Strange habits

@speakeasy (4171)
United States
June 15, 2012 2:25pm CST
My husband caught me doing something the other day and asked me WHY was I doing it and the only answer I had was "habit". What was I doing - I was sorting M & M's by color before eating them. There is no difference in taste; but, I just automatically do it. I think I got into this habit because of flavored jelly beans, Mike N Ike, Skittles, etc. where the different colors DO have different flavors. But, with M & M's it really does not make any difference in taste. It is interesting how we pick up some habits and do not even realize we have the habit until someone else brings it to our attention.
16 responses
• United States
16 Jun 12
hello speakeasy! it is okay to separate your colors...we all have our little quirks, i think! the psychoartist is actually impressed as i am so greedy about m&m's that i could not be patient enough to sort anything and just want to gobble them all down willynilly regardless....the habit i need to break is eating so many m&m's altogether!
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@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
16 Jun 12
The way that I limit how many M&M's I eat is that I only buy the bags with the snack size packages and I only allow myself THREE of the little packs a day (usually as a treat before I go to bed). Sorting them also makes them last a little longer and seem more satisfying. (FYI - I have lose 24 pounds since March 1 - the M&M's are my reward for sticking to my diet all day.)
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
16 Jun 12
It is nice to have a strange habit sometime...Me, i hate sodium glutamate so that i never use it when cooking. Sometime my mom asks I put sodium glutamate to vegetable broth or not, i often say, i did...but in fact i didn't. And now cooking without sodium glutamate is my habit already.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
16 Jun 12
It is healthier to not eat it; so, you are helping not hurting anyone. Especially, if they can't tell the difference when they eat it.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
19 Jun 12
The reason they like it is that it fools the brain into thinking that something tastes better than it really does. It also makes you want more of it and that is what the manufacturers like - it sells more food.
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
19 Jun 12
Ya, you are right, it is not good when we eat sodium glutamate but in here people still love to eat it. I went to japan and i don't see ajimioto sodium glutamate but they have a plants in here and sell it for Vietnamese people...hmmm
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
19 Jun 12
I dont think thats really strange. But that may be because i do the same thing. Even with M & M's.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
19 Jun 12
I think a lot of us do that even though with M&M's there is no difference in taste between one color and another. His asking did not make me change my habit; it just made me stop and think about WHY I sorted them.
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
22 Jun 12
Ya that would make us do that. Another thing i do when eating nuts i will sort out the whole ones and the broken ones. I eat the broken ones first then the whole ones. Saving the best for last. I used that when i was a kid to clean my plate. I ate the food i liked less first so that the end was my favorite and would make me clean the plate. The m & m's i sorted the colors. i would eat one of each color ina row. Least favorite color first favorite color last.
• Marikina, Philippines
19 Jun 12
There is nothing wrong with a habit like that, he he he I do that too, sorting things, but I am doing it in my own room to look good and clean, well, that is a habit.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
20 Jun 12
No, there is nothing wrong with it; and, there is nothing wrong with sorting other things - sorting makes it easier to get the item you want quickly and saves time. But, it is "strange" when there is NO reason for doing it that makes any sense. Sorting clothes and accessories makes it easier to find what you need. Sorting different flavors makes it easier to either separate the flavors or combine them into new custom flavors. Sorting cosmetics makes it easier to get ready without making mistakes and using the wrong product. If I was sorting M&M's by color because I was going to use them in art work that would make sense since there is no difference in taste. Sorting them for no reason other than it is a habit does make it seem "strange" to other people.
@freymind (1351)
• Philippines
16 Jun 12
Yes it is kind of strange to have habits like that. For me its with clothe hangers. Since we are staying in my in-laws house the hangers have different colors. After using them I would segregate it by color white, black, blue, etc. For me its better to look at them on the rack if they have the same color. One of our in-laws where laughing while looking at me doing it. I can't help it I feel different when the hangers are not in the right place. Is it odd? I don't know but they said it was..
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
16 Jun 12
I have one color that is for my husbands clothes and for my clothes I have 3 colors - one for pants, one for tops, and the last for everything else. It just makes it easier when I need to get something to wear out of the closet.
@davaome (1826)
• Philippines
16 Jun 12
During the time when I'm on duty(@ sea), every wednesday and sunday we have steak and french fries for lunch and ice cream. My habit is when I get myself food for lunch (Self service, Buffet style) I actually do some platting before I eat. I make it look good so that I would have fun eating it, when it comes to the dessert I take about 10 mins to prepare my so called "banana split" and about a minute just starring at it and making myself want to eat it. other people would ask me "are you going to look at it all day or aren't you going to eat it?".
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
16 Jun 12
Well, your habit doesn't hurt yourself or anyone else; so, as long as it does not make you take more time than you are allowed for meals you are fine. When someone comments on it just tell them you are "enjoying a work of art" before you destroy it by eating it.
• United States
16 Jun 12
lol I had a ex boyfriend that did the same thing and never realized it until I said it one day. starbursts, m&ms, laffy taffy it didn't matter. If the candy was different colors he HAD to sort them before he ate them! Even after I pointed it out to him he still had to do it otherwise he said it wasn't the same eating them
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
16 Jun 12
The flavored ones do taste different and a lot of people don't like to mix the flavors (some do, some don't). But, once you start doing it with one type of candy it just seems to carry over to the others.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
15 Jun 12
funny, my daughter used to do that with smarties and m & m's too. too cute! i bite the skin around my nails (hangs head) and hubby yells at me all the time for it. i don't sit still very well and i will do this while not even aware of it.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
16 Jun 12
That is what happens with habits, we do them without thinking about them. As long as you don't draw blood and you keep your fingers and nails clean, your habit may be a little disgusting; BUT, it isn't hurting anyone.
@babyEj (1522)
• Philippines
16 Jun 12
That's right! ahahah looks like you're playing . Well.. at least not a bad habit. Before I also tend to watch tv with my adjacent vision. My parent's noticed me and always corrected me when I do so. Now, I am not doing it anymore.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
16 Jun 12
My habit wasn't hurting me or bothering anyone; it just made my husband curious about WHY I was doing it. I am still sorting my M&M's - I am just more aware of it now.
@iCeeLuSh (187)
• Philippines
15 Jun 12
Well yeah. My brother is the same too! I once caught him doing it while he was in his room. He sometimes eats the red ones and leave the yellow ones uneaten because he said to me it was not his favorite color which i get this weird feeling. So what? There's nothing difference in taste just the color. Anyway its not a big deal for me and i know its his habit and got to leave him alone. The yellow ones he is keeping it and giving it to my little sister which is my little sister eats it.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
16 Jun 12
With jelly beans, I save out all of the black ones; because, those are my husbands favorite (though I will occasionally eat one or two if he isn't looking).
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
16 Jun 12
Oh well I used to do it or should I say my habit too to separate colors of M & M,s before I eat it.I used to eat first the dark colors but blue is always the last one lol.Weird habit but I do enjoy doing it.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
16 Jun 12
I eat mine in order of the fewest of a color to the most of the color. No idea why; but, that is what I do.
• United States
15 Jun 12
lol that sucks lol at least you where caught by someone you love instead of some stranger, i have a habit of dancing when no one's around and iv'e been caught by strangers lol good times
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
16 Jun 12
Dancing I only do in my own home and only when everyone else is in bed asleep or out of the house. I also hum and sing to myself and sometimes I get caught by other people. One lady who caught me said she was glad to know she wasn't the only one that did that.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
16 Jun 12
I'm laughing right now because I do the same thing with Smarties! Only different coloured Smarties do taste different from one another. It's just a fun thing to do. Another thing that people do like this is take apart an Oreo cookie to eat it, lol. One thing that I like to do is bite off both ends of my licorice and use it as a my tea! lol
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
16 Jun 12
Separating the oreo cookies is one habit I never did pick up. Biting the ends off of licorice and using it as a straw, I have done with the strawberry licorice; but, with milk or soda, not tea.
• United States
15 Jun 12
That is a strange habit. I once knew someone who would only eat the green M&M's no idea why. When I asked them they simply said that they taste better. But we all know that there is no difference in taste.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
16 Jun 12
Rumors have it that the green M&M is the "love: M&M and it acts as an aphrodesiac. But, that is just an urban legend.
@much2say (56733)
• Los Angeles, California
15 Jun 12
Hee hee! I never actually sorted them, but I used to pick the certain colors out of the bag and eat them. I think I first ate the browns, then yellow, then orange, etc etc and then at the red ones last. I don't know why either - just did that!! My strange habit for years has been the way I eat hamburgers. I eat all around the outside (biting, turning, biting, turning) and then I eat the rest. My husband always points that out. Yah, who knows why we do these crazy things!!!
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
16 Jun 12
I actually lay them out and then usually eat the color with the least first progrssing to the one with teh most. You are sorting yours also; but, you are doing it in the bag.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
15 Jun 12
We probably all have some of those habits. I agree. I have people I live with here who clear their throat every 30 seconds at times (when you're trying to sleep or watching TV it is most annoying), repeat phrases or various words over and over at their whim, and such as well. If I bring some of the habits up to confront them I usually get a negative reaction. It's good you can realize the habit you have without having to be hostile or just ignore the other person when they tell you it's annoying. Your habit isn't annoying to me though, it's just sorting. Some people have to sort the soups in the cupboard according to the alphabet, but that's OCD.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
16 Jun 12
A lot of times we have habits that we do not even realize we have. Telling someone they have a habit that is annoying can offend the person with the habit because they feel you are judging THEM. When my husband asked me about what I was doing, he said "I am just curious, is there a reason you are sorting your M&M's?" There was nothing that indicated he was bothered or upset with my behavior and it was not judgemental; so, it just made me stop and think about what I was doing. He was not asking me to change or stop.