i am enjoying my activity online even more lately

@hotsummer (13837)
June 20, 2012 9:50pm CST
this is my goal lately to find websites i can enjoy visiting daily. i know that mylot is enjoyable site. that is why i am here daily most of the time. but of course i do look for other things to do online. so i have found another one that is quite enjoyable also. but the things i do there are very much different. it is more like about learning some educational things that are to understand actually. but at least enjoy my time there. but here in mylot, it is more like i can relax here , my mind, i don't have to think too much, i can do some rantings and share some personal things. the other sites i can't share about personal things. so i am just focusing on these two sites. actually i have so many other websites but those others are quite stressful actually
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6 responses
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
29 Nov 12
I also enjoying in mylot and spend most of the free time here. No spend on other social sites. Yes other sites are scams or feel like time pass.
@GemmaR (8517)
21 Jun 12
I also enjoy doing things on the internet. I think that it is great that there is so much that you can do from the comfort of your own home. One of the things that I think is the most amazing, whether you're playing a game or buying something from a store, is that you are able to interact with people from the other side of the world with no delay at all. It is amazing that there are so many miles between us, yet we are all still able to do the same things at the same time. The internet is a truly wonderful invention.
@dreamhome (558)
• India
21 Jun 12
I enjoy posting at mylot too. But since I need to look out for extra money, sometimes I need to be active in other ways. It is good that you have found a great way to relax online. Hope you would have great time at mylot and the other site. And by the way, why don't you share with us about the other site?
@succeednow (1633)
• Singapore
21 Jun 12
Hi hotsummer, I too enjoy being online at mylot commenting on discussions whenever I'm in the mood. However, my problem is that it's not so easy to find good discussions to comment on; good meaning topics or subjects which I've an interest in. That's why I'm trying to widen my interests so I can contribute more meaningful discussions. Have a great day.
@rkennedee (333)
21 Jun 12
for me my favorite past time is posting here in mylot and browsing for different products in multiply.
• India
21 Jun 12
There are many online earning sites around me. I feel it is not safe and trusted to o there and join them because anything can happen at anytime. So I just used to make sure that I am right on my way before doing anything on internet.