Beware The Dirty Vegetables!!

the vegetables in the dirts - The vegetables have the dirts all over them from the earth. The dirts are dirty.
United States
June 19, 2012 12:16pm CST
OMGosh! I have just seen the grossest the thing ever! The vegetables from the grocery store come from the dirts!! Did you know these things?? I saw the man at the grocery washing the vegetables with water hose. I said to this man, "Ha? Why you doing this thing?" He said to me, "To clean the vegetables." Then he told me the most amazing and disgusting thing. He said that the vegetables come from the dirts!! The DIRTS! The vegetables come out of the dirts of the earth and must be cleaned. I felt so revolted by these thoughts of the dirts on the vegetables I put in my mouth. Who knew such things as this???? Will you stop eating the vegetables now you know they come from the dirts? Now that you know they have wallowed in the dirts? Have you ever seen this thing? Have you seen the vegetables with the dirts on them? How did you react such a thing?
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32 responses
@viji_v2 (727)
• India
20 Jun 12
After coming to this new place where I am now, I heard a totally new news from my hubby. It is that people are growing vegetables from the ditch water [em]shocked[em]. It is a hard news for me to digest. After hearing that I would be so selective in vegetables.
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@viji_v2 (727)
• India
21 Jun 12
@Prakash it happens to be in New Delhi. All those vegetables which are cheaper than the same variety, they are grown in the dirty water. My hubby showed me Cheap tomatoes which are tiny in size than our normal one. @Pageturner, yes it happened to occur here.
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• United States
20 Jun 12
Hello viji_v2 When you say the vegetables are from the ditch water, are you meaning the sewage water??
• India
20 Jun 12
What are the veggies which are growing with the ditch water? which is your favorite one? as you mentioned you are selective now, which vegetables are you using now? Are you cooking in your in-laws place?
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@BabyCheetah (1911)
• Australia
20 Jun 12
Was this meant as a joke? I sometimes grow some vegetables depending on the season. Sometimes we grow potatoes and they come out of the dirt because that's where they grow. Even the lettuce, we have to wash the dirt out of that too. Even sometimes there are bugs on the vegetables when we bring them in so we get extra protein if we ever miss them :D Maybe you should use the internet and learn where all your food comes from before you buy it, might make you feel a bit better :)
• United States
20 Jun 12
Or it might make me feel even worse, BabyCheetah!! How big is your garden?
• United States
21 Jun 12
That sounds like a nice size garden. Do you have a lot of trouble with weed control?
• Australia
21 Jun 12
OK it might if you don't like dirt on your veggies, quite a few comme out of the dirt. My garden isn't too big I only grow enough for myself and my mum and grandmother. Right now I'm not growing anything, I don't like winter, it's too cold wet and miserable out there now :(
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@AmbiePam (96676)
• United States
20 Jun 12
I try to wash my vegetables with soap and water. I don't mind the dirt, it's the pesticides that I'm afraid of. Wasn't concerned until my mom started losing her mind in her 40s. Then I figured my genetics were going to screw me over, so why help them along? Thus the washing of the veggies and fruit with not just water.
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@viji_v2 (727)
• India
21 Jun 12
I have a doubt AP. Washing with soap would help?
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• United States
21 Jun 12
It sounds like you are very thorough with your vegetable washing, AmbiePam. And with good reason!! We should far the pesticides, plus we don't know what else has been done to them before we took possession of them.
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
20 Jun 12
My god! We cannot be eating dirt at all. For all we know we just might end up with minerals or vitamins and all sorts of nutrients from that dirt, particularly if it is organically grown vegetables that you are talking about. It is much better to wash them in water that contains chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride so that we can kill off all that nasty beneficial bacteria too.
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
20 Jun 12
Yes I do don't I! It is a reputation that I do not want soiled!
2 people like this
• United States
20 Jun 12
Well done.
• United States
20 Jun 12
You seem the very smart man, RawBill1.
@much2say (57376)
• Los Angeles, California
22 Jun 12
What a dirty discussion - ha ha! All vegetarians must be warned! We should only eat bagged salads and vegetables ... at least they come from bags! The frozen ones are probably grown on ice. Did the grocery store guy say anything about fruits???
2 people like this
• Canada
22 Jun 12
Dearest muchkin...YOU do NOT learn your lessons often have I told you FROZEN veggies and fruit are grown in our Igloos, here North of the 49th! Hydroponically, in water chilled to below 32F! We export ALL over the world, delivering to warehouses with our "fleet of feet" dog sleds!
@much2say (57376)
• Los Angeles, California
23 Jun 12
pergammano! You have every right to smack those snowballs onto my forehead! Oh and I don't know how it's grown this way, but spinach is chopped up, the corn is just kernels, and peas are without pods! How efficient these frozen igloo gardens are! I don't wake up early enough to shop and see these dog sleds zipping about . . . they really must have excellent stamina!
• United States
22 Jun 12
I am surprised that it took this long for anyone to bring up the fruits. The grocery man did not discuss the fruits, much2say. I can only deduce that the grocery man washes the barks from the fruits that growee on the branches of the tree.
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@ryanong (9664)
• Vietnam
20 Jun 12
What? he washed vegetables with water hose? Oh no, it is so bad... Why did he do like is so disgusting...
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@ryanong (9664)
• Vietnam
25 Jun 12
I try to buy all things in a good supermarket...then i should know where goods come from. I really don't want to buy vegetables from small vendors more...I need to protect my health...
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• United States
20 Jun 12
EXACTLY, ryanong!!!!
@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
20 Jun 12
With all those indiscriminate use of pesticides on agricultural and horticultural produce, one must be taking extra caution in the intake of vegetable favorites. The cleaning of vegetables brought out from the firm is necessitated on account of this remnants of pesticides being stuck on the surface of most of it.
• United States
20 Jun 12
You are so right about the danger of the pesticides, sukumar794.
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
20 Jun 12
I learned this from a man who owns a landscaping company... Plants do not grow in dirt, they grow in Soil! Dirt is junk, dirt is gravel and old bits of anything that's falling apart... dirt is something you want to clean up, and can't stand the sight of. Soil, is earthbound nutrients. Soil is minerals that plants eat to grow, and live in. Soil makes the plants more fertile and live longer lives, so that they work better for us. There's a huge difference. Your fruits and vegetables don't grow in dirt, they grow in soil.
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• United States
20 Jun 12
I guess we all have to believe the little fairy tales that help us to sleep at night, Christoph56. Good point!
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
20 Jun 12
Oh yeah, veggies comes the dirt -hehehe. There are veggies that grows in the ponds- with water but even those ponds got some dirt as well.
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• United States
20 Jun 12
I hadn't considered the vegetables that grow in the pond, jaiho2009. What kind of vegetables are grown in the pond? Are the fish also in the pond with the vegetables? The frog, too?
@Cutie18f (9546)
• Philippines
20 Jun 12
Vegetables could be dirty if they are not properly washed. You have to wash the veggies very well to remove dirt and other germs.
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• United States
20 Jun 12
Yes, must wash. Wash, wash, wash. Is very the important!!
@chicgale (2982)
• Philippines
20 Jun 12
Vegetables are from the dirt. I use to plant vegetables before in the province and I even harvest it myself so it was kinda dirty coz it was just came out from the dirt. hehehhe But, you can clean it anyway, so you don't need to get scared of eating them after washing it. Just wash it thoroughly.
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• United States
20 Jun 12
It is an amazing process, is it not? How things grow. :)
• United States
19 Jun 12
oh pageturner, so many people like to eat dirt...along with or other than vegetables...for instance, when i was a small child i played with a boy cousin who loved to make imaginary hamburgers out of dirt and munch on them fearlessly... being a fastidious child i could not join him in this activity....also, i have heard of children and pregnant women and others who liked to eat clay or dirt because of pica, a vitamin fact i was once in a store outside athens, georgia and saw in the candy aisle small bags of white clay being sold for consumption as a delicacy....
2 people like this
• United States
19 Jun 12
Oh yes, the psychoartist, you have remind me of these packs of the white clay that the pregant women eat. A very good friend of mine wrote the journal article about this very thing.
• Malaysia
19 Jun 12
and there's also a tribe in Africa, wrap their meat with some kind of leaves and then they would dig a hole in the soil or dirt. The place their meat inside the hole and cover it with all the dirt/soil. After covered, they will grab some wood and make some fire on top of the place where they planted the meat just now so that the soil will be hot and heat up the meat. After about 30 minutes to 1 hour, they will dig up the meat and eat em.
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• United States
22 Jun 12
well pageturner, as my father used to say when he saw my brother returning to our home completely covered in dirt after an afternoon playing outside: a little dirt never hurt anyone...
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• United States
22 Jun 12
Hello the psychoartist It sounds like your father was being the sarcastic and meant the opposite because it does not sound like your brother had a little dirts on him!!
• India
20 Jun 12
Hi friend, most of the vegetables are came from dusts only. The root veggies like potato, carrot, turnip, beetroot and other rooted veggies are came from the under of the earth which is having lot of dirts, most of the shop keepers and vegetable sellers are cleaning the vegetables before selling. We must clean the veggies before cooking it
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• United States
20 Jun 12
Yes, indeed, if we are going to eat these stuffs, we most definately need to be doing the scrubbing and cleaning, vidhyaprakash_2!!
@rekhum (2420)
• India
19 Jun 12
Yes how gross! when you know where they come from. If we don't wanna eat them, we can live in a country side, grow our own veggies and eat them straight from the garden. How tough can it be!
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• United States
19 Jun 12
It can be very tough when the nature gets on us, rekhum.
@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
19 Jun 12
Where did you actually think vegetable grew from? You would be more revolted if you knew where your daily meat came from or what they eat.
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• United States
19 Jun 12
No worries, pal. I get my meats from the grocery! It is very clean!!
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• Malaysia
19 Jun 12
And of course the meat you get from those grocery comes from animals who happens to eat vegetables or grass that was planted on, guess what?? Dirt.
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• United States
19 Jun 12
yes the meats are clean, but you'd find the actual process of getting this meat disgusting and horrific. The things they do to get it are unsanitary and oftentimes, very cruel to the animals.
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• Australia
22 Jun 12
Sluuuuuurrrpppp. That is the sound of large numbers of people being sucked in, dirt and all. I suppose even I have to be included since I'm actually answering it. It only eggs him on, he is what we call "topping from the bottom" (no, not the bottom the eggs come from). I can't go on, I'm too chicken. I'll only end up with mud on my face if I continue. Lash
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@asdomencil (4265)
• Philippines
20 Jun 12
I am aware that vegtables grew from soil but due to their ability to process what plants get from soil they produce very good vegetables. It will not stop e from eating them even they came from "dirt". They are ways to clean them. If you are going to divert your food to pure meat, animals still eat vegetables. hehehe. I worked in a feed milling industry so I know how feeds given to chicken and pigs are made and what are the ingrdients of these feeds. hehehe
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• United States
20 Jun 12
I guess it is best to just stick to the juices and the candies, eh, asdomencil?
• United States
19 Jun 12
Uhhh I'm not sure if you're trolling the internet or actually being serious. Yes, vegetables do come from the "dirts", that's why you wash them off before eating them or cooking them. It's really not that big of a deal, it's not like you're eating dirt. Maybe you should stick with frozen veggies so you don't have to deal with all the dirts...
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• United States
19 Jun 12
I thought it was pretty common knowledge that vegetables are grown in the ground. Pretty much all produce either comes from the ground (covered in dirt) or is grown from trees (which also come from dirt). If you've ever had fresh fruit hand-picked from a tree, you'll notice they're a little dirty. Same with strawberries. They grow on plants very close to the ground and they sometimes get dirty with dirt too. That's why we wash all fruits and vegetables.
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• United States
19 Jun 12
Hellow courtknee525. How would this Discussion possibly be regarded as trolling the internet? Please explain.
• Malaysia
19 Jun 12
Actually how old are you Page? If you're 6 years old then i would understand the reason why this discusion came about.
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• Malaysia
19 Jun 12
Sometimes i dreaded to think that mylot-ers post stuff just for the sake of it so that they could earn. How many of us login to mylot and find some laughable and useless discussion? Kinda like spamming the discussion column but anyway here's my 2 cents. Where have you been living? Vegetables from ancient times up until modern day is planted on dirt or soil. They get all the nutrients from the soil. I don't see anything wrong with it. Only recently they develop a way to plant it in water which contains all the nutrient it need to grow. I can't remember what it is called. Organic farming? Why would that the man at the grocery stores wash those vegetables? So that it is edible. I will not stop eating vegetables because i knew they come from dirts or soil since i was a little kid and i have no trouble growing up. You do know the process of vegetables from the grocery to your kitchen to being cooked to being eaten right? Cooking process also kills all the bacteria and germs so we could eat the vegetables. Our body has defensive mechanism to prevent, kill and stop harmful germs. AND you do need these vegetables to provide you with nutrients. Even if you think you're going to stop eating vegetables and you will say "oh well, i'll just get my multi vitamins and minerals from the pharmacy". Guess what, most of the pills and supplements are made of vegetables or even from animals.
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• United States
19 Jun 12
Hello elguardian. I think it's called the hydroponics -- growing without the soils. Hello bigfoot951. Why don't you put this Discussion in the category of written to just earn money? And, elguardian, why would you regard this Discussion as spamming?
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• United States
19 Jun 12
Is this not a place for the Discussions, elguardian?
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• Malaysia
19 Jun 12
Ahh yes hydrophic. Hydro means water. Okay thank you. I regard something as spamming because vegetables planted on dirt and some old men washing them before selling it is something even a 15 year old knows. It's almost the same as someone saying "Oh my GOD, a car actually runs by burning fuel?"