I hate two faced people and people that do fraud

@joystick (1675)
June 10, 2012 4:06am CST
My two pet hates these are.I made myself a promise, that this year if people are taking the mickey out of the benefits system, then I will be the one to dob them in.You have people that claim money for caring for their member of a family, yet they do not look after them, as all they do is let the person look after themselves.People who say that they are lone parents, when in fact they are living with the person that they are claiming is no longer living there.People who back stab other people will also get told to their face, also be told that I will inform the other person what they have been saying, or in some cases how they have tried to stitch other people up.If a small girl is out on her own again all this summer, when she should have a carer with her, then the person will be getting a visit from the local authority, as the child has health problems and plays on her own near a road.The parents that do drugs when they are looking after their children get smoking drugs near their children, where as it is what everyone knows.A person is allowing children as in minors to get drunk, as well as supplying the drink to children, will also be getting a visit from the police this year.Call me nasty, but someone has to do something, as things are really getting out of hand.
2 responses
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
11 Jun 12
So many people knowadays day do the fraud thing! People like that don't car! Are lazy.too! They now how to take advantage of the system The authorities,sometimes don't know what is going on in these situations. Then there are people who know what is going on don't want to get involved! I hope you get hold of the aurthories and something gets done! That girl you mentioned should be living in a home that cares about! Not in the crappy home she is living in now!
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
10 Jun 12
Not really clear what you said above, but I understood a bit of it. Maybe you are right, there were many hypocrites out there trying to take advantage of other people. For me, they are disgusting, and they should be punished severely. I was a victim to those scam before, and I can't do nothing about it too. About those parents who won't care about their children, shame on them. Why not get a decent life, and live decently. For the children sake. Don't do something regretful.