Good DSLR for a newbie photographer?

@IAmNena (178)
June 11, 2012 7:34am CST
Hello MyLoters! I'm starting my career as an street photographer.I'm sign up on workshops and as soon as I have a budget I will buy my own DSLR.I was window shopping at and looking for the perfect DSLR for a newbie like me but I can't read Digital camera specs except for the megapixels.Anyone here who would like to recommend a perfect DSLR for a starter? A DSLR that's easy to use and will be good as a first DSLR of a photographer.Anyone here? :)
2 responses
@asheets88 (124)
• United States
20 Jul 12
My first DSLR is a Canon Rebel TSi and i love it! Its easy to learn and its actually smaller then a Nikon D3000, me personally i have small hands so the Canon Rebel is great to me. It is a 10-12 MP thou:)
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@chan2zexy (508)
• Philippines
13 Jun 12
Personally, I would recommend Nikon not just because I am using Nikon but the features and functions are just great. It's easy to use. If you'll sign up with a workshop, they'll teach you about the basic functions and the do's and don'ts of photography and DSLR handling. I learned mine from the workshop to. I had a lot of misconceptions that were changed when I joined the basic photography workshop. Although right now I think I need a refreshers course. Going back to your question of what DSLR, I would personally recommend Nikon D5000 or higher. The D3000 and D3000 are just hard to find a compatible lens. You need to ask if the lens will auto-focus on the D3000 or D3100 body or not. If you are going to pursue this hobby to a profession, then you might want to invest in a higher end of a DSLR. Cameras are not just about megapixels, as my mentor said. You have to check the motor of the DSLR, the chips. I hope I remember that one well. But of course, it's all up to you. You can try going to shops and have a good grip of the DSLRs. You will get that "feel" on each DSLR and maybe you'll find what's for you. It's like finding your partner in life. I also recommend you read about photography terminologies (aperture, f/stop, etc) so it will be easier for you to ask about the camera's features. Or, you can bring your photography mentor to help you find a good camera unit. Good luck on your career and happy shooting!
@IAmNena (178)
• Philippines
14 Jun 12
Thank you so much! Your reply is very detailed.I was planning to buy a Nikon too but you're right,If I had some times I'll window shop to look for my first DSLR.Thanks a bunch :-D
• Philippines
18 Jun 12
Let me share a bit about the story of how I ended up with my 1st camera. I went around looking for my 1st DSLR. I already had Canon in my mind. I tried handling different Canon DSLRs but a day came that I had a chance to get a camera on bargain. Guess what? I got a Nikon instead. Great thing about Nikon is the functions that it has. Let me also add that you look for a DSLR that's easy to pair up with any lens, even third party lenses like Sigms, Tamron, Tokina, etc. because you will soon find the desire to leve up your photography and consider buying additional lenses made specifically for your forte (landscape, portrait, macro photography, etc), and a camera brand that has an easy access service center. Although we don't have a Nikon service center in our city but at least I can bring the camera to the shop I bought it from and get free repairs. Don't rush, I can feel your DSLR is out there waiting for you to be owned. Enjoy photography and happy shooting!