I regret procrastinating for my education

June 10, 2012 3:50am CST
I am upset with myself. I would have wanted to turn back time. right now I am taking classes for masteral degree. I wish I was not procrastinating about taking it a few years back. If I did take it a few years back I would have already graduated. but then at that time I was busy doing nothing. as in nothing. I did not even go to different places.right now I have nothing to do but face reality that I have to do this now and there is no time to lose.
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4 responses
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
22 Jun 12
We all have had our time we want to go back to and change things... I guess yes, this do happen but then it is important now for you to go on and move on - it was okay that you feel this but it is of course always better that you have realized and have known what you should have done and yes you have.. you should actually go for it now and i am wishing you goodluck! =)
• Philippines
26 Jun 12
thank you for wishing me luck chiyosan! yes I am now taking steps to reach what I have procrastinated before and I am taking my time and making steps slowly and surely. I hope and pray that God will help me with my endeavor. thank you and Godbless
@watergirl (567)
• Philippines
11 Jun 12
I understand how you feel. I am also taking my masters degree after several years from graduating from college. Though, I don't really think I wasted that time. In those years, I have worked and made a family. I feel this is the best time for further studies since I no longer have babies to look out for. Surely, you have done something while you were "procrastinating" studying. Everytime is the best time to learn.
• Philippines
11 Jun 12
hi there watergirl. thinking about it, I did something while I was "procrastinating". I reviewed for an exam which I did not took still, I worked in the hospital and participated in a lot of activities. thank you for inspiring me to move on from the past and to think that everytime is the best time to learn.
• Philippines
10 Jun 12
There is no such thing as "late" for education. I see people on TV who still pursue their studies and dreams in life even later in their life. Learning is a lifetime process. But then, is what you're doing now what you really want in life? Maybe you have other things at heart that's why you delayed your masteral. Think it over now, so you won't see yourself 10 years from now still regretting on things that you should have done now that could have made you happy. I do hope you'll have the best in your life :)
• Philippines
14 Jun 12
hi there wildflowerz! come to think of it, there are much older people that pursue studying other degrees amidst their age and look at me i am still in my middle 2os I do have other things at heart that I am not yet able to do so right now, I will first save a lot of money to make it possible.
@flamez3r0 (319)
• Puerto Rico
10 Jun 12
Hello :). If you had kept studying nothing would have changed. The despair you feel now wouldn't go away, you would've felt it earlier, and the nothing you did you would be doing now. Even after graduating you wouldn't find a job immediately, so you would do nothing in the end too. Maybe you would've got more frustrated because you were lied to and they told you studying would change anything, but it doesn't. I Studied psychology, and right now I would have more money if I skipped studying and went into any other job (even collecting pennies in the street sides would get me more money than my degree :p). So, don't beat yourself over it. If you enjoyed it even a little, if you felt relaxed or at least calm, then it was a good thing. Sometimes I think studying is just to test you in how much you can be stepped on so that you end up being stepped on in your future job, instead of learning at all.
• Philippines
14 Jun 12
hi ther flamez! thank you for giving me a different perspective about my so called regret. you are right, i did felt relax and calm and now I have proven myself that I want to learn more and I can get out of my comfort zone just to fit in to my schedule my class hours. thank you and happy mylotting!