My maverick the baby of the family
@innocents_lost (1026)
June 11, 2012 9:50am CST
This is my baby even though he will be 3years old in 2days on the 13th and he is not my youngest cat he is still my baby and always will be the baby. The only way to have you realize why this cat will always be the baby and the special on is to start the story before Maverick was born, I was in a very unhealthy relationship with a guy we had been together for some time and things were good so we decided to get a place together well things changed pretty quickly and to sum things up I had to get a restraining order against the guy he was charged with 4counts of assult assult with a weapon and 2 counts of uttering threats. One day not long after he shows up hands me a tiny tiny kitten and leaves I didn't call the cops because he left without an issue even though he was breaking the restraining order looking at this tiny kitten in my hands all I could think was omg how are you so small now I have bottle fed many kittens but this tiny little guy was smaller then a newborn kitten and had no further on his legs and very little on his body I right away started bottle feeding him I had to make a little pouch for him and kept him against my chest for warmth and so I could tell when he stopped breathing as this happened often and would have to startle him awake to get him to breath I spend every hour feeding him and at nearly 3weeks of age he opened his eyes informing the vet's brief that he was born premature now I got no sleep for weeks was up every few hours to feed him and clean him at 6weeks he tried his first attempt at walking which is when we all realized there was more wrong with him then just being premature...... After a quick vet visit (which was becoming common) we learned that both front legs were broken at birth as well as his hips they were healing on their own so nothing we could do but learning to walk was a little more difficult then it is for most. Now he was on alot of medication by 8weeks as he was pooping blood and food was coming out just was fast as going in it was a rough few weeks getting everything straightened out through all of this thevet discovered he also only had one complete nostril the left one speared normal untill you looked inane realized it was completely blocked by the septum. Now through all ofthis maverick and me developed quite the bond I was his life and he was my reason to get up every morning at this extremely low point in my fast forward several month Maverick spears to have grown into the most stunning cat you have ever seen with strong markings and a long lean body similar to that of a simeas I started tonotice weird behaviors with maverick such as:
His weird love for bleach we had toremove all bleach and bleach products from thehouse as he would find them and try drink it and roll in it
His obsession with grooming the other cats if they don't want to be groomed to bad he will pin them down this has resulted in a few arguments to say the least
Separation anxiety he peed on the door when ever I leave
Jeliusy will pee on the other cats or animals if he feels I have paid more attention to them rather then him
Now the vet has also tentivly diagnosed him autism he has fits when something new is around he seems to not be able to handle new smells and goes into a fit where he can not recognize failure people
Hates men now not allm men but mostly the men I date lol he tryst everything he can do to scare them off :p
Now it will be 3 years for him in two days and I love thiscat more then anything everyday I get a kiss when I wake up and a huge when I get home he is the greatest joy in my life even with his weird traits :p
We are looking into treating some of his bahaviurs with Chinese herbs as currently he is on kitty prosaic for the spraying and it has stopped it compleatly
3 responses
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
13 Jun 12
Oliver was a week old when we got him, I had enough trouble trying to feed him every 3 hours and I have to say I missed the 3 hour mark more nights than made it.
What can I say, I'm old!
Happily, we handed him around for feedings, so he is very well socialized with people, and Rygel took him under his paw at 4 weeks, so he gets on pretty well with other cats too.
@innocents_lost (1026)
• Canada
13 Jun 12
If I missed a feeding with my guy by even a few min he got sick as he needed meds with every feeding. My guy was brought up in the pet food store were in worked always being handled and played with by other people and he was great until he his 4months old and the autism kicked in. My boy cats played with him all the time and he is great with them but don't seem to understand when the other cats don't want to play and he thinks them hissing is him wanting to play
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
13 Jun 12
Rygel and Natasha were both hyper - Rygel spent HOURS jumping up and taking magnets off the refrigerators! Natasha was luckier, she had Rygel to play with until we found her a new home. Both of their siblings, hid from them! Daisy is a little hyper, she's still pretty busy, but she's not as hyper as Rygel or Natasha.
Now Rygel and Daisy (and Oliver) will jump from the floor into our arms - something Rygel learned from jumping for the magnets and Oliver and Daisy learned from watching him.
Rygel's brothers we named Orion and Sirius and Natasha's brother we named Boris.
@innocents_lost (1026)
• Canada
15 Jun 12
Maverick has no siblings but he does have some adopted siblings. Pylon, Jasper, Cassidy, Bunny, and Sky the 6 of them get into so much trouble!! Bunny is just so sweet though she gets into everything but gives you this look like what's wrong I'm sorry I didn't know I couldn't eat out of the frying pan and Cassidy my little 13 year old tripod never gets into any trouble but she has been known to pick a few layers of skin off of you she's not a fan of the other cats but loves every person she meets
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@ForSouls1234 (720)
• United States
11 Jun 12
Aw, he sounds like a handful but worth it, ha ha. I have six cats and went through a lot of health problems trapping and re homing strays. And maverick sounds like a character. Have you tried neutering him for the spraying? This fixes this behavior in many male cat's.
@innocents_lost (1026)
• Canada
12 Jun 12
Yeah he was neutered at 4 months to try and prevent spraying as he is living with my 5 other cats but apparently it's all mental with him
He will always be my spoiled brat baby
@The_Red_Death (273)
• Indonesia
12 Jun 12
Baby cat was cute, and they also adorable, yet i have cat before i relase them. i ts fun if you have some one you take play in the house.