Prophecies, The Zodiac Killer, And Coincidence?

United States
June 13, 2012 10:18am CST
Well, what is creepy about this little story is that there was a killer running loose in the year I was born. The Zodiac Killer was never caught and he taunted the police with letters to the paper and to a specific officer who was researching the case. He encoded his letters and a few were deciphered, but a few were not, one particular one where it is believed that the killer revealed his identity. I grew up having a weird intrest in detective magazines, shows, and books on the subject of serial killers. I was a child when a friend of my aunt was killed by the Green River killer, so I know what it feels like to think there is a killer out there lurking and watching, from who knows where and people around you are affraid. I remember the chaos that Gary Ridgeway created, but I was an infant when the Zodiac hysteria was the churning terror on the minds of men and women of the late 60's. A couple years ago, a supposed friend got me into an old treasure hunt (that ended 25+ years ago)and said he was looking for a treasure in Oregon related to the treasure, as he thought there were two treasures. The first being a Golden Horse. The armchair treasure was called In Search Of The Golden Horse (ISOTGH). At first I thought he was just infatuated with an old search, but then I began to see the codes he had broken to lead him to Oregon, and I was also convinced that he was on to something. So I asked what he was looking for, and he said it was a silver horse. So, I told him that I thought it was weird, but I had the exact horse as on the cover, only it was a wall hanging type and it was on my fence. One look at it and this guy lit up. He bagan to show me hidden items in the book that predicted things. For instance: His partner helping him search had died years earlier, and in the book was a passage, that when reading it in a different angle shed light on a solstice date of last year. I asked, what does this have to do with the site? He replied, I have to get back to the site by that date at 8 o'clock AM. in the morning. I asked why? He replied, Someone will die If I don't. Well, he flaked that date off and the next day he realized it and come racing to the house. His friends wife died on that day, at 8 oclock sharp. I was now freaked out. He predicted that someone would die. I soon began searching for the WLOG gold burried as a promotional in NYC.In that treasure hunt, usinjg his code deciphering ideas, I found this date: 10-10-10, which also was linked to location . But I noticed that the clock advertisements all had 10-10 on them, and sure enough I found a link to that date in several other areas of the hunt. Then that date came. On that day, My dad died. Some of the main story content then singled out some dear close people to me, so I said I was done with the hunts as I thought and felt they were satanic and that the desighers only coppied Kit Williams other hunts because of the hidden evil. Anywasy, cutting this story short, I ended up ending this friendship because I felt like this guy was the devil himself. He soon started to hang with a man fresh out of prison (27 years for killing 4 people). I thought it was irony that the Zodiac Kiler looked from sketches, like my friend (who is 64 now). The Zodiac killed 4 people. I wondered if there was a connection, though we are several states away. Well, I am rambling so lets get to the end. I bought a book, the mellinium Book of Prophecies: 777 Prophecies of the World. In the middle of this book are what look like three dog tags and a messagee: Sorry Dave. The message had the 'O' in sorry as the Zodiac Killers mark. I am still baffled. Something my friend said about sentiel lines (not sure if that is correct spelling) and one of his saysings is "I got you by the (censored)" I read on of the letters of the Zodiac the other day and was convinced that this ex friend was the one who wrote it by the laguage of the sentiel lines, etc. I looked it up and found that he lived in San Fransisco in 1972. One of the first Zodiac murder occured at the Riverside Community Clollege, One of the clues in the WLOG hunt is RCC. Not only that, my friend is named Kenny. I found a Kenny figure in the hunts video by freezing frames. I also found my step name written backwards on a gravestone in his book. I think this guy is the devil and possibly the Zodiac. But this is just a hunch. I am really a weird man when I can not leave a thing alone. I am almost certain he may be connected, as well as his buddy. I have a heightened alert after I caught him flirting with all of the women in my family. I was standing behind him when he was looking at my wifes butt at the campsite of vacation last year, He did not know I was there. He sang to himself while watching her: Brandy, what a fine wife you would be. I am now researching that song to see if there is a code in it to shed light further on this subject. Do you think I am wrong to be suspicious of this? I get a real weird creepy feeling when this guy is near. I can't seem to let it go. His pic back then would be a perfect sketch match. SHould I leave it be, or continure researching to see if I can make more connections. Whats should I do.
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3 responses
@PageTurner (2825)
• United States
13 Jun 12
This does sound creepy, PoppaDave. Why not write up your suspicions and send them to the police? It wouldn't hurt. One never knows. Isn't this how most wrong-doers are caught -- some person risks ridicule to share their suspicions with the police? Based on the wife-butt-singing actions alone, I'd turn him in and see what happens.
1 person likes this
• United States
13 Jun 12
First, you can say D1ck if you are creative. On to the topic -- I gathered that there is much more to the story than you can relate here. A lifetime of incidents that all add up to one evil person. Your wife is wise to not allow him to come over. I hope you'll forgive me for this unsolicited advice, but I do believe that you would be wise to completely distance yourself from this guy. Cut off all avenues of communication with him. It does sound like you're a bit obsessed with it, and this may be detrimental to you not only in ways of self-destruction but also in providing him access to your mind. (That may sound a bit 'out-there'.) Truly, I enourage you to report your findings to those in charge of this case.
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• United States
13 Jun 12
Page, the inner voice told me almost word for word what you said in 2nd and 3rd paragraph. I have cut him off, he was in my mind. Its been almost a year now. I told him off and he said it was daughters fault for posting a map on his facebook page. She posted the family photo we were all in on vaction last year (him as well). I see in the photo what appears to be my dad ponting at the baby (in daughters belly). Let me be 100% honest why i am affraid of the police. They won't believe me. I am psychic since a car wreck when I was 7. I am near the 80% accuracy mark when taking ESP tests. The cops know this and don't like me because I try to solve crimes all the time (i have solved many for them). I can also peer into people and see things they have done. This is only like 1 in a thousand people though that I cross paths with. I predicted Waco would end on my B-day. I predicted the location and retalioation in Oklahoma. I have predicted so many things to family and friends that several people say i am the chosen one (which, honestly freaks me the heck out). I am adamant about God being a single entity and not a trifecta. Yes, Obsessed to a point I feel like letting it go, but, today i feel i am onto a thing that may just send me to the FBI. I am trying to break the last coded letter. That letter is an inportant document, and I think the key is a song. I just have the hunch it is one of the songs I have heard him hum or maybe the one he sang while eye groping my wife. I am pretty deep into code breaking, A passion since I was a child.
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• United States
13 Jun 12
I don't doubt that the police won't believe you. People tend to scoff at things that make them uncomfortable or things that seem to be outside of the 'norm.' I hope that you do send this information to whoever is dealing with the case. I know you want to break the last coded letter, but you can still work on it and also send the information.
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• United States
13 Jun 12
hi poppa dave....i don't think you should give up on this, it is fascinating and a lot of things are plausible that we don't expect to be....i think it is most likely that the zodiac killed more than four people, four is just what we know of...without people like you who are interested enough to do this kind of work and research crimes like this would never be solved...and i think the psychic connection would work well in your favor in this careful and good luck!
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• United States
13 Jun 12
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
14 Jun 12
as a trained therapist I do not know you well enough to know if you are on to something or if you have an overactive mind lol. I can tell though that generally speaking people and I don't mean you but generally speaking people can find reasons to validate anything they truly believe.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
14 Jun 12
fascinating, I am lost but I think part of the puzzle is here in Quebec, NYC's neighbour to the North where I live, why you might ask, the fleur de lyse is the national flower of Quebec, the guy could have escaped to Quebec.
• United States
14 Jun 12
Sorry about the typos, my eye is injured and i am seeing blurry vision, so i am missing them: I ment to say this guy was an RN for 27 years 27 is one of those Magic nimbers. There are many more connections , most can be seen in my treasure hunt notes of the wlog. Since I gave up on that hunt as well, I will share my notes from there. You may not understand all odf them, but you can see I was not chasing the Zodiac. It all makes sense now though, if you knew his guy and the golden horse thing. I see mention to time flowing backwards and I am really creeped out. This type of subject scars me some...but I am brave. Both hunts involve these type clues. Anyways, I am waiting to become a member of WebSleuths, maybe by end of the day. People around me think I am on to something big, I show the coincidences and they all agree he was there when it happened, it is possible hes the guy because he looks exactly like the sketch to this day. A D1ck Clark type