She's trailor park trash!

@911Ricki (13588)
June 9, 2012 7:16pm CST
I went to high school with this girl and we talk here and there. Another girl asked me what she has been up too. What am I suppose to say? She let herself go, and married a d-ck. So I told her she's on Facebook and send her a request. She did, and called me immediately and asked when she turned into trailor park trash. I started thinking what is that mean? I mean she doesn't live in a trailor park? I started thinking I wonder what others think of you or judge you? When I worked at Tim Hortons I use to see people I went to high school and many told me you've xhanged. I personally haven't seen or noticed these changes. Many I've seen haven't really changed since high school they look the same, act the same, and are in the same spot (many not working, living at home, and partying).
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10 responses
• United States
10 Jun 12
Maybe she's the trash. People have a lot of reasons why they end up the way they do. Many people whom I thought let themselves go have actually had a lot of health problems since high school. And as far as trailer trash goes. There are some very nice trailer parks in this country. Not all of them are the kind you see characterized in movies. I lived in a beautiful one in the west with a ton of trees, yards and professional landscaping. Many newer double-wide ones in it were just as expensive as regular houses. And it is more expensive to live in a trailer than an apartment take it from me. You have a ton of upkeep and bills that you don't have with an apartment, people in parks pay more but have the stigma of this name. Never bothered me as I knew how well I lived. So this ignorant name does not apply anymore in this day and age.
1 person likes this
• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jun 12
That is why I am no where near anyone I went to school with. I am so glad! I don't want anyone judging me and what my life has turned out like. I think it is up to the person if they want to let themselves go or marry who ever they want to marry but I don't think it is fair for others to judge them for it. I don't like a lot of other people's husbands and they do not like mine. Thats just the way it goes. Most people I have seen on facebook and such are still hanging out with the same people, still doing the same type of things. I have moved on from high school, doesn't look like they have...
• United States
11 Jun 12
You are one of the few people I have heard admit that. I'm the same way. No one understands me. No one knows who I am on my face book besides a few family members and friends. What I don't get is these people did NOT hang out together in high school so why do they all pretend they were all the best of friends now? I have a great memory and I never remember any of these classes all dancing around together like in grease. You would swear they were like that the way they all talk on face book now. More like fast times at Ridgemont high.
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
12 Jun 12
Your friends comment may be based on what is on her Facebook page. A friend of mines sister started dating a new guy who has a bunch of questionable photos on his Facebook page. Supposedly he's a nice guy, but people judge him based on those pictures which are less than charming.
@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
10 Jun 12
Probably what they mean about the trailer park trash is that it is a short way of saying she made a bad relationship choice or choices and she has "let herself go". It means she just seems to be living a temporary low quality life. When I am around people who judge others and gossip about them, I immediately wonder what they say about me to other people. When person #2 first asked you about person #1 you did the right thing and let her see for herself. How she responded showed you what kind of a person she is. My son is back living at home, but that is due to some issues he had. He works and pays rent and lives a very quiet life right now. There are so many ways we can and do judge people and their worth or success that maybe are not accurate measures of what they are really like.
• Canada
10 Jun 12
Okay who are you talking about better not be me! LOL I think some people have changed slightly but not alot probably why I don't hang out with anyone from highschool any more I see some and it's like wtf happened and others are exactly were in thought they would be lol
• Canada
10 Jun 12
That was a very harsh thing for her to say about someone. Before jusding someone else and saying something about them we should take a good look at ourselves first. We shouldn't judge others, we don't knwo what circumstances they face and what situation they are in. We should just live and let live...
@MoonGypsy (4605)
• United States
10 Jun 12
i am so glad that i don't know any one from high school anymore. that must be alot of pressure to have people all way up your life judging how you are living it. just the saying goes, "the more things change, the more things stay the same".
@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
10 Jun 12
"Trailer park trash" is a term used by snobby people. When I was a kid my family was poor and yes we did live in a trailer park. They would call us trailer park trash and beat me up. To get bullied just for being poor. Just because you live in a trailer doesn't mean you are trashy. There are a lot more trashy people living in ghettos, but no one says anything about them. It's cool to be a gangsta. Most people don't change. I've seen only a few people from my high school days that were different. Well except that they all look really old. Like wtf happened to you? How are we the same age, but you look like you're in your 40s?
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
10 Jun 12
wow Ricki, that was real harsh for someone to say..I think people need to reevalue themselves before going after others. she really probably have no idea what that other friend has gone through..her situtation could have been the results of abuse of anything...It really terrible people its their right to talk about others in such a negative respect without even know whats going on. And even with the knowledge of whats going on. it you can't help a person who obviously need some assistsance, its still not the right thing to gossip about them... People in glass houses should not throw stones and we are all in glasses on this earth...
@dobsyto (298)
• Bulgaria
10 Jun 12
Well this is the life. We can't change how we look be we can change what we do. You maybe thing that you haven't changed but the others could tell you that you have been changed a lot. So this is how you look it. So be happy that your friends are OK and live their life how they want it to be.