I adopted a cat today

Kitty our adopted cat!!!! - This is Kitty, our adopted cat, he's about 8 years old.
@Masihi (4413)
June 10, 2012 3:14pm CST
Well, it's not as simple as that but we did end up adopting him today actually. The owners weren't allowed to have the cat anyway due to their lease stipulations so they "hid" it so to speak during inspection. We decided to babysit the cat for them. So the inspection was over, then we gave the cat back to them, but they then decided not to take any more risks so they decided to adopt the cat out. I just about bounced out of my chair and said "Meeee! I want to adopt him!!!" lol So they were really relieved to hear me say that because they're good friends with us and so they'll still be able to see Kitty (his name) on visits and bible study and stuff like that. So ya, it's a two-way street, it's a good learning experience for our kids, Hubby and I grew up with cats, we're allowed to have one cat in our flat, and the previous owners (our friends) will still be able to see Kitty. So it all works out well in the end. Soooooo....here he is!!! (Ya I know, it's a DOG bed LOL!) They were nice to give us all his cat stuff.
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11 responses
@PageTurner (2825)
• United States
10 Jun 12
Congratulations on your adopted kitty, Kitty, Masihi. It sounds like it's going to work out well for you, for your friends who will stil get to visit Kitty, and most of all, for Kitty.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
10 Jun 12
Ya it does work out really well, I'm so happy of this arrangement and all. Kitty is so docile and doesn't scratch or anything like that. Very quiet, and he's an indoor cat, so that makes it all easier since we rent a flat, and we're not allowed to let the cats roam in our apartment building property. Next cat we get will be a kitten adopted and fixed from the SPCA, though.
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@ryanong (9664)
• Vietnam
11 Jun 12
I am happy for you too. I love cats and currently i care 4 cats also. They are so naughty and lovable..however currently one kitty is sick, i am worry for him now..
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
13 Jun 12
Ya I guess you have to really love cats if you wanna own them eh! Sad when your kitty gets sick I think mine is is good healthy condition but still all cats get sick from time to time and all so that's one thing ahead of me that I'm not looking forward to. But still it'll be a learning experience for me. Hope your cat gets better soon, though.
@ryanong (9664)
• Vietnam
14 Jun 12
Thanks you. My kitty is fine today, i am very happy with it and i want to share it with you.
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
11 Jun 12
He's a very handsome fellow - and I'm glad you were able to adopt him. Kind of reminds me of a tabby version of Mo.
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
11 Jun 12
That's the way Mo is, he's a sweet boy.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
11 Jun 12
Big and handsome!!1 ha ha ha I love the little guy. When we babysat him last week I missed him already and was soooooooooooooo overjoyed when the family told me he's being put up for adoption permamently. I never thought I'd fall in love with him but I did. My family seems more calmer now, esp my husband, so I think it'll be therapeutic for us as a family, since he's such a gentle and affectionate cat.
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
11 Jun 12
He's beautiful Masihi, and so what if he has a dog bed, he looks right at home if you ask me....
• United States
11 Jun 12
I'll go check it out, but if you really want to watermark it, and hopefully no one shared it, you can delete it and then make your signature and re-post..
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
11 Jun 12
Ya I thought it was funny but I like it, the bed is soft and plush-y and nice blankie on top I think I'll give it a nice fresh washing tomorrow so that he'll have nice clean, lemon-y smell, not sure when's the last time it was washed. If you go to my facebook page I edited the picture that said "So what if I haz a dog bed...but shouldn't society be more tolerant???" LOL I should've watermarked it or something, in case it goes viral or something.
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@marguicha (225707)
• Chile
11 Jun 12
I´m sure you will all love to have Kitty around, my dear friend. Kids need pets to learn love. And I´m glad you did not have to buy all the cat stuff as one thing with another it´s quite expensive. Take care.
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@marguicha (225707)
• Chile
11 Jun 12
Kitty will soon learn to love you all. It is more difficult with dogs as they know forever who was their first love.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
11 Jun 12
Ya, it was a great relief to have all his stuff come with him, I got a bed, dishes, and litter box, and his carrier, so all is well, I suppose. He seems content but I think he misses his previous owners so hopefully my friend will pop over this week and cuddle with him, to make his transition a bit more easier. My kids really love having a cat around. Plus, my husband is more calmer personality-wise. Might be even therapeutic for us as a family :-)
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
10 Jun 12
Awww, that is awesome! You will love being a cat owner. I am not much of a pet person myself but I find it hard to resist our cat when it comes up and sits on me for cuddles. We have two cats and they are vastly different from each other. One likes human companionship and stays inside most days to be around us, cuddles all of us and is very peaceful. The other one, runs away from all of us except for my daughter, spends days and nights outside doing god knows what, probably hunting and starts fights with her sister. A horrible cat at times. So I hope that you got a good cat that is like my friendly one in temperament and not like my nasty one.
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@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
11 Jun 12
Cool, getting an older cat is probably wise as they have gotten all the mischief out of their system by then...hopefully!
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
11 Jun 12
Ya, Kitty has a lovely temperament for sure, he's very affectionate, so quiet and gentle, he's about 8 years old and I'm gonna spoil him with fish!! :-) he he he He doesn't scratch, bite, claw furniture, and he's completely an indoor cat, so it's definitely a good start, I'm kinda rusty at cat-owning, if there's such a thing, ha.
@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
10 Jun 12
It sounds as if it has turned out well for all concerned. Kitty has a home and your friends still have their home and you have wanted a cat for a long time, but were cautious about the expense. This way some of the expense has been covered for his supplies, etc.
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
10 Jun 12
Ya the vet is very expensive and Kitty has been fixed and everything, is good healthy condition, and all his stuff came with him. The cat food is cheaper than what I expected it to be, and even the kitty litter is cheaper than I expected, I guess I was imagining these big high prices. We were careful about the litter, we got deoderised clumping kind, so there'll be less waste and less stench. I really did want the kids to learn responsiblity, though. So now's a good time, eh!:-)
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
10 Jun 12
Good things come to those who wait.
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@kingparker (9673)
• United States
11 Jun 12
That is really nice of you willing to adopt a cat and give it a warm bed to sleep, and a shelter to stay. I think this cat is much luckier than any other human beings so far. I still see people struggling with their lives, and still unable to get through what they have to go through. I personally don't have any animals at home, since my parents won't allow, and I really don't have much time to take care of any animals.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
13 Jun 12
They are a big responsiblity, for sure, and a lot of people jump in and don't even realise how much work they are, maybe your parents just don't like pets, who knows? I know Hubby and I grew up with cats all our lives so it's probably second nature for us to want a pet and keep it in good hands. Cats are pretty clean anyway, low maintainence, good company.
@hdc4free (260)
• United States
11 Jun 12
Oh my goodness, what a sweet cat! In fact my cat is named Kitty also because she was a stray hanging around our house so long that by the time we (well mostly her, she was quite the devoted stray) decided she should move in with us we were already used to calling her that. I hope you are your family enjoy him tons!
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@beenice2 (2967)
• Sackville, New Brunswick
11 Jun 12
Wow! I'm happy for you guys. It is nice to be able to have animals. We have a bunny but we would like to have other animals too, chickens, a cat, bees, whatever, here in the city you don't have room for anything, so we are going back to the country , God's will. Bless you all.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
11 Jun 12
Oh, bunnies are nice, I would like to have an angora rabbit actually, so that i can shear his fur for some yarn, that's what they're bred and raised for, and the bunnies don't mind it at all, in fact it's required to shear off it's fur every 3-4 months and you can get a few ounces of yarn. (that is, if you know how to spin yarn) If we lived in the country, we'd raise chickens as well for their eggs and meat. I know we rent a small flat, and just barely have room for an indoor tomato plant :-p
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
10 Jun 12
Congrats Masihi! He is a beautiful Kitty. I hope he has a healthy and happy life now. I'm so happy you found him, he will be a favorable companion for you. I love cats.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
11 Jun 12
Ya, Kitty is a pretty content cat, so docile, doesn't mind the kids. They say cat companionship helps with depression,so that'll hopefully give me a boost of the serotonin :-p hehe. I grew up with cats so it's nice to have one under my feet. Next cat we'll get as a kitten,or under a year old at least,from an animal shelther.