Did an alien entity make Zombie Florida man eat flesh?

United States
June 10, 2012 10:49am CST
There was a man in the news recently that was shot by Florida Police after he refused to stop chewing on a mans face. When the man was shot, he looked at the officers and growled at them before returning to his task of chewing the mans face off. Eventually the man was killed and the victim remains in the hospital. Many speculate what happened here, I am just another one to throw out my ideas and start a discussion about my possible suspicions. Many people think of space people or martians when they hear the word alien. Never is the word alien refered to or associted with satan.Satan, that old demon that races around the earth getting into people has been the subject and the blame for many crimes. But who is satan, really? An Alien? I have believed for a very long time now that mind control experiments could possibly account for most serious crimes involving murder. Often serial killers are all linksed in some way. Military service is one of the types of links. Child abuse,even animal abuse are others. So, are these killers just people that snap, and all of a sudden and they become like this? Do people who kill have some kind of common factor when they commit their crimes? Is there an alien in them? We can agree that their behavior is alienated from the norm, indeed. Sometimes, we do not really see the source of the crime, what actially caused the crime to happen,because it is a process of circumstances that lead up to the catalyst that moves the perp to commit his act. This means that a mental illness of some kind possibly has moved in and is behind the scheme that eventually and ultimately orchestrates the act of , say, murder. But what is that old proverbial saying about man that makes him subject to the most legendary alien of them all? I do not recall the words, but it has something to do with turning away from God. So how does it happen? How does one become so engrossed with lifes activities that they allow an alien to move in and take over their actions? Some would say drugs, or loss of will power, or even, mind control by another is to blame. Mind control is a subject that most will deny because it scares the living daylights out of them. But what is satan, really? An Alien? Is he responsible for all acts of crime against humans through some thought controling proscess? If so, how does he do it? With a machine? Chemical impulse? Frequencies? Deviancy is one way to describe a person who has left the course of life and chosen an alternate path. They have deviated away from what is right and he ability to acknowledge that which is wrong. When God leaves a person, usually it is an alien that moves right in, an evil spirit, most likely a minion, link, and connecting link that ensnares the person into satans flood of zombies who are willing to do as provoked, willed, manipulated, or told. People become puppets. So really, when a person is out of their mind, who the hell is in charge of their acts? Is it a Psyop,hub,or view unit behind the crime? Is there some kind of radio frequency like being taking over the brain of the perp? I think yes. I think, that drugs, often chemical molecular drugs, can remove a being from the life flow (soul)and move that person in the direction of committing immoral or henneous acts. It is possible that even a chemical imballance in the perps brain can be to blame, but how did the imballance occur? Was it an alien source of energy that instilled itself into the being to control it? There are many stories on the subject of mind control and spirit possession. Do you think a person just gives up all hope in life and kills on their owm even knowing thay are doomed to prison for life, or do you think something clouds the thought of the perp and blinds him to the consequences? Do you think an alien/satan/demon/spitit takes over? Or do you think people are like mad cows once in a while, on a whim of a chance and randomly commiting their acts? Ok, I just had my first cup of coffee,not to mention I was dreaming about sleeping a few minutes ago. I am eager to hear what you all think about such bizzare acts and how they come about manifesting themselves in todays world. Did an alien make that Florida Zombie man eat flesh? I hope it was not some act or experiment hiding behind the guise of National Security. That would suck to know that the government might be building Zombies!
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5 responses
• India
12 Jun 12
Hello my friend PoppaDave Ji, I think theyb are living monstars among us.Even today in some of our tribal areas , tribes are there, who eat human flesh, whjich is blood shivering in front of normal people like us. May God bless You and have a great
• United States
12 Jun 12
Do you think it is possible that some of these monsters are created by man? I think so, I think science (national security) goes beyond what is normal to induce halucinations in order to monitor the person and record the frequencies of the actions in doctrine form. I think they just dial us up if they want...got your number in a sense.
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• India
13 Jun 12
Hello my friend PoppaDave Ji, Well, Science does not believe on beliefs, it wants perfectness with evidence and proofs. I would like to go step by step in my conclusion. We are so called pure vegetarians, never takes onion/garlic even, next you may add, what we do not take and still next with eggs/fish/meat etc. Chinese take lot many other creatures which other people do noty take, going beyond some tribes take human flesh to please their God and dance around. #-4 yrs back some poerson wa scaught around Delhi for taking chioldren's flesh, it was a great racket. So I said there are people who atre monsters as per me to consume human flesh. But I also believe that Universe is not limited to our World only, there are many likle us, which we have to explore and learn day by day. May God bless You and have a great
• United States
13 Jun 12
Yes, I see what you meanm but science could be an enemy of God and prove may lead to destruction. There are monsters in most religions. Dragons, serpents, you name it. One serpent though is the greatest beast, Leviathan. He is a beast without a mate (God slew the female). It is said in the great day of Gods return, he will slay Leviathan and feed it to the righteous for meat. Leviathan has fins and is thus, Kosher. Often I have pondered this picture and wondered if it is a play on sonar type techno;ogy, which lead to other such technologies that I speak of. Frequencies have alot to do with everything. What is to say that the beast is not a machine using microwaves? It is a snake like symbol! Maybe slaying the snake and feeding to the righteous is an accension into higher frequencies? Maybe. So, it is all in interpretation what something is, but it is also not too hard to see we live in some times where monsters are real. Look at Charles Manson, Gary Ridgeway, Jeffrey Dahmer. these were killers who were controlled by an inner beast. I think nature is cruel at times and some people end up being an animal by choice. How they got that way may be a series of mistakes, choices and decisions that took that person off course.
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@PageTurner (2825)
• United States
10 Jun 12
Hello PoppaDave Interesting thoughts. Your thoughts have given rise to a thought I have, especially in relation to your idea of 'the norm.' What is the difference between state/government sanctioned violence, and what is regarded as criminal violence? What is the difference in the violence?
• United States
13 Jun 12
Think about it, PoppaDave. You're on track.
• United States
11 Jun 12
Thats a good question, which really needs some thought. I will try and answer this soon.
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• United States
12 Jun 12
Page, still having to think on this. It is a tough question, but I do know that there arent any fine lines, because it was proven that the USA government tortured prisoners.(for the better good maybe?)
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@AmbiePam (96640)
• United States
12 Jun 12
Since he was high on bath salts, bath salts seem to be becoming a frequent joke.
• India
11 Jun 12
Hello my friend PoppaDave Ji, I think you are very much right in your thought and this subjects needs to be discussed and lot of reaserch work is needed. May God bless You and have a great
• Guyana
10 Jun 12
i can't believe i haven't heard about this, that is sooo cool, i have always been amazed and puzzled by zombies and aliens, there are times when i do believe in them and times when i doubt their existence, but dang i wouldv'e loved to see that guy in person
• United States
10 Jun 12
Thanks for coming to prove my points.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
11 Jun 12
good one poppaDave.