Schooling and missing school

By C
@ShyBear88 (59347)
Sterling, Virginia
June 10, 2012 9:27pm CST
Do you let your kids miss school even when they are not sick? Well I really can't answer this question to well since my daughter is only 16 months and my other child isn't even born yet. We are going to try to get her into 2K this year depending on how much it is and if any places around town is offering it. I know some place are doing 3K and 4K which is preschool the start before Kinder garden and we really don't see other kids her own age since I don't know any other parents that have children the same age as my daughter that doesn't live more then 9 hours away. I know myself I'm a lot like my own parents when it comes to school and having a sick child. Now if my daughter was running a fever of course I would keep her home 24 hours to 48 hours which most schools ask parents to keep there kids home for when there child has a fever. Now if my daughter just had a little cough or sneeze or running nose it's off to school they go unless you can just tell my daughter isn't going to make it throw the day or she will start throwing up every where or has been throwing up. Outside of my children being what I feel is too sick to go to school I wouldn't let them stay home. Even if we are going on vacation and they will be only in school for half of a day I would rather they go and get what time in at school then stay at home and miss the whole day. Now I know my sister-in-law she keeps my nephew home a lot and he is being held back this year coming up. Him being held back has nothing really do with him missing school more of her being lazying and not wanting to bring him to school because she likes things to be about herself and some times she just needs someone to pick on so she does it to her own son. This always upsets my parents when she keeps him home for no reason at all and she'll make up lies like he is sick and he clearly isn't sick at all or that my brother told her he wasn't going to drop him off on his way to work which is a lie. She has been caught many times lying about things like this and other things. I just don't get why he is in special education and he needs to go school and be with others his age. Yes even though he is being held back a lot of his class mates are so they will all probably be in the same class the fallowing year after this year coming. He went from going to school 3 times a week to 4 times a week for 4 hours. I know first hand it's not easy being in special education and I now how important it is to make it to school every day when you have teachers that there trying to teach you how to learn so that when you are with other classes-mates in mainstream classroom you can some what keep up with them. Special education class isn't just about going at that child's own pace or abilities but also finding ways for that child to learn ways around what is stopping with what ever disabilities they have no matter how small or big it is.
7 responses
• United States
11 Jun 12
hello shybear....the psychoartist as both a mother and a child and adolescent therapeutic specialist maintains that keeping your children out of school when not sick is neither a crime nor a sin...when raising my own son, who is now a wonderful kind and responsible college student, i sometimes took him out of school for field days, such as trips to the beach, the cities, or museums...i felt both that it was important for his socialization to have exposure to other perspectives, and for our relationship to spend time together...also, i felt he did not get everything he needed at school and that the school is simply one aspect of a child's education...the parent is responsible for the child in every way, and that includes education, health, and well-being...if my son had struggled in school or we were neglectful in making up missed work , i would naturally have not held this view, but this was not the case and i feel would not be the case in any responsible parent who holds a holistic view of parenting...the psychoartist feels that parents should see the big picture and work outside the box as parents in order to raise healthy intelligent children...unfortunately conventional school systems seldom agree.....
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• United States
11 Jun 12
ha! you are right shybear, being psychotic has nothing at all to do with it!
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
11 Jun 12
Nope it does, it does have to do more with parenting and there style of parenting. Some parents are more willing to let there kids miss as much school as that child wants and others are not. But there is a limit of what is too much missing school and being lazy. Some parent just don't care about there child's education and what they might be missing at school. I don't doubt that what any psychotics says is right is wrong for a child but in the end it's the parents that make sure that there children go to school and how they are schooled. Missing here and there in my eyes for my kids is okay depending on why they are missing school. They don't get to miss school just to miss school and play hooky they will have the rest of there life in the future to do so when they are working if they want to miss work and how much work they want to miss. There are times throw out the year for a child to just relax, have fun hang out with friends and family outside of school happening.
@PageTurner (2825)
• United States
11 Jun 12
Hello ShyBear88 I have kept my children home from school many times when they are not sick. We have traveled the world, gone on cruises, gone to the Disney World, spent a weeks at the beach, gone skiing, and done many other things during the school year. Of course, we always communicate with the school, both administration and teachers, before doing so, and we always get their assignments ahead of time and my children complete them. In most every case when I've done this, the teachers and administration have been most encouraging, as they realize the value of these ventures. From time to time I will keep my children home just for the day, and we'll take in a movie, have a picnic, or spend the day in a museum. These are often spur of the moment days, and I will communicate this to the teachers after the fact. Fortunately, my children make excellent grades, so taking them out of class has never been an issue in regard to their grades. I stand hard and fast by the idea that I am the parent, not the school system. And so long as my children aren't being abused, it's not the schools' business how we spend our time as a family. I often feel sorry for the children of parents who aren't able to do these things with their children. It seems that they miss out on so much.
• United States
11 Jun 12
hi pageturner, i also feel sorry for children and parents if they are the sort of parents who prefer their children be in school to be out of their hair, so to speak, and who dread school holidays and summers...i feel these parents see the school system as just a baby sitter for them and that parent-child relationship suffers...
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@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
11 Jun 12
I wouldn't keep my kids home just for the fun it to take them to the movies. Doing something educational with them that is fine. Summer is summer that is when they have free time to relax away from school do what ever it is they want to do. Hang out with just friends do family things vs doing all or most if during the school year around the school year there are times for trips and playing games and going to the movies as well as the weekends. I never missed much of school outside of being really sick where I shouldn't have gone to school. My school had plenty of times we had field trips in which our own parents could come alone if they wanted to. Several times my mom came with me so that was nice when she could miss work during the work week. I'm lucky I don't have to work I'm a stay at home mom but once school does start I want my kids to go almost every day unless sick, weather, emergency's maybe a family trip here and there we don't travel much right now but then we might travel more to see family that don't live in town but we normally go see them around the holidays or they come to us. No school isn't a babysitter I was once a teacher but school isn't just about learning, its a place for a child to grow outside of the home, they get to see there friends and some times that is the only time they see them because there friends might be to busy in the summer or that child is busy. I never got to see my friends in summer I don't regret not seeing them I did more schooling since I did and still do have a learning disability my parents saw a different when I did something in the summer that helped with my disability to get me head for the next year because once the school year started I would fallow back behind because of that zero one on one. But I did have time for fun like going to the movies,playing and training for my sports but training was all year around so I could slack off here and there and pick what I wanted to once I was like 9 and older. I love my children and every parent knows what is best for there own children.Taking them out for the fun of it not going to happen and it's not because I don't want to see them or be with them but because it's better for them. They got to disconnect sooner or later and be on there own because it's not like they are in school forever for the rest of there life. They will have summer, fall, winter, spring time off and if they think of it every few weeks there is almost always a holiday where they get off to be home, spend time with me or my husband, as well as the weekend, and even in there adult hood to spend time.
• United States
11 Jun 12
You bring up an excellent point, the psychoartist. I don't know how many times I've seen parents use the excuse of their children needing to not miss a single day of the school simply because they don't want their children around.
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
7 Jul 12
My disabled son has spina bifida and hydrocephalus. He is in a wheelchair and he goes to a mainstream primary school. He has a full time learning support assistant with him in the classroom. School is Monday to Friday in term time. My disabled son is currently in Reception the class for four to five year old children. In September he will be in Year One. I take my disabled son to school by 08.50 usually leaving home at 08.30. I collect him at 15.15 and get back home by 15.30. I only let him stay home if he is sick and then I let him have a medical appointment. He does take time off to go to appointments at hospitals which come up quite a lot. I applied for school term holiday time and got ten days. It was challenging to happen.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
9 Jul 12
That is pretty normal here in the US where kids go to school all day and don't get to go home unless sick but some parents will give in and let there kids have fun. Me I wouldn't let me kids miss school unless sick other wise they have to go they get free time after school, during the holiday and summer.
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
11 Jun 12
I really feel that occasionally taking a child out of school is okay when under the right circumstances and if you make sure that your child stays up with the school work. This is coming from a teacher. I live in a community where there are not a lot of field trip opportunities and when parents want to take their child to a cultural events or places it is a great opportunity for the child to grow.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
11 Jun 12
That is furthering there education I wouldn't mind that as mom at all if there is something I want my kids to learn that there school isn't teaching of course I would try to find a day where they are not going to miss much at school. Although where I live there is many times they kids will have field trips about stuff they are learning. Just taking them out for the fun of it I say No for me kids.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
12 Jun 12
No I'm not obess with regular school. I've been in public school so that is the only schooling I know. But either if a child goes to private school or home school they still have to go school almost every day out of the school year. there is also all year around school that some kids go school. your assuming that I'm talking about one school. I don't antipate my children going to any other form of schooling. I don't know enough about all subjects to teach my kids at home and I wouldn't want my kids home all day every day of the year I would rather them going to public school and get and education and make friends and seem them almost every day. Private school is expensive it's not cheap like public school is. Public school is for free you do have to pay for like field trips and so one. But all schools are school and there is a certain amount of days during the school year that a child should attend before they are failing with out moving up in a grade. If you miss to much no matter which way it is you will not learn anything. Most all children go to public school or some form of public
@beenice2 (2967)
• Sackville, New Brunswick
11 Jun 12
You seem so obsess with regular school.
@Jessi_T (379)
• United States
6 Jul 12
Stay home from school when you aren't really sick day! Is what we call those days. And we have one official one a year whatever day the Valentine's party is. (We do not celebrate that day) and we all have some type of family fun together such as watching a movie, making an indoor tent, talent shows, crafts, you name it. We do it. My older kids are allowed 2 other days a year that they can declare their official "stay home from school when they aren't sick day" To get this privilege they are required to have all A's, good behavior report and be doing well with their extra curriculum activities. My younger kids earn this privilege when they start getting actual grades. Our family vacation is in July so I never have to pull my kids from school for that. On the positive side to this system my kids are all A students and are rarely sick so on average they miss 3 days a year. Spread out throughout the year. My oldest has asthma and misses more days than the others due to that, but she rarely has flare ups since she is in her teens now and misses about 8 days a year, with on the exception of the 3 all being doctor excuses. I have also never lied on an excuse the Valentine Day excuse simply states My child______________ missed school because we do not celebrate Valentines Day. The other 2 excuses simply says my child stayed home to have a fun day. So far no teachers have complained to loudly. Though the two are unexcused and the classwork is not able to be made up so it is important they schedule that day so that it is not interfering with important school scheduling. Your SIL sounds to me like she needs to be motivated so your nephew can enjoy school more. Also here where I live a kid can only have 5 unexcused absence a yr. And 12 absences a year unless everyone after 12 is a doctors excuse or you and your child ends up in court for truancy. I am not sure about where your SIL lives but that is something she needs to think about.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
9 Jul 12
Where she lives is where I went to school for high school and my husband went to all of the same school as what my nephew is in. The only difference is he is in a special education class and I still don't think a child should miss school because you don't celebrate a holiday that isn't even and official holiday where they have a day off. It's like all of my Jewish friends saying they aren't going to school because they are not Christians and don't celebrate Christmas they always went as well. Any day you miss school up in VA in the county he my nephew goes to if you don't have a doctors not its not excused at all . I don't care if my kids are straight A students or not if they are not sick they are going. I don't care what they are doing in the class that day they will have to go. If its not a planned vacation, going to the doctor, them being sick to the point they can not attended or they or there is an emergency then my children will not miss school period. I didn't get to so they don't get to either you never know what they are miss and just because it might not be a holiday I celebrate doesn't mean the teacher is doing any thing special that day. I never got to stay home for the fun of it. It taught me in life you don't always get what you want and some times you have to tough it out even when your sick or do things you just don't like doing weather you agree with it or not at time. We live in Kentucky me and my husband so we don't know the school laws yet our kids aren't school aged yet but regardless of what system they have set up here in Kentucky you can bet my kids will be in school weather they want to go or not.
@EmmyLu18 (102)
• United States
4 Jul 12
School is a very overwhelming place, especially once you hit middle school and bullying really starts. I think kids need a break once in a while when they aren't sick so they can actually enjoy it. Once I hit 11, my mom gave me one day out of the school year (that I got to choose) where she'd steal me from school and we'd go do something fun together. It was only one day out of the school year but it helped me to know my mom understood I needed a break outside of Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Spring break. Plus it was fun to go crazy for a day, just the two of us. It was a bonding moment, you know? But I wouldn't let my kids stay home just because. It's funny, because my mom always seemed to know when I was sorta exaggerating my illness. She'd let me stay home, but if I was too sick for school, I was too sick for anything else too hanging out with friends alllll day. Taught me not to fake it xP
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
5 Jul 12
I wouldn't do that as mom. Kids have to learn how to handle bullies and stand up for themselves. I got bulled before middle school every started but I never let it get to me and you know what it just stopped because they never got what they wanted I stood up for myself. Breaks if my kids need it will have to wait till the weekend, and holidays that is the only breaks they need from school. Other wise they will not miss a day unless they are sick or we have something planned and we have told the school and gotten all of the there work. I went to school many times sick it each you even then there is no breaks even when your an adult you have to do things you don't want to do but you just got deal with it other wise your always skipping something for some reason over stress, or someone you don't like. That is life you have to deal with it and go through the motions. I don't get breaks not even when I'm sick I'm 24/7 mom day or night, holidays, and weekends, I don't get a break and I have no choice I live with that and the same with my husband well I guess you can say he gets a breaks since he gets to go to work all day then come home and kind of rest.
@EmmyLu18 (102)
• United States
5 Jul 12
Glad you got through school bullies. Not everyone does. I'm still dealing with them, and they're the worst kind: verbal bullies. I don't think they even realize how hurting their words can be even if they're untrue or not directed towards listening ears. But one day out of the year to relax, kick back, and have fun will not kill a working career or a school career. But, to each their own. I know that you can't take a break anytime when you're an adult. I quit school and worked full time for nearly a year. I remember wanting to not go to work ALL the time (it was McDonalds for heaven's sake), but I couldn't. I've been to work feeling like CRAP. But personally, I think when you're a kid you shouldn't have to think like that yet. There's plenty of time to grow up, and I wouldn't want my kids to use their childhood worrying about adult stuff. Not till high school. I tried to "grow up" too fast and it got me in trouble. I'm having to graduate a year late because I was so impatient to get out in the world. I'd give anything to have my high school career back, and live it right, because it's gotten too late for me to be a kid again.
@beenice2 (2967)
• Sackville, New Brunswick
11 Jun 12
I do believe it is everybody there own beeswax if they want to keep their kids at home like, I choose to homeschool and never regreted it i live in Canada. No law that are against homeschooling, I see that you start very early to worry about what you are going to do with your own kids. No my mom didn't homeschool me and sent me to regular school because she taught it was where I belong, but never liked it. So I didn't my own kids to have to suffer what the peer pressure is. They are not the product of the society, they are themselves and proud. Sorry I think 2 years of age to be in kindegarten is a bit young.I wish you good luck.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
12 Jun 12
There is nothing wrong with home school. I don't like personally but my husband's two younger brothers that are in elementary school and there mom have choices to home school because they tested really high the first half of year and where really bored. Now they still have to fallow the rules of public school. The laws in each country are different. And you say you live in Canada so the rules of schooling is a lot different then it is in the US. If you do not put your child in school in any for what every that parents/parent choice you will get into trouble. I'm not worried about my kids going to school. It's a discussion it doesn't really matter what the age is. One person above in this discussion all of her kids are adults know and yet she is answer. She doesn't have to worry about there education. It's not the quility of my child's education. Just because I'm talking about schools doesn't mean I'm worried. Talking is talking it doesn't mean someone is worried about what ever that discussion is about and it doesn't matter if you agree with that person or not. I don't care how other people raise there kids or what they do with them, but I have every right to state my mind and what I feel is right for my own children the same for everyone else here on mylot weather they are a parent or not. Like you said you didn't like public school. I didn't like it either but that doesn't mean that public school isn't right for my children. I was picked for being different and having a learning disability. I learned to deal and became a better person they those picked on me. I never had any issue with peer pressures all of my friends where into the same things as I was and if they where not they never tried to make me do anything I didn't want to do. I could tell by spending a little time with someone if I would be good friend to them or them to me. 2 isn't that young for school. Some children are in school way before that and that is daycare. Daycare isn't about just sitting around all day doing nothing. I taught as a daycare, preschool, pretty much every age before having my daughter. The reason why we are looking at 2k for our daughter is because it is good for her in the socializing. We don't know anyone that has a child the same age as we do and we can't afford all of those fun classes and because she is under 2 right now none of the activities in town take in children of her age till they are about 5 years old. I'm also pregnant with my second child and I feel my daughter will be better of with other children her age and a few teacher then home with me where i can't focus on both of them at the same time all the time. That is mine and my husband choice. That is fine you feel that it's two young but I do not. It's not normal kinder-garden because a child can't start school officially here in the US till they are 5 years old and that is Kindergartner before then it's called prek which is what she would be attending if I can find the right place for the right price and we feel comfortable if not then I'll just have to see if my husband's grandparents are willing to help out a little bit more during the there stays in town since they live here 6 months out of the year. My parents did something different for each me and my brothers. My brothers got to be taken care of by family when they where as young and older then my daughter till my parents moved away from where our family was. I was put in daycare at the age of 2 or 3 for a while my mom ran a daycare at home while my dad was in the army but as soon as he was out we moved again and then I was off to daycare because both of my parents need to work. A lot of people do that still to this day they have a baby some women go back right away, a few months later or never at all. It's what every those parents or that parent because there is also a lot of single parents these days where they can't afford to miss work to much so daycare and school are the only choices there child has. I feel there is nothing wrong with that, or home schooling, or even private schooling. If that is what that family can afford and that is what parent/s worked out there is nothing wrong with it. Either way a child goes to school at one point in there life at some time some sooner then others some later but it's the school it's self that I'm talking about and if that parent would allow there child to miss school outside of those normal things that in which makes it hard for a child to go to school like being sick. I don't think you made your child go to school when they where sick even though they where home school? Weather my daughter goes to school next year after January is over will all depend on some factors. Which we will address when it closer to our daughter's birthday because I'm not the soul choicer of my daughters schooling, but I'm sure like normal my husband will agree with me on some level and if he doesn't that is okay we will work it out. If we both feel she is better of with me at home for another year then okay we will find away to balance both of children's needs.