For mo ths her face didn't even look human. She said she looked like she had leprosy. My daughter was working in the back wooded area. I was pulling up the ivy that was growing on our house. She was plunge up the poison ivy not even k owing what it was. Her husband figured it out when she said she was pulling up weeds.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
10 Jun 12
yes my friend Michel got poison ivy last summer he suffered with it for about 3 weeks
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
14 Jun 12
well that is good that she is getting better
• United States
14 Jun 12
My former pastor's wife had it for 9 months. You couldn't even recognize her face as hers. It went into Kim's eyes. She is still in steroids. I think she is doing better. She isn't complaining anymore.
@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
9 Jun 12
I have gotten poison ivy before but not this type you speak of. I wasn't even aware that it existed. How did it get in her lungs? How weird! She must be highly allergic. Everyone has certain things they are more sensitive to. Hope all goes okay and she is alright soon.
@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
11 Jun 12
Well it sounds very serious. SOrt of scarey for just poison ivy. Have to have her be careful.
• United States
10 Jun 12
I'm not really sure except that it gets in the blood stream. I remember the doc telling my mom that she couldn't go near it be ause she could vet in in the air she breathed in the area of the poison ivy. It must gave some poison fumes in the air. I don't know for sure. The doc said she should be totay well in 3 weeks.
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@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
13 Jun 12
Wow that scares me. I got poison ivy for the first time last month on my arms and that was rough. I cannot imagine having it inside of me. I pray she gets better fast!
1 person likes this
• United States
14 Jun 12
She s on steroids and seems to be lots better now.
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
10 Jun 12
My friend is extremely allergic to poison ivy. He has routinely had to go on steroids to keep it under control. There is a gel stuff called zanfel that really seems to help with the itching, and making the oils dry out. It is expensive, but over the counter.
1 person likes this
• United States
14 Jun 12
Thnks for this info. I didn't know it.
@PageTurner (2825)
• United States
9 Jun 12
I am so sorry to hear that your daughter is suffering so from the poison ivey, PointlessQuestions! This is just dreadful news.
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Jun 12
Yes. I am sorry too. We had no idea that she is so sensitive to it. I doesn't bother me much at all. I'll let you all know what happens at the doc.
• United States
10 Jun 12
I am glad to hear that your daughter is home and expected to recover. I have been really worried about this since you posted it.
@dfollin (25544)
• United States
14 Jun 12
Oh my! That is terrible!How old is she? Is she going to be ok? On the funny side about poison ivy.My son that is 31 now,when he was 5, my boys were outside playing with a neighbors child.I had to go to the bathroom and I asked the boys mother if she could watch my boys while I ran inside.When I came back out she told me that my son had laid down in poison ivy.Well,he never broke out from it.But,a few weeks later he had his shirt off and his back broke out from laying down in grass. I will pray for your daughter.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
9 Jun 12
awe poor thing! i once had a reaction to some anitbiotics like that once and ended up going to emerg due to my worry about having a serious asthma attack and not being able to breathe if the reaction got too bad. i have never really had a problem with poison ivy but black flies give me a bad reaction.
1 person likes this
• United States
10 Jun 12
Oh so sorry to hear you had to go to the ER. Those kinds of allergies Re reay bad.
@acer5540 (354)
• China
19 Jun 12
Sorry to hear that, hope everything goes well. My baby have eczema,i think it is a kind of allergic.But we still don't know what cause her eczema.It sometimes cured herself,sometimes goes bad... I was upset by her eczema,i just hope she is not upset like me, P.S.she is 6 month till today.
• United States
9 Jun 12
Oh my! How awful for your daughter! I do hope there is a quick medical relief for her. I had no idea one could get poison ivy in the respiratory tract, but now that I think of it, it does make sense that it can happen. Fortunately I am not allergic to poison ivy, few in my family are allergic to it. Although, I have heard that can change with age, so I do try not to be around it.
• United States
9 Jun 12
Yes it can go systemic in people with weak immune systems or they are allergic. She is okay though. The doc ordered medication to keep her from getting worse on her chest. The doc said it could take up to 3 weeks for her to get over this.
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
10 Jun 12
PQ: I am sorry your daughter is having ailment. How did it arise? is it after consuming some medicine or food? hope she is recovering fast. good day.
• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Jun 12
I am sorry about your daughter! I hope she will be okay and recover fast. I am allergic to poison ivy but not as bad as your daughter. I will get it all over my body and itch like crazy though! It will drive you crazy. When I was younger I got it a lot because we would always play in the wooded area in our clubhouse behind our house. I constantly came back and had to be all pink from the calamine lotion. My mom used to get so mad at me and yell at me to stop scratching too! I never stopped playing back there though, hard headed I suppose. Lol. I truly hope your daughter is okay. =)
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• United States
9 Jun 12
Thank you. The doc said it may be up to 3 weeks for her to get over this. I threatened to put socks on her hands to make her sto scratching.
@RitterSport (2451)
• Lippstadt, Germany
9 Jun 12
oh noooooo when it rains it pours and when its not one thing its another. Poor PQ. Hope your daughter gets better soon. The only stuff I am allergic to seems to be certain types of mold and I can avoid that most of the time so no outbreaks.
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Jun 12
I understand that Ritter. Mold will upset my asthma. I think all this pollen and greenery is messing with my asthma. I'm having to keep my ixygen on most of the time now. I set short if breath easily. My daughter was seen by the doc and has a couple of prescriptions. She has that prednisone pill for inside inflammation too.
@mikyung (2232)
• Philippines
10 Jun 12
I'm so sorry about your daughter. I never had the systemic poison ivy thing but I have several allergies, one is asthma and soome alleriges on seafoods. I can relate to this. They say it is systemic because it has do with the whole system of our body. I believe you need to bring her to the nearest hospital to avoid any thing that complicates it. Hope she gets well. She is included in my prayers
• United States
14 Jun 12
She is doing better now. It went into her eyes after it went into her lungs. She isn't complaining anymore so I would think she is doing better.