so tired of pain, hurt, life, and so tired of being tired
@crazzydolphin (3632)
United States
June 23, 2012 8:40pm CST
have you ever reached the point that you start to wounder what is the point in trying anymore? well i think i am there. all i ever do is worry about everyone else and what they need and how to make their life better but when is it my turn to be happy? when is it my turn to have something done for me? when is it my turn to have something good happen in my life and for it to stay that way?
*if you are going to comment and tell me that i shouldnt think that and you want to lecture me on doing t for the good please dont respond i do this for the good but if you knew me or anything about me you would understand which some of you do*
i am so tired of literally always being tired. i do and do and do but nothing seems to work out like it should. i have been hurt by many people that i truely cared about i am tired of always being hurt and this has gone on literally my whole life. the 1st time was the biggest let down of all times.
when does it ever get any easier?
sometimes i would rather push everyone away and it just be me and my kids and maybe my husband but that is a big IF right now. it just seems like the easier solution up
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10 responses
@Robswife2006 (1208)
• United States
24 Jun 12
Trust me when I say this that you are not alone in feeling this way. I too have days like this, where I feel like I don't even want t get out of bed & face yet another day of disappointment. Also like you I have trusted people time & again who have let me down & even hurt me deeply. Now I trust no one but my family & that's it. That being said take my advice don't let these types of people get you down. I wont tell you that helping others is rewarding in itself because I know for a fact that is not always true. There are people that will take advantage of you if they can. So if you feel that this is the case w/ the people who are making you feel this way then I say take a step back & take time out for yourself & for your family. You have a right to be happy, so do something that makes you feel good about yourself. I'd say you deserve it.
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@crazzydolphin (3632)
• United States
27 Jun 12
that is exactly how i feel! i hate waking up that nothing but more pain can come out of this day. i want to just cover back up and come back to another day. that is true and many people do not see that. there are times that i help someone and i feel i have just wasted my time. thank you i think i deserve it to. i have had so much going on and trying to help everyone just isnt cutting it for me. i do feel that i am being taking advatage of sometime but i have a hard time saying NO to people so that is part of my problem i am going to try and work on because this takes a lot out of me.
@mikyung (2232)
• Philippines
24 Jun 12
I feel you crazzydolphin, These are those moments you need to be strong. I think, you have several reasons for not giving up. Does it outweight the reasons for giving up? Hope everything seems alright. There is always sunshine after the rain. Please pray. I will pray for you too.
@crazzydolphin (3632)
• United States
26 Jun 12
i do have a few things that do keep me going each day and for those reasons i am trying to stay strong. part of the things that keep me going are the reasons why i want to give up. i know that doenst make much sence to you but basically everything kind of ties into 1. everything will be ok at some point i am sure. yes that is true and sometimes some rains are longer than others. im trying my best to pull thro this 1 just like i have with everything else. thank you for the prayers i really need all that i can get right now.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
24 Jun 12
I have felt this, of course. quite a lot of times i feel that i am so lost i do not know what i want in my life. But every time this happens, i would just pray and pray until everything seems really fine and well with me. we cannot always say that we are okay but we do try to be well and good for our loved ones and when you think of them you sure will be able to gain more knowledge about how important your life is not only to you and your friends and of course to those who so love you... so when you do feel as if you can no longer go on... think of the people who wishes to me with you, and who wishes to still see you vibrant and happy... you should be able to see your life becoming happier when you have purpose and that is ultimately be at peace with who you are.
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@crazzydolphin (3632)
• United States
26 Jun 12
the things that keep me going each say is my kids my grandma mostly. when things are getting the best of me i try to look at it as this is for grandma because there is no one who will do as much as you for her. and my kids need a mom. sometimes it gets a little to much but it helps a little.
i do see things looking a little brighter from time to time and i am sure at some point i will find the brighter end of things and be able to accept who i am. it just may take longer than i really want it to.
@MandaLee (3764)
• United States
25 Jun 12
Dear crazzy,
I am sorry that you feel this way. It doesn't get easier because we don't live in a perfect world. I am sorry you have been hurt. The Lord will not let you down. He is there for you and will give you strength. I will pray for you and your family.
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@PageTurner (2825)
• United States
24 Jun 12
Hello crazzydolphin
So, why not do that? Why is 'just be me and my kids and maybe my husband' regarded as giving up?
Why not start planning your life instead of wishing for things to change?
Yes, I've had times when I have felt like giving up. Yes, I've had severely depressing periods of my life.
You can never please people, so why try? Do what you can without making what other people think about you your priority. You'll never be happy as long as you worry about these things. It is not your responsibility to make other people happy. However, you do determine much of that for yourself. Don't blame it on others or on yourself for being a martyr or something.
When is it your turn? It is your turn now, if you decide to do somethin about it.
I love the world!! 

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@crazzydolphin (3632)
• United States
26 Jun 12
honestly right now there is no way that it can be just us.....i use to help take care of my grandma i would stay 2 nights a week and i was there almost every other day if not every day helping her to do things. now i dont mind helping her i lived with ehr and she helps me with everything i need but that rarely leaves me any time for what i need to do like cleaning my house, washing clothes, and jsut having time for me and my family. now that my dad is out after the surgery i am staying 3 nights a week and still doing all the rest of that.
truefully i wouldnt know where to start when planning my life. it seems that everyone has been planning it for me. what i mean by that is they tell me what i am doing and when i am helping her or when i am going to come over (family). they do not listen to what i need no matter how many times i tell them. sometimes grandma keeps me up all night then i come home to my kids and am awake til late the next night trying to get them into bed.
i am not saying that i cant plan and that i cant stop wishing for things to change. i am not trying to make up excuses either it just seems when i do plan something someone makes themselves more of a priority than me.
i know that it isnt my responsibility to make them happy but i hate to upset people. i have a big kind heart and i have the hardest time telling my grandma no.
thank you for your words tho because you do have a point. it can be my time i just have to find the right way to make it my time now.
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@Gracia2010 (282)
• Thailand
25 Jun 12
Yes, i could relate to how do you feel right now, it's just like nothing is happening right... we wish for a happy life but sometimes or most of the the time we fail... me myself is actually experiencing those what you are feeling right now.... it's very hard to wake up everyday with lot's of worries and discomfort... Right , i also want to give up many times but then, i was keep on holding. I can still be tired but i was thinking of the people who still cares for me and love me... now what i am doing is trying to motivate my self and look for some alternatives activities to forget my downfall and sorrows...I would look to brighter side of my life...and maybe someday or one day...things will become better...i hope...:)
@adforme (2114)
24 Jun 12
Hey there crazzydolphin. May I say I know how you feel? I have so many feelings of disappointment, anger, and uncertainty. When I have told people of this, some of them have played on this vunerability. I know what it feels like to be unappreciated, used, disrespected, and disenfranchised. I think your selflessness is admirable. What you have to realize, is that the world is the world. Its pace is getting faster and faster. Sometimes people don't stop and think about the sacrifices being made for them. People are also having to live like there is no tomorrow because of all the stress. Stress is taking its toll on people these days, and some people just deal in an unhealthy manner. Families are trying to hold on in this economically failed country and prosperity seems impossible. If you have the will for a better life than I believe you will have the way to see it through. I am not going to tell you how to feel. I am just saying I can empathize as well as sympathize when you express your pain. Take care.
@wongchoiyee (7413)
• Malaysia
24 Jun 12
If you are tired of trying and trying, why don't you take a break from it and let it be when it's fate to be. I really hope life was easier for you when you meet kind people and helpful one, these people is decrease time after time because now something else is matter, I am at the same boat with you, sometimes I feel I give up, and when I sleep and woke up the next day, I try again to please the people I don't want to please anymore, what to do if they are your family members?
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@hestylim (1209)
• Indonesia
24 Jun 12
I understand how you feel. Very understand, cos I do feel the same way too. It is like I am doing all the things an all of those come to nothing. Sometimes, I end up crying at night. I feel like I have been suffered for so long. For my whole life, probably.. I don't know..
I am tired to be in my condition and I do need helping hands.. However, the hands just never coming to pull me out. People I care about, like best friends, all end up pulling away or hurt me. People tend to misjudge me. What I really want is to runaway. But seems like I got nowhere to go and none to turn to.
I am always praying and hope that one day my life will turn better. I am tired of trying. However, there's nothing I can do beside trying and trying..
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@meumeu25 (913)
• United Arab Emirates
24 Jun 12
I know how it feels to be in your place right now, when all you want is give up but you just can't give up. Feeling hopeless and over tired.
When I felt like that I was sulking, crying my eyes out and did not want to talk to anybody close to me. But doing those things doesn't help at all. So I took my laptop and went online chatting, I was lucky I found someone who was welling to talk and listen to my complaints. I told him everything. And it actually made me feel better.
Then I decided that if I want to feel better I should change my ways because I know I can't blame it all to the people, who I thought where the reason why I felt that way.
I tried to care less, slowly by slowly I was able to do it. I started caring for myself more than caring others, and I told myself it's alright because if I won't, I will get sick because of depression. Then who will take care of them, no one else, right?
You should give your self some credit,you don't have to carry all the burden, it's not always about the people that surrounds you. We are not born to please everybody. You always have a choice, try to love yourself more and care a little less, dont worry about them they can manage themselves.
Also try not to WANT so much in life. And don't forget to pray and say thank you to God.
Think possitive and Goodluck everything will be alright.