Positive Thoughts Success In Life

United States
June 22, 2012 12:18pm CST
How many people have been told that you will fail? I have and I told myself that those who say that and who think negative thoughts are there to drag you down and hold you back. Life is hard enough with every thing you face every day. You can believe in yourself. I love my life. I am not always happy. No one is. I have not written anything in about 2 months because I was sick. I write about having fun while working and getting more people to buy what you are selling and I get criticized. You can have fun working. At the same time you don't want to cut yourself off. Everything you do and say affects you. It can in a positive way or a negative way. You want those who will support you and what you. Stand by you even when life gets very difficult. There are a lot of people who make money doing what they love. I am happy with what I do and I am told I will fail. Saying anything affects you. So continue saying that the way people live their life is wrong. You cannot accept that everyone has the right do do what they want and say what they want? You can help people or hurt people with every word you say, your thoughts and actions.
9 responses
• Malaysia
22 Jun 12
If someone can show me ONE PERSON who succeed without the support and help of people around him or her, i will be the first person to congratulate that ONE PERSON, but unfortunately, there is no such thing. You and i needs people around us no matter how much we say that we are independant. We need help, we need support and we need motivation. Unfortunately, naysayers, haters and people who are negative minded exist around us. It is our job to ensure that we are not affected by these kind of people. What makes a person strong is his or her own desire to succeed. It all has to start somewhere and where better to start that fire and desire other than the mind. We must "feed" our mind with motivations, with positive attitude and thinking to push ourselves further and further to the place where we want to be and that is at the top. If no one else can tell us that we can succeed, it is our own job to tell ourselves that we can. No one wants to push us forwards, it is our own job to push ourselves forward. There are time when we are down and almost out, and it is time like these that we feed our thoughts and our inner soul with "sayings and quotes" like "I can do this" or "I need to go too much to see how much we have gone to". Keep on telling ourselves that we can. Keep questioning our ownself whether we want it or we don't and makes sure the answer is we want it. The more we keep on questioning ourselves like that it becomes a habit. Positive habit is one of the many steps of success don't you think?
• Philippines
23 Jun 12
Yes, that's right. I agree with everything that you said. And let me just add these few points. Talking by experience, I was a "win win" person. I have everything that I wanted. I thought I can do all things if I just persevere and give my best effort. I thought that nothing can ever stop me if I decided to have or make or do something. But there was a time in my life that I was desperately down. I struggled all my life to stay on top but only one mistake took that all away. First, I was so depressed. That was the only time that I felt so alone. Since I'm a positive thinker, I said to myself. It's ok, I could get back everything that I lost including money, friends, respect, reputation and career. But if only you could imagine, I did EVERYTHING that I could to redeem myself but I still failed, felt hopeless and wanted to die. But this is my turning point. I realized that I really could not do anything at all with my own strength and knowledge. I realized that I do not hold my tomorrow. I realized that I am nothing. So, that left me with nothing. But I read this book and the author told me that if I stay with Him, nothing is impossible. He told me that He shall supply graciously all my needs. He told me that all things work together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. He told me that He shall never leave me nor forsake me. He told me that He will listen to my every words. But He also told me that He has an absolute justice where the sinners would be punished for their wrong doings. And He added that no punishment is ever that easy or fun, but He reminded me that it is for my own good because He loves me so much so He will never tolerate me for my wrongdoings. I thought about it and I believed it's true. And the moment I believed, I felt enlightened and turned out to be a renewed person. I repented all my sins, turned back from my sins and living a life like my saviour. This book is the Bible. The book that changed my life. But the book is just a mere tool, what's more important is the author of it. And the book's author and my life's author is no other than, GOD. So I added Him in my life's recipe for SUCCESS.~~
• India
23 Jun 12
My dear friend i completely agree with you. There was a terrible period of long time in my life also where i started feeling depressed and totally isolated from the world. At that time i was a teenager wanted to get everything in my life. I was good in studies but that depression always pushed me back. I was perplexed as what to do. That time i started getting involved in spiritual world. I read lots of religious books like bhagwat geeta . Bhagwat geeta always boosted me with confidence as many times as i read it. Bhawat geeta contains the words of god himself. After reading it i soon realizes that there exits a supreme power that is running this whole universe. And that power saves you from every problem and also saves you from commiting further sins. It has given me a new life that i completly surrender to god. And my source of positive thoughts comes directly from god.
• India
22 Jun 12
positive thoughts really help us a lot in our life. whenever we caught in difficult situations or feel sad then it is only our positive thinking that help us to come out of that difficult situation.to bring positive thoughts in our mind is not that easy but if we try it always then we can succeed, thinking positive is a better option than to think negative.there are many factors responsible for a person to be in positive state like meditation, good environment,nice people around you, our education or simply hobbies can make a person happy.
• Philippines
23 Jun 12
Yes, that's right! It's better to think positive than negative...Most people ask what would it benefit them if they think positive even though in reality, nothing is really going right. They say that those who chose to be happy are hypocrite people. But let me reverse the question, what would they, you, or we get if think positive? If we keep our attention to stressing facts? come to think about it. If we discern well, I bet everyone would love to give a big smile everyday. ~~
• Philippines
23 Jun 12
oh, let me correct my statement.. "if we think negative...." ~~
@GemmaR (8517)
23 Jun 12
There have been so many people in my life who have told me that I am going to fail in my life that I can't believe I've managed to come as far as I have because of them. In actual fact, I think that they give me more motivation to prove them wrong because of the fact that they didn't think that I could do it. You have to believe in yourself, as if you think that you're not going to be able to do it then that's the attitude that's going to decide what happens. Everyone else will always bring you down in life, but when you start to understand that you will come to realise that your mind set is everything.
• India
23 Jun 12
Hello friends.Even we have believe of positive thoughts but that the people have belongs to two different school of thoughts such as positive and negative thoughts.Both can opposite with each other and which who have negative having thought become to way of tension and un-piece for other people.Positive thoughts very importance for successful and better life.You can face every matter of life with them.Other peoples like that person.Positive thought is a leave for a person..........
• United States
22 Jun 12
you are absolutely right. when my husband was in high school i got pregnant with out oldest daughter and all his teachers and when i say all i really do mean all of them told him that he would fail that he isnt worth anything and that he will not get any where in life. he dropped out to take care of his child. i did not agree with it but he was young and he was a daddy he didnt want to miss everything while going to school. they had no right to tell him this tho. we may not have a lot of many but there are 2 people (well 3 including me lol) that think he is the best person in the whole world and that is his 2 little girls. when someone says they had a bad day there are 2 ways to aproach this and i have seen it both ways. the best way is im sorry i hope it gets better and then ask them what is wrong if you want to. the other way is im sorry but my day has been worse and then go into your whole day like theirs didnt matter. no matter what you wiill affect someone and it is best that you think of that when you speak each day. to me that is the best way to live life and maybe you will not offend people. everyone has feelings no matter what and some people need to think about that when they talk to you.
• United States
22 Jun 12
Anyone who tells anyone that they will fail needs to think twice! My brother told me that and I regret listening to him. Life is still good. Who needs negative people and thought around? You can be successful at anything you do. Those negative people should stick together and leave those who are positive and think positive alone.
• United States
23 Jun 12
as long as you set your mind to something and you work to achieve it then you can accomplish anything that you want to. all the negative people should leave well enough alone but there is no way to get rid of them so we have to learn to live with them.
23 Jun 12
We should only do our work and concentrate on it without listening to all those negative statements or comments. When we try to do something, especially the new one, we would generally be criticised. Learn from the criticisms, but never let them discourage us.
@Bluedoll (16770)
• Canada
22 Jun 12
I do agree words can influence, certainly they can. Hope it is ok to tell a story? I needed a car when I was much younger but was unsure what to buy, so asked to test drive it and took it to my older brothers place because he knew cars well. He was not impressed with that old car and suggested we go to a another dealership to look at some new cars. I wasn’t sure I wanted to invest so much at that time into a car but went along to see. On the way there I pulled out to pass a long transport truck on a straight two lane road where I could see oncoming traffic was very far off in the distance. While we were passing, my brother said, you aren’t going to make it as the oncoming car got closer and closer I began to slow down reaching for the break pedal. He said after a while, it's ok you will make it but you better speed up and then I did once again. I passed that large truck in plenty of time safely but that experience taught me to be more confident in making decisions and not to listen to negative remarks so much. I also hit my brother hard in the arm that day.
• India
22 Jun 12
As far as I concern positive thoughts could make a man to higher stage. And we must have the self confidence, nothing is impossible to man, every thing is possible if we work hard. I strongly recommend you to live in the present so that you could have a think about your future and it will help you build up a good future.
@keoni108 (42)
• United States
23 Jun 12
I have been told I will fail, but many times they were my friends, and I know they are just joking around with me. When people I don't know tell me I will fail, it just makes me more motivated to prove them wrong. I believe in myself, because I know if I don't, I will fail. I have tested that statement and proven it correct. I surf. I have suffered a traumatic incident where I have been thrown out and hit the sand from a wave that has barreled, and has caused me to nearly break my back. After that, when I go back out into the water, my confidence level is super low, I am scared of every wave, so when I get on top of the wave, I immediately relive that horrible accident, and pull back. This is sort of like other people telling you that you will fail. You just need to push through them and achieve your goal. Confidence is everything.