your worried
By C
@ShyBear88 (59347)
Sterling, Virginia
June 14, 2012 8:27am CST
Thank you all that think that I'm worried about my unborn son. But I'm not worried. I noticed a lot of you think or feel that I"m worried about my little guy but I'm not worried about him.
Let me get a few things straight for all of you weather your a close friend of mine or not. This is my second pregnancy and I'm now in the third and final trimester of my pregnancy. In my first pregnancy with my daughter she was always on the small size and I saw my regular doctor monthly till I was 32 weeks then I was put on bed rest to help my daughter gain more weight as well as myself. That was all day bed rest till I was 34 weeks in which my doctor had sent me over to see the high risk doctor and get his thoughts on what is going on and what to do next. She sent me straight up to labor and delivery for a 24 hour watch to get my fluids up since the amniotic fluid was low and if they couldn't naturally get it back up with just me drinking lots of water and being hooked up throw IV with more water. By more my fluids where high enough and they sent me home of course on a stricter bed rest in which I wasn't allowed to leave the house just lay in bed all day, I could get up to go to the bathroom and make me something to do eat but that was it. This of course left everything to my husband to do which he didn't mind doing for the at. That next week when I was 35 weeks pregnant and went in and saw the high risk doctor once again he looked over everything and saw my daughter just wasn't growing any more so this meant it was time for her to come out. So he gave a letter to bring to my doctor and told us to have my bags ready because either that day or the next I would have my daughter. Well my doctor was busy all day that day so she called me that night and told me to come into the birthing center the next morning and she would induce me. We did just that and about 16 hours later my daughter was born. She was perfectly healthy and born one month to the date of her due date. She had no medical problems and still doesn't even though yes she is every small for age and will always.
Now of course we found out I was pregnant again 10 months after my daughter was born so we already know that there might be growth issues with this baby as well where he would be on the small side. I was just sent to the high risk doctor this week but not for the same thing as my daughter. We went to have the tech and doctor look at my sons feet because they are turned inwards We did find out that its not genetic and his feet and leg bones are prefect. The tech said her and the high risk doctor would like to see us back again because of my son being on the small size like my daughter but just not as small as her. Which is what my main doctors tech told me and my husband since 20 weeks when we did the gender scan. When I say this is no surprise to us really its no surprise to us. We knew at some point towards the end of this pregnancy there might be a chance we would have to see the high risk doctor. So don't worry about me or my son we are both okay and fine. When I say I almost cried everyone assumes it's because I'm worried. I was crying when I walked into the birthing center not because my daughter is getting older and not because I'm there to see the high risk doctor. But because well the last time I was giving birth to my daughter and leaving with her. That made me cry because of just that one memory. It takes something really major to make me cry. I almost cry with joy from that same thought that pretty soon I'll have another little baby and that my daughter will no longer be my only baby and that she will be a big sister finally.
We never thought of having two kids this close in age under the age of 2. It wasn't planned well our daughter was certainly not planned and either was this little guy but with both we where thrilled to welcome into our little family.
I can't wait to finally meet this little trouble maker of mine. I know he will bring my husband and I great joy like our daughter has. You really don't know what love really is till you have a child. The love a child and baby is so unexpected and hard to explain unless your parent then you know what I'm talking about. You just love them for no reason and that love just never goes away its an achy kind of love where you would do just about anything for them to make them happy and see them happy. It's different then any other love that you have and go through.
In about 14 weeks give or take a few weeks depending on both the high risk doctor and my doctor and what they feel we might have another slightly preemie baby or not.
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2 responses
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
15 Jun 12
Once again I strongly disagree. I wqill Never ave children so you are implying I will never feel love Wrong! As for all those whop think you are worried , they just don't know you! And if they are close friends it s@cks because that means they are not listening to you.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
16 Jun 12
I never said that your trying to put words in my month and I don't like that you think that I said that someone that doesn't have a child doesn't know love. I said someone that doesn't have a child just doesn't really understand what this kind of love is. You have no kids so there for you would never know what kind of love that I have for my children you would never understand that love. There is different types of love in this world a love for your partner is much different then a love of a child. That is pretty much an automatic love for someone that you have never, seen, or know but yet you love them before they are ever really hear and it's an endless love that you would die for that child. You will not get that because your not a mother and you don't want kids. I never said that a person with out kids would never know love they just will not understand the same love of a child.
Well some people just read but don't read everything I write so they pick and pull what they feel is what I'm saying or how I'm feeling but that is assuming something based off of there self. When I say how I feel about something it's what I'm really feeling about it.
Some people like you some times assume I'm saying something with out actually looking closely at what I'm saying like above where your making me feel bad for something I didn't even say.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
16 Jun 12
I'm so sorry. The closest I will get to what you are talking about is the love I have for my guy. I would willingly die for him. I need him to be happy.
I know you are not worried By the way you write about JD. If these people are new friends I can understand. But Older friends should know better!
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
16 Jun 12
I would die for hubby to a certain degree now, before hand it would be all about him. I love him but that love is way different then that of what me and him feel for Sugar and JD. We would do almost anything for them.
Most of what said this are people that don't know me. One person thought I had lost a child another one thought I already had two kids and that this was my third pregnancy. They really didn't pay attention to what I wrote in that discussion. I'm not worried about him. Yeahs sure all moms worry a little but it's not like I'm sitting at home all day freaking out about is my poor little boy going to be alright or not. I do feel better now knowing that he won't have to surgery on his legs since they are turned inwards more then normal. He might need boots at the most which he would only have to wear for a while. They really won't know if he'll need them or not till he is born they work he can move them and everything it's just the way he is pretty much laying. Kind of like with Sugar when she would hide her face all of the time. They aren't even too consider about his side either. They are going to have me come in more often to both doctors. So I will have to go in a lone some times now since hubby can't take off all of those weeks or else we are losing a lot of money. But after next week grandparents will be back in town maybe a bit sooner but they told us most likely not till the 27 at the latest they will be here.
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
18 Jun 12
Well, I honestly do think that you have some degree of worry about your son because I think that it is natural for all parents to have some degree of worry for their unborn children. With me, I was afraid that my children would be too small or that there would be some kind of complications with their birth. However, there wasn't.
Of course, now that they are older, I still worry about them all the time because there are so many dangers that are in the world.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
19 Jun 12
I do agree with that I do worry but not to the way people think I"m worried or should be worried. I went through the same thing with my daughter and I wasn't really worried. Others were really worried that something bad was going to happen and I wasn't because of my doctors at the time and even now still with these doctors I'm not worried to the point where I"m in tears or feel that something isn't that something bad is going to happen.
I do know that both pregnancy now that I have small babies I don't know if that will continue I know it was a question that we had when we found out about this pregnancy and its hard to tell till the last trimester if the same thing is really happening or not. I know he is on the smaller side they say he is a bit small but I don't know to what degree to them is too small. As of last week he was 1lbs 3 oz and I'm about a 2 weeks behind or so in size which makes scenes since your can't actually pin point conception down to the second. Them seeing me more often doesn't bother me I like it because I do get to see my son more often like I did with my daughter the only down side is that I got a lot of ultrasounds to pay for.
I still worry as mom for my daughter about certain things and I do worry about my sons health when they say he is small. The rest of his is all good and that is what matters to me. Is if he is developing the way he should he might not be the normal size of a baby but I"m okay with that. I know each week as it gets closer to my due that that it means he has a better chance of making after he is born and I now even if he was a full term baby that things can still be wrong. I just don't like to worry or feel worried about those things I can only have faith that things will be okay and that is what I did with my daughter. The only thing the doctors worried about here her lungs and they were fine after that it was her heart but since it never dropped any time they had her away from with in the first 24 hours after birth they sent us both home with a clean bill of health. Other wise then naturally being small is what we found out after her 1st birthday. So it might be the same case with him or the way my uterus is shaped or something. It seems normal to my doctor and stuff. With one sister-in-law she has 4lbs 9oz baby at 38 weeks pregnant and my daughter was only 2oz smaller then her baby.