Is there Justice with God????
By bird123
@bird123 (10658)
United States
June 15, 2012 10:29pm CST
In a recent discussion, a friend brought up the issue of justice. If God doesn't stand for justice then isn't God no more than a Tyrant?? Let's look further into this with one religion's view of God. You tell me if there is really justice.
First, this religion's God has created a fiery pit for the evil and for the nonbelievers to spend eternity in. Is that justice?? Is there no redemption after the fact?? Is it justice to have an eternal punishment for any crime??
Next, if you are a hardened criminal then at the last moment you believe in this religion's God then you will be saved regardless of the hurt and hate you caused over the years. On the other hand, the person who spreads goodness throughout their lives, giving love and kindness to everyone, helping everyone they encounter will go to this fiery pit of Hell just because they don't believe in this religion's God. IS THIS REALLY JUSTICE????
I do not understand why some people of religion are blind to the fact that this does not add up. How could God or any Entity with intelligence run things this way?? The universe is so well ordered. Would the IQ level really drop on God when suddenly dealing with people??
The truth is that it doesn't add up because this is not God. This is mankind's version of God. Mankind has to include all the petty things like ruling, controlling, blaming, degrading people and hate. God is above such things.
Everything about God does add up. Look around you. See what is, rather than listening to those who simply want to shape your thinking to their benefit. When you discover God and understand what is really going on with this world,you will see that there is justice with God.
So tell me your view. Is there justice with God??
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18 responses
@maidangela7349 (1191)
16 Jun 12
Every time we get this sort of discussion it becomes more and more obvious that there is no "god" that is the slightest bit interested in the welfare of any single person. species or even solar system. If there is a "god" in the sense that a human could understand then all he, she or it would be interested in is that the universe is operating correctly by the natural laws laid down to control it. Any "god" which someone claims is worth praying to or that controls a life has been invented by a person for their own benefit and does not exist in the real world only in peoples minds.
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@maidangela7349 (1191)
16 Jun 12
I would think that Athiests rule out that there is a god because there is not the slightest real evidence that there is. So there is no need to believe that there is a god unless you need such an idea to give you some comfort or ease your conscience. Of course some people have been brainwashed as children to believe in all sorts of superstions and do so all their lives and that includes religious dogma. That is just fine as long as nobody else is affected by those beliefs. Unfortunately when it comes to religious beliefs many people have and are affected and some very badly. However I have never heard of any athiest killing someone becasue they were not an atheist so to me that seems the way to go
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@PageTurner (2825)
• United States
16 Jun 12
Hello bird123
My understanding of God is that God, while the history of God shows that God has been / is interested in Justice, the core of God is grace, which goes well beyond Justice. The God with whom I related is merciful and gracious. If Justice was God's only goal then there would be no room for mercy or grace.
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@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
18 Jun 12
If the laws are on the book and the authorized judge follows the law and sentences the lawbreaker with the prescribed punishment, can that judge be classified as tyrannical?
What if the judge is willing to work out a deal with the accused, but the accused doesn't like his options and rejects the deal, is the judge a tyrant in that case?
What if someone steps up and said He's willing to be a substitute and take the punishment so the accused could be set free, but the accused says he's not interested in accepting the substitute. Is the judge a tyrant for exercising His authority to follow through with the sentence?

@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
19 Jun 12
My God did FIX THE PROBLEM when He sacrificed His only begotten Son for the sins of mankind. The problem is that some people refuse to accept it despite the overwhelming evidence for the validity of the Bible.
You really need to stop blaming God for choices individuals make. God has told us what all the dos and don'ts are, He's told us what will happen if we disobey Him, and His Son has already paid the penalty for our sins, and the only requirement God puts on us is for us to accept His gift of salvation. Since the evidence for the God of the Bible is so great that to dispute it is folly, why not abandon your false religion and accept the truth?
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
20 Jun 12
Precious. Is the problem really fixed when your god is frying his children for being hard headed and stubborn in the belief department???
You ask why dispute the bible when you have so much evidence?? Your view of the evidence is bias. You want the bible to be true. That doesn't really matter. It's one thing to read books written about God and form beliefs. It's entirely different to discover God in Person. Mankind and mankind's writings do not compare. How could one ever go back to mere beliefs?
You are making your choices of what you really want instead of discovering what actually is. Go ahead. Value those beliefs. One day, they will come up short and you will realize they do not add up. Lots of Love and Kindness!!
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@ForSouls1234 (720)
• United States
16 Jun 12
I was brought up Catholic and the more I live I see that there is NO justice. If there were there would be an eye for an eye. We care more about the criminal today than the victim.
Nothing illustrates this more than the Shanda Sharer case. Four teenagers, Hope Rippey now Anna. Toni Lawrence, Melinda Lawrence and Laurie Tackett beat for hours, then burned alive twelve year old Shanda.
Hope,(Anna)now works at a dog kennel, Tony is a mother, Smiley Melinda trains dogs in prison and looks pretty happy to me, and Lori of course has found God. No there is no justice.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Jun 12
Worry not. There is justice. You must look at the total picture rather than a mere point in time. Everything we do in life returns to us in time to teach us what our actions really mean. It doesn't matter what mankind does. God will teach His children what their choices really mean. You must not try and place a time frame on this for there is an eternity of time for learning.
Remember, this is not punishment. It has never been about punishment. It is about education. When one sees all sides of their choices, intelligence always makes the right choice.
Try not to hang onto your hurt and hate over this. You will learn in time you are only hurting yourself.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
22 Jun 12
What that poor little girl wants might just surprise you. There are souls that volunteer to go through great adversity in order that others see. Fight evil with Intelligence not anger, hate, and revenge. That little girl would want truth to stare everyone in the face.That little girl would want people to understand so that kind of evil would never be a viable choice.That girl would not want people turning into monsters filled with anger and hate , being mean and vengeful. If you fight evil with intelligence,without becoming evil yourself then Everybody wins. That challenge rests in your hands. What will you choose to do??
@ForSouls1234 (720)
• United States
21 Jun 12
Oh you are darn right I am hurting myself. I absolutely agree with you there. But if it was me that was burned alive I would not be looking at the big picture of mankind. What I would want is justice for my pain and the loss of my life. And I think that is what that poor little girl would want. Her time frame on this Earth ended in a fiery agony.
I cannot help it, this is just the way I am made. I have compassion and empathy and if I lose that I lose myself.
I think there is entirely TOO much forgiveness in this world today. If we are constantly forgiving evil there will BE no evil any longer.

@megancatherine (32)
• United States
16 Jun 12
There is justice if you believe in the Bible's word.
Some examples:
Psalm 33:5-
The Lord loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love.
Proverbs 28:5-
Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the lord fully understand it.
Where does it say in the Bible that people will spend an eternity in hell? It is all very vague and by man's interpretation.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Jun 12
Do you mean to say that Hell is not for eternity??? Hmmm?? You are right about one thing. Mankind has their hand deep into religion and people's view of God. Their interpretation shows the world what religion needs to learn. The bad news is that they can corrupt the thinking of so many. Still, it is a test and a lesson for people to question and think for themselves. When one follows blindly, one can end up anywhere but where they were going.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
19 Jun 12
OK,I see, however there is one thing to remember. God is never going to do without His Kiddies especially when He can fix any problem through lessons. There will never be a time limit on learning such as one mere lifetime. God loves us all Unconditionally.
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@trewqaz (2)
• United States
18 Jun 12
Theologically speaking, justice refers to the quality of God that demands satisfaction for sin. God is perfect and He has the right to demand that humanity be perfect as well. Punishment for sin is justice just as it was justice when a criminal is put in jail.
Christians have a wide variety of beliefs regarding hell. Most Americans are most familiar with the sort of low Protestant conception where people who don't believe burn for eternity. Historically, this is not necessarily the most representative view. Many Christians throughout the ages reject the notion of hell altogether, or state that it is only a temporary place where souls are purged before being reunited with God.
Mercy is the quality of God that forgives or overlooks sin. If God were only just, all sins would require immediate punishment. If you are five years old and tell a fib to your mother, a perfect God would have every justification to strike you down immediately if He were ONLY just. Christians believe that God is also merciful. He occasionally suspends justice in favor of mercy because of His great love.
The Christian view is certainly not that believers go to heaven and non-believers go to hell. Demons believe in Jesus, but they don't go to heaven. The majority of Christians believe that a person must ask for forgiveness from sin to go to heaven. Since any sin can deny you entrance to heaven and we are all sinners from childhood, no one deserves entrance if only justice were considered. Christian doctrine states that God will forgive sin because of His great mercy if someone asks. It does not matter if your sins are great in the eyes of men or very small; either way sin will deny you entrance unless there is true repentance.
A serial killer may go to heaven. No man can judge another man's heart or intentions. Just because a serial killer says he's sorry, it doesn't necessarily mean that he has God's forgiveness. At the same time, the ability to forgive belongs to God alone so if He wishes to forgive, it is His right to do so.
Life on Earth is not "fair." The Bible never promises us fairness. What it does promise is that those who rely on Jesus will find salvation. Our work on Earth is to dedicate ourselves to finding that salvation by submitting to the Holy Spirit. I am glad that God is not ONLY just because without mercy we would all be in a lot of trouble.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
19 Jun 12
Bird, your quote, "Demanding satisfaction???? Does God really do this??" What a hypocritical response. According to you, God sends lessons by returning our actions to us. Do you think that's not demanding satisfaction? According to you, man must live life over and over until he gets it right. If there is no, "ruling, controlling, blame, and punishment, there should be no lessons, no actions returned to us, or life repeated over and over to get it right. Your god is just as petty as you accuse man of being. There is a big difference in the Christian God you condemn and the god you serve, mercy and grace. Your god doesn't have it.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
20 Jun 12
Bestboy. The real God requires no satisfaction. On the other hand,wouldn't Someone who loves you Unconditionally want you to know what your actions really mean?? Further, it has never been about getting it right. Your religion has corrupted your thinking toward blame and punishment. The reason for so many lifetimes is that there is so much knowledge to learn. You will be it all. You will learn it all. You will acquire great wisdom in spite of ego and the will to rule. You will, in time, see what these things really are.
As for condemning the Christian God, I condemn no one or nothing. On the other hand, so much is said about the real God that simply isn't true. Truth is more important than the toes that get stepped on when it shows itself. If your ego is bruised, I am sorry. Carry on. There will be peace when you are done. So many times Understanding takes a struggle to get there. That is for everyone.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
19 Jun 12
Your quote:justice refers to the quality of God that demands satisfaction for sin.God is perfect and He has the right to demand that humanity be perfect as well. Punishment for sin is justice. My answer: Demanding satisfaction???? Does God really do this?? Why do you think it's all about ruling, controlling, blame and punishment? Why is all this important?? It's important only to mankind because mankind does not understand. Mankind doesn't have the wisdom. God is above these petty things mankind holds so dear. God cares only for His children and the RESULTS. God sends lessons by which we all learn and grow. Given enough time, lessons and physical lifetimes, we too will rise above so many of the petty things that prevent us all from learning so much.
Finally, If you really understood what God is doing with this world, you would see that it is Fair.
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
16 Jun 12
God punishes as He see's fit.That is justice!
.I truly believe that God is His children's only judge.
In 1985 a man broke into my apartment an attacked me in front of my children.From the beating I received many scares on my head,my right ear drum was busted,leaving it deaf.Three bones were busted in my skull causing some skull fractures that caused some brain issues.Such as spelling and I still forget words.My left arm was fractured and has permanant nerve damage.I was in a coma for 2 weeks.All of the scares where able to be removed with plastic surgery,three plates were placed in my skull to replace the broken bones.I have equalibrium problems.
I was hypnotized to remember who the attacker was.The police would not arrest him.
I tried to encourage the arrest for a year,then I faced the truth.If I spent the rest of my life pursuing this issue,I would lose time with raising my children.So,I stopped trying to get him arrested and said,"Well God will get him in the end." That is the truth,I feel as well as many other people that I know.

@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
21 Jun 12
The justice meted out to humans by the is not always as we hope it would be. The ways of the Gods are often strange and less understandable to the common lot. God would not pronounce his ultimate justice until and unless he tries or experiments his subjects fully. God has his own designs on the entire humanity as a whole.Justice delayed could never be taken as justice denied.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
22 Jun 12
God has the sum of all knowledge. The more intelligence and wisdom we acquire; the closer we are to God; the more justice we will see and the more we will Understand. Yes, you are right. It does all add up. It might not seem so now, however it will in time for justice has always been there.
@Danzylop (1120)
• Philippines
16 Jun 12
I cant figure out my you question God regarding this matters. Ofcourse God is the source of Justice. Everyone here on Earth will face justice on the Judgement day. He will serve justice against the murderers who escape the Law of man. Man can escape the Justice of man but not God's.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Jun 12
Judgment day??? Is there really a need for judgment day??? There is if you are like mankind and Blame, Revenge and Punishment are important. Is there a better way??? You bet!! Results are the important thing. God will teach His children through their free choices. When one truly understands their choices,one always makes the right choice. There is no need for those petty things of mankind like hate,blame, revenge and punishment. God loves Unconditionally. God is teaching His children to do the same.
@Danzylop (1120)
• Philippines
6 Jul 12
Justice should not be confused with revenge. There are completely different. Punishment is not a thing only for mankind. God punishes. As you may have seen, you see sickness, that's a thing, "punishment". I bet, you never read the bible. God does punish.

@god_is_good (683)
• Philippines
16 Jun 12
Certainly, all of us want justice. Justice for our loved ones who had been abused, or used, or hurt. Justice for many who had suffered a lot. Without question, God is a just God. We can come up with lots of our reasons and wonderful points for consideration. However, our minds are just limited to what we can think, see, hear, touch, or smell. As the scripture says, "our thoughts are not God's thoughts; our ways are not His ways." What you raised are good points, but God has His own. We have great plans for our life or someone's life, but it is always God's plan that prevail.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Jun 12
I think it is wrong to assume God has His ways and we have no chance of understanding. God hides nothing. It stares us in the face waiting to be discovered. Accepting or being satisfied with simple answers will prevent searching for the real truth. Those who hunger for knowledge work harder at discovery thereby learn much more.
@kenshin2143 (1880)
• Philippines
16 Jun 12
I agree with god_is_good in his ideas regarding the plans of God for us. For we are of human nature and as humans, we cannot really understand our predict how God manages things in His own plan and time. With regards to your first post bird, I am quite convinced that you are driven by the justice of the human world, the state laws, ordinances and other rules. Always remember that God's laws are not of man and we should not compare HIS' with the things present in this world and were just established and created by men.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Jun 12
kenshin2143. You are right in that God is above the petty things of mankind. On the other hand a person can learn to do the same. This idea that God has different ways is wrong. God has more intelligent ways. Nothing is hidden. We can choose to learn and do the same. In this time based causal universe, God's actions can be seen. Striving to understand why God does things will lead one toward God and the intelligence that takes one to a higher level leaving those petty things behind. That is a choice anyone can make. Some will make that choice while others choose to value those petty things going through the process of learning just what they are.
@riempie9 (1021)
• South Africa
21 Jun 12
There is absolute justice with God. I have experienced it both with wrongdoing on my part and also with doing good. You may not receive justice at the moment you yearn for it, but life comes full circle and karma is a strange thing. I used to be very angry with God and had a fight for everything. People change as they grow older. They become more aware of what pleases God and what brings them peace. Ten years ago I would have railed at my diagnosis of Parkinson's and blamed God for my problems. But I was the cause of my own misfortune. I got Parkinson's because of my anxiety and my smoking. I did not rail with God. I said thank you for the warning so I could live and eat right.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
22 Jun 12
Look how your misfortune has changed not only your life but the lives of the people you have touched on your journey. Could misfortune end up being a Gift?? We are all eternal no matter what. We are acquiring great wisdom through our journey in life. Look around you. Look who you have become. You are proving that.
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@psychoartist (756)
• United States
16 Jun 12
hello bird123! what an interesting discussion...i feel/think that God is more than any human understanding or knowing and therefore it is difficult for us to completely understand or explain God...actually, pure faith would argue that God does not need to be explained, He is God...there are so many names and aspects and qualities of God throughout the ages, in each religion, in every country and culture and to each individual...i do know that God is good, the quality of real goodness that humans can only attain to...and as such God is a balance of justice and mercy...
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Jun 12
With a bang, God created the universe to unfold in such a way that mankind would be able to figure it all out. We are meant to learn and discover it all even about God. God hides nothing. Truth stares us in the face. You are right. Mankind has shaped God in their image. That is why one finds so many flaws in religion. We must strive to see what is, rather than what we want things to be.
Deep down, we all know God. Deep down, you know God has justice. The real Genius is when One discovers this can be done along with loving everyone Unconditionally. Yes, Intelligence is a good word for God.
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@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
16 Jun 12
Strange are the ways of God..his designs on every human is definitely pre-planned. There is no force which could alter the decision of God .We are just puppets in his hands. The mercy showered is dependent largely on our being held in likeness by God.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Jun 12
puppets???? How could true learning exist without freedom to choose??? WE are all free to choose our lessons. Every choice we make shows the world and God what we have learned and what we need to learn.
Granted this physical world along with the parameters in it set the platform by which our education takes place but the choices are all ours. Yes, our actions will return to teach us what they really mean. We will all also be involved in the education of others. Look around you. See those needing what you have already learned.
For some reason kiddies never like school. Perhaps, it's the growing pains that come along with learning and growing. On the other hand, we will all be glad in time that we gained the wisdom. Adults feel that way.
@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
19 Jun 12
real justice is justice established by God. How do we know that real justice is in the hands of God? try you look around you ... you try to see that all beings have in common the same time that oxygen breathing at no charge
@starsailover (7829)
• Mexico
16 Jun 12
Hi bird: I think I have shared with you my opinion on Hell and it's not as some religions describe it. Hell is a place you come in my opinion not because God wants to punish you but because you regret him. If someone doesn't want to be near God he won't force him/her to be in a place he/she just doesn'rt want to be because of his/ her actions.
@Kashidanga1971 (1354)
• Bangladesh
16 Jun 12
To try to find justice from God is all anthropomorphism on Him. And yeah the nature has the power to take revenge its own way on some one unfair.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Jun 12
You must look beyond the surface to discover there is a larger picture of things going on. What you do not see or know shapes your thinking. I understand it would be impossible to get God's total view, however one can see enough to understand why things happen. Look around you and see.