Do you like to live a good, happy, healthy and fulfilled life ?

@Shan93 (39)
Sri Lanka
June 10, 2012 11:03am CST
I like to have a high quality of life, live a happy, healthy and fulfilled life,yet few seem to be able to do just that. Why must we have so much suffering, failures and disappointments? We just want to be secure in a loving relationship and a satisfying job with agood income and enjoy ourselves.Instead, our relationships turn sour all too soon, we have a job that we do not like or we do not have one at all, there is never enough money and generally there is not much joy to be found anywhere. As a result we feel resentment, hopelessness, depression, perhaps also anger and hatred. Where and why did it all go wrong? I have no idea ! Some people waste there life time by smoking and drinking...That's a temporary happiness ! These things makes u sick ! Y can't they understand ! I need an answer ! Thank u ! I have a great group - Plz join that family as a help ! I like to grow my small family ! It's a great group informing about harmful effects from technology and how to live a good healthy life style (Read the aims)! Like this page - and request ! Thank you !
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7 responses
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
10 Jun 12
sounds like a great group. I don't have the life I would want but I do have the man I want and he is a great comfort for me.
• India
5 Jul 12
thats good,u are with the man u want that makes ur life good,cheers :)
• India
5 Jul 12
hi shan,all people want the so called life u said above,all the majority people know the consequences of their habits ,but they cannot stop or change....its up to them .
@albto_568 (1268)
• Costa Rica
11 Jun 12
I think that the greatest failure of much people, is that they donĀ“t know, what they want in their lives. We all want to be happy, healthy and live a fulfilled life, but this is kind of a vague thing, goals in life have to be clearer than this, and more specific, and this is where some people fails, and allow the mainstream of life to take over control of their lifes. By the way, thank you for the facebook group advise, I have just join, it seems to be an interesting group.
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
10 Jun 12
These days I live a good, happy, healthy and fulfilled life. I am blessed to be able to work from home, which gives me a good income and also the freedom and spare time to do the things in life which matter most to me. I get to spend more time with my children and am able to attend all of their important moments at school that I was not able to attend whilst working for an employer. I also eat very well these days and exercise more. I feel younger than I used to when I was in my 20's. Life was not always like this for me, I used to work 50 hour plus work weeks, drink lots and many years ago was a smoker too. I used to eat lots of junk food, meat and dairy and very little fresh fruits or vegetables. These days life is great since I changed my habits! I like this saying and have lived by it. "If you want your life to change, then you have to change your life" It is as simple as that for all of those people who are living unsatisfactory lives.
@kukueye (1759)
• Malaysia
11 Jun 12
Life is hardship - Not many people can achieve full happiness, hence temporary happniess or imaginery happiness is only thing they can afforb.
Not all people have great upbringing and such , many people grow up bringing skeleton and baggage from their past into their adulthood. Hence they thinking and perspection of reality is warped , sometime their new adult environment have equally or more damaged people influecing them to greater path of destruction. SOmetime temporary happiness is what they can afforb and reachable hence they do it.LIfe is not simple and straightforward .
@dobsyto (298)
• Bulgaria
10 Jun 12
Well this is our life and we make it how we want it to be. One day we could suffer for something in the past which we can't change but we can change the way we live in the future. So the life is our and we live it how we love it to be.
• Bulgaria
10 Jun 12
There is hardly anyone who does not want to live this life. Having a good job family, kids, cars and everything else ...